A grateful goodbye to Progressive Dairy
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
It was only 6 p.m., yet the full moon was in full view for the world to see ..read more
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Life on the family farm under an open heaven: A helping hand
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
We can all use a helping hand from time to time, especially if you’re a farmer. Things come up where you really need another person’s help. It’s nice when you have good friends you can call on in such situations ..read more
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Just dropping by... Standing for the flag
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
I am always dismayed when I see professional team players kneel for the flag. I wonder if they really understand how much they are dishonoring themselves and the fallen heroes of our county ..read more
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HERd Management: Cultivating strong roots
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
In farming, so much of what we do is about investing in an uncertain future. That is especially true when you consider the planting season and all the steps we take to maximize the year’s harvest ..read more
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The Milk House: Voices to be heard
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
I spent most of my life talking to farmers. If it wasn’t my parents, then it was our neighbors or other families we ran into at shows, auctions or feed stores ..read more
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Tim the Dairy Farmer: Port-o-john
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
I was at the state fair with my cousin, and we were walking down the midway. He noticed a rather large woman eating a fried Snickers bar and said to me, “If that woman had a beard, she could be in a circus.” I just wanted to know where she got the fried Snickers ..read more
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Who are the most influential people in dairy?
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
Dairy has had no shortage of influential factors impacting the past, present and future. Most recently, things like the pandemic, drought, logistics, supply chains, the Class I price formula and inflation come to mind ..read more
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Just dropping by... Putting on God’s glasses
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
In our family, education was important. My dad finished school after he was married because he was unable to finish high school. He drove the school bus transporting students 30 miles to school over rough dirt roads from Heber to Snowflake, Arizona ..read more
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The Milk House: The Wisconsin milk strikes
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
According to the international dairy market site clal.it, the U.S. farmgate milk price in May 2020 dropped to a low of $13.60. That is nearly half of the current reported price at the time of writing this column ..read more
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HERd Management: Farmers need a break too: How even a small getaway can be refreshing
Progressive Dairyman | For today’s forward-thinking dairy producers
2y ago
As the years move forward, it seems as if personal health, growth and development become more of an issue of importance, and so does the topic of speaking out about it ..read more
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