From Turbulent Skies to Rainbows
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
2d ago
  Are your skies turbulent? Rainbows are coming. How do you feel about endings? The Merry Month of May is concluding.  Are you happy to see it go? Perhaps it wasn’t so merry for you. Many experienced pain and sorrow.  A family said goodbye to their mother, and then a few days later, they suffered their first Mother’s Day without her. Spring storms damaged homes across the country. Owners are cleaning up debris and their repair expenses are gargantuan.  Tornados killed people and the remaining family bears overwhelming grief. A friend moved into assisted living. A man tran more
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Memorial Day
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
1w ago
  June 6, 2024 will mark the 80th Anniversary of Dday. The Allies hit the beaches of Normandy, France on that day. My dad went in on June 7, a day later, it is known as Dday Plus One. Seargant Edward Earl Morton The sites he must have seen. All the dead heroes lying on the and and water from the day before. He is one of the blessed ones, he made it through and came home.    Mr. Tom Moore and me at church. Another friend, Mr. Tom Moore, became a POW in a German camp.  He came home too. I don't have his picture, but Mr. Jim Mathis was a friend and church member of ours to more
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The Hot Brown
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
2w ago
I flew into CVG Airport a week ago. This airport services Ohio and northern Kentucky, and it is a lovely, small destination, especially compared to IAH, the one I left in Houston. My daughter and son-in-law were to meet me, but they got caught in traffic. Some dude decided to cross a line of travelers. His act cost him his life.  While I waited, I explored the airport. I’m a big Astros fan, but they weren’t fairing well when I left, so I decided to have a chat with the Cincinnati Red’s mascot, Mr. Red. He was nice, but he didn’t say much. He merely smiled a lot. If he's married, I hope more
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Negative Ned
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
1M ago
  Negative Ned       Allow me to introduce you to Ned. The guy in never-never-land, you know, the one who is The No Man. This guy can’t say yes because to voice an aye would mean a change in his attitude. The No Man’s wife came to my home to ask for advice. “My hubby turns down every suggestion I make, and I’m tired of it.” Her face grew flushed with anger. Hmm? What to utter in response to her tirade? “When you ask him to do something, he answers with a resounding no?” Just keep talking, maybe the situation will resolve itself.  That’s my motto. “True. That’s more
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Ring Up for Prayer
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
1M ago
  When my dad lived on Earth, he enjoyed telling family and friends about his grandfather Morton. That would be my great grandfather. I never met him, but I have a picture of the man with his immediate family. I can see the resemblance between my great grandfather and my brother Rick. These two guys were tall and lean. Well, my bro wasn’t so lean in the picture below, but his weight would come and go. Mine comes and stays. During his thinner times, Rick resembled our great grandfather to a greater extent.            The Morton Family.  Seated more
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Hot Money
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
2M ago
I've mentioned my cooking disasters in past blogs. I'm just not good around stoves, and recipes never turn out correctly. I burn food. But I've never burned money. Not yet anyway. I have a friend, and to protect the innocent, I'll call her Daisy. Daisy's husband owns a business. I'll call him Dylan. After closing the store for the night, Dylan brought home a bank sack full of cash.  Without thinking, he pitched the bag full of paper money into the oven. Well, don't ya' know, the wife, Daisy, came along and turned on the oven to preheat to 500 degrees. She left the kitchen while the ov more
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The Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction: Interview and Giveaway with Gay N. Lewis!!
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
3M ago
Check out my interview.  Don't you love this name, Diamond Mine?  I'm giving away a free book. The Diamond Mine of Christian Fiction: Interview and Giveaway with Gay N. Lewis!!: more
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Favorite Cook Book
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
3M ago
    I cook a lot, but I'm not good at it. I don't like the chore. Did I tell you I hate chopping veggies? No? Well, I do.  I once cut a deep gash in my finger and the doctor had to sew it up. I did that on a can opener, but I also cut myself when I chop stuff. Multiple cookbooks adorn a large cabinet in my kitchen. I love to read the recipes. I'll examine one and think, "that sounds good, but I don't have all the ingredients." Why do all these journals call for odd things? Here are a few examples: Fresh minced oregano. Ground turmeric. Grated fresh ginger. Fresh dill. Fresh thy more
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Nearly Normal
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
3M ago
  Nearly Normal What is that anyway?   The Circumstances ordinary for me might be odd to you. On the other hand, situations usual for you might be eccentric to me. Take snowflakes as an example. Each one is similar but unique. So, each flake is normal to its species. My three daughters gave me a key chain years ago. It read, “Nearly Normal.”  Eons later, one of those daughters gave me the mug you see pictured. She added the "We love you anyway!" She’s also given me an expensive charm bracelet with a disc engraved with those same words. Like a flakey little piece of snow, I su more
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A Valentine Treat
Gay N. Lewis
by Gay N Lewis
3M ago
Several years ago, I decided to make a red cake for my hubby for Valentine's Day. The cake was a disaster, and it literally fell apart. The thing collapsed from the pan in chunks. Being the inventive person that I am, I created a parfait. I broke the cake into bite-sized pieces and layered them with whipped cream. I placed the entire mess into a fluted glass and garnished the top with Strawberries.  I think the treat turned out better than a big cake. I dolled it up with a card and chocolates. Hubby loved it, and I didn't tell him how it came to be. So let's keep that our secret. I made more
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