Why reasonable adjustments don't go far enough
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Charlotte Axon
1M ago
Charlotte and Rob presenting Rob and I had the privilege of presenting to a full room at the Health and Wellbeing at Work event, as part of their fantastic programme to provide knowledge, insights and solutions to improve workplace health and wellbeing. I started the talk with a personal story. Where it all began Early in 2021 I began experiencing pain in my hands, wrists and arms, and was later diagnosed with multiple forms of tendonitis. The simplest of life's tasks became painful and often impossible. Work was obviously a HUGE challenge (we'll come onto that). As months passed, the pain sp ..read more
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Tailor Your Job To Make it More You
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Robert Baker
1M ago
If your job could be represented by an item of clothing what would it be? I wonder if it fits you perfectly? Does it reflect your sense of style? Does it have stretch to allow you to grow, or is it a bit tight and restricting? When starting a new job, we often receive a metaphorical "work suit." It can be exciting and daunting to try it on for the first time. You hope it will be a good fit, but you only really know when you put it on and look at yourself in the mirror or wear it out for the first time. Seeing something in the shop window, or an online photo, looks and feels different when we p ..read more
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Ten key takeaways from the world’s first work design conference
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Robert Baker
3M ago
The inaugural 2024 Centre for Transformative Work Design (CTWD) Conference was the first of a kind in bringing over 350 policy makers, practitioners and researchers together from over 15 countries to share and shape ideas about how to make work healthier, happier and more positive and productive.  Taking place in Perth Australia in February 2024, the conference explored questions, such as:  What role does work design play in improving motivation and performance? Can work design predict the likelihood of leader emergence? How does job crafting contribute to individual and organ ..read more
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How job crafting can create a unique employer brand for your organisation or clients
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Robert Baker
3M ago
Attracting the right people into the right jobs is a bigger and more important task than many of us realise. In today's competitive job market, organisations need to have a strong employer brand to attract and retain this top talent. A positive employer brand can help build trust with stakeholders, differentiate the organisation from competitors, and support business objectives by attracting and keeping talented people. You can play a vital role in improving your company and client's employer branding efforts, and job crafting is a powerful tool that can help achieve this goal. What is emplo ..read more
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101 ways to job craft for 2024
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Charlotte Axon
3M ago
A graphic of a pink and blue jacket with a tag that reads “Tailor me to make me more you” In 2023 we shared a blog post highlighting 101 ways we’ve seen people job craft. It was our most visited page of the year, and people still ask us for examples of job crafting, so we thought you’d want some more for 2024! For anyone who is new to job crafting, it is essentially about making small tweaks and changes to your job that make it a better fit. Typically we experience people job craft in 5 different ways: Wellbeing; Purpose; Skill; Relationship; and Task Crafting. We have collected some of our f ..read more
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101 examples of job crafting
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Chloe Mark
3M ago
People curious about job crafting often ask for examples of how others have crafted their jobs. Job crafting, for anyone that doesn’t know is making small tweaks and changes to a job to make it a better fit for the individual. Part of the work and research we do in job crafting is to uncover and share job crafting examples from ‘in the wild.’ Here are 101 examples of some of the weird and wonderful ways people have personalised, shaped and crafted their jobs. All of these examples are based on a person’s own context so some of this may not apply or be relevant to your personal and professiona ..read more
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What we’ve learned from 2 years of the Job Canvas
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Charlotte Axon
3M ago
Do you find that your job has different cycles and changes during the year? I had some time away from client delivery this summer to focus on internal business projects (you know the ones that struggle to make the top of the priority list?) I was curious to understand whether there had been any changes to how people were using the demo Job Canvas since I last analysed the data for our Job Canvas 1 year Anniversary Event nearly a year ago.  Through this initial analysis we were pleased to learn that the Job Canvas had global reach (29% users were outside the UK); it was being downloaded by ..read more
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Why is it so easy to see what is going wrong at work, rather than what is going right?
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Robert Baker
3M ago
Imagine you are walking down the road and turn a corner. You are likely to notice if you are heading into a headwind. Walking is more effortful. If you are unlucky, some grit or debris flies into your eye. If you have an umbrella it might turn inside out. It sucks. Now imagine you turn that corner and you pick up a tailwind. Walking might feel a bit easier, you might have a spring in your step. But you are unlikely to really notice or feel the wind on your back. It's an invisible force making progression a little easier. It feels good but we often don't know why. When it comes to the workplac ..read more
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Setting a job crafting goal in 2023
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Chloe Mark
3M ago
You might have heard about a concept called job crafting. As experts, we talk about it a lot and the media are finally catching on. The pandemic gave us a flavour for personalising our jobs, we began to work with freedom and autonomy, like adapting when and where we worked. It shifted the working world on its head, opening up a huge opportunity to start crafting our job. Job crafting is about making small, tangible and personal changes to our job to make it a better fit for us as individuals. There are 5 ways you can craft your job: skill crafting, task crafting, relationship crafting, wellbe ..read more
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Why Coaches should be paying close attention to job crafting
Tailored Thinking Blog
by Robert Baker
3M ago
Job crafting is a process that involves making intentional changes to the design of one's job in order to increase job satisfaction, engagement, and motivation. The practice has been gaining popularity in recent years as a tool for individuals to create more meaningful and fulfilling work lives. However, job crafting is not just a personal development tool – it can also be a powerful coaching technique. If you're looking to help your clients achieve greater job satisfaction and fulfilment, learning how to teach job crafting could be a valuable addition to your toolkit. Here are some reasons wh ..read more
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