A Day For Remembering
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
1w ago
Good morning: If you visit the War Memorial in downtown Milwaukee this week, you’ll see the Field of Flags, 27,316 tiny US flags placed in honor of Wisconsinites who sacrificed their lives in service to the nation from the Civil War to the present. It took countless hours and an entire team of volunteers to place the flags, but they serve a valuable purpose in reminding everyone who drives by of what Memorial Day is really all about. To truly appreciate the blessings we have in our country, we need to remember the cost of our freedoms, and we want to honor those who paid for it with their li ..read more
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The Top Life Coach in the World
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
1w ago
Good morning: Have you ever hired, or thought of hiring, a life coach? Their purpose is to help a client with various areas of their lives, such as career advancement, dealing with stress, developing positive habits, and nurturing relationships, just to name a few. It could be time and money well spent. None of us has all the answers. All of us can benefit from learning and understanding aspects of life better. But it’s important to choose a coach carefully. The wrong one could do more harm than good. Their advice might make matters worse instead of improve them. Did you know that you already ..read more
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Too Much of a Good Thing?
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
2w ago
Good morning: Around this time of year especially there are many students who would wholeheartedly echo Solomon when he says, “Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body” (Eccl. 12:12). Yet Solomon was not anti-education, not by any means. God gave him extraordinary wisdom in both earthly and spiritual matters. He had a keen interest in observing and learning about all that God created. “He spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs numbered a thousand and five. He spoke about plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop that grows out of walls. He also spoke ..read more
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The Christ Connection
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
1M ago
Good afternoon: A few days ago a large, colorful brochure arrived in the mail from the local recreation department. In it was a listing of all the community programs being offered this summer. There is everything from water aerobics to computer classes to bus trips to sports activities. Included in the descriptions are details such as when and where the sessions will be and the cost to participate. Signing up is a parttime, limited commitment. You set aside Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays from 9-10 a.m. for six weeks. You pay the $25 fee. After the sessions you go on with the rest of your life ..read more
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Has Anything Really Changed?
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
1M ago
Good morning: “He is risen!” It’s been two weeks since we celebrated the news of Easter. But does it matter? Has anything really changed? It didn’t seem that way for the disciples. They saw the risen Lord, but apart from that momentary joy, everything else looked much the same. The Jewish authorities were still intent on persecuting anyone who preached Christ. The empty tomb was soon forgotten. People were far more concerned with earthly wealth than spiritual riches. For us, too, Easter has not brought visible, dramatic changes. We still have work and school. Bills still arrive in the mailb ..read more
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Be Sure!
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
1M ago
Good morning: In our country’s infancy Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” He was right. Nothing on earth is certain. A skyscraper which has stood for decades is destroyed in seconds by an earthquake. Tomorrow’s forecast may predict a 100% chance of sunshine. Yet the reality could be clouds and rain. The reliable car which has never failed you may suddenly grind to a stop on the freeway. Even people who can always be counted on no matter ..read more
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An Expectant Pause
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
2M ago
Good morning: We know what happened Friday. Last evening we heard the account of Jesus’ crucifixion: the betrayal and pretense of a trial, the badgering of Pilate, the crown of thorns, and finally the brutal execution itself with iron nails driven through the Lord’s hands and feet to hold him to the cross. We know the reason for such a death. Jesus was suffering the wrath of God for your sins and mine. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us” (2 Cor. 5:21). We know what will happen tomorrow. On the third day Christ rose from the grave in victory over sin, death, and Satan. But what a ..read more
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A March to Victory
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
2M ago
Good morning: Was this past week a “march to victory” for you, or did it seem more like a stumble toward disaster? Maybe there was more to do than you had hours in which to do it. Did major plans fall apart at the last minute? The days dragged by because you came down with a nasty cold or flu? Did you receive bad news which is still weighing on your heart? But then look at Jesus. On Palm Sunday he was welcomed to Jerusalem by thousands of cheering crowds shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” It looked like an unstoppable march to triumph. Yet by Friday the jo ..read more
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What To Give Up For Lent
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
3M ago
Good morning: TV, social media, meat, caffeine, chocolate. These are just a few of the things people give up during the season of Lent. The practice can be a helpful reminder to reflect on one’s life, recognize our lack of the holiness God demands, and then turn to the Lord in repentance. But one thing Lenten sacrifices cannot do is merit God’s love and forgiveness. Our works can never measure up to God’s standards. They can’t save us. Infinitely more important during Lent than what we give up is what Jesus sacrificed in our behalf. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5 ..read more
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The Relief of Repentance
Messiah Lutheran Church Blog
by webmaster
3M ago
Good morning: You forgot a family birthday. You didn’t feel like doing homework. You blurted out some nasty, angry words. Your thoughts toward coworkers were anything but kind. What comes next? Do you try to cover up the sin with an excuse? Fault someone else or blame the circumstances? That’s human nature, going all the way back to Adam and Eve in the garden. How does that work out for you? Try as we might, efforts at deflecting blame or trying to bury it out of sight don’t work. David wrote, “When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long...My strength was sappe ..read more
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