April 2024 Mission Report from Nhamo Mumba
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
3w ago
Dear Brethren. Calvary greetings to you all in Jesus' name. Hope this report finds you all in good health. Pray for us as we continue preaching the gospel to our people in these difficult times.   DOOR TO DOOR KNOCKING  On the first two weeks of April 2024, we were much busy doing door to door knocking in Toyo village. I was moving around with brother Paul Nyatsine. We knocked over 50 houses. We also managed to distribute over 150 tracts. In some homes it was very hard for the prospects to give full attention as we shared the gospel with them due to hunger. Some would have ..read more
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Mushunje and Bezeley Bridge Mission Report, April 2024
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
3w ago
Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.     We received some showers of rain this month that marked the end of the rainy season.   The first week we constructed three tombstones at home. l attended tombstone placement at Chinyamanhanzva Village.   The second week the church at Bazel gathered at the church site to prepare a place for tomato planting.   The third week we travelled to collect a heavy-duty tent.   The fourth week we held a Manicaland Gospel meeting.     After a school break my wife ..read more
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Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
3w ago
Ron Writes Shigionoth is an unusual Hebrew word only found in Habakkuk 3:1. Few versions even try to translate it. The amplified version translates it, “wild and enthusiastic music.” The author appears to be telling us how to sing this prayer of Habakkuk. It appears to be a musical term that means to sing with strong emotion, with impassioned exuberance, wild, passionate singing with rapid changes of rhythm.  It’s a strong word of praise. Habakkuk is an interesting OT book. He begins with the age-old question, “why do evil and violence continue in the world” (1:1-4)? God answers, “you wou ..read more
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March 2024 Mission Report from Simbarshe
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Grace, mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. We received good rains the second week of the month in Bazel, and other parts of places were  dry . Together with my son Leal we celebrated our birthdays. The first week I attended a funeral in Mwandiambira village. We received a sad note after one of our fellow preachers lost an asset. The second week I helped my wife's sister when she was in the hospital. The third week I lost a brother's wife. Antichrist are baptizing everyone and promising people some food stuff after registering to their church ..read more
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Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Ron Writes This life is filled with disappointments that we just cannot understand. Hearing that the cancer had returned broke my heart. How could it? We prayed. We hoped. Never have we felt so helpless. It just doesn’t make sense. Some are dealing with tragedies that make my worries and anxieties seem petty. Their trust in God is staggering. In the midst of incredible pain and agony, their life shouts a sermon of faith. As my friend Jeff Jenkins reminds us, “Sunday when God's Family gathers in thousands of locations around the world, there will be many who will worship in pain. Some will be e ..read more
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February 2024 Mission Report From Simbarshe
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  Good rain usually comes in February and March. this month most of our crops suffered and wilt the sun was too intense, this year very few people will harvest but the rest no harvest. The first week the church members attended a tombstone placement at Kuwaza home. The second week l attended an MGM planning held in Chimanimani, my wife and kids went to Mupudzi church of Christ to attend a fellowship. We felt the same feeling together with my wife's sister Rujeko who was critically ill and admitted in the ..read more
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March 2024 Mission Report From Simbarshe
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Grace mercy and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  Good rain usually comes in February and March. this month most of our crops suffered and wilt the sun was too intense, this year very few people will harvest but the rest no harvest. The first week the church members attended a tombstone placement at Kuwaza home. The second week l attended an MGM planning held in Chimanimani, my wife and kids went to Mupudzi church of Christ to attend a fellowship. We felt the same feeling together with my wife's sister Rujeko who was critically ill and admitted in the ..read more
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March 2024 Mission Report from Nhamo
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Dear Brethren. Greetings to you in Jesus name. Hope this report finds you all in good health. We do also ask for  your prayers as we are currently facing a hard time in our nation  due to the current drought situation which is affecting all countries in the southern Africa EVANGELISM WORK On the first week of March 2024,brother Zumbika and I visited Nhedzwa village for door to door knocking. We knocked over 40 homes in six days. We met different people whom we taught about salvation and God’s love for his people. At times we walked for about 6km to reach the next home. We managed to ..read more
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Fear of God
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Ron Writes “The church…. going on in the fear of the Lord” (Acts 9:31). A phrase we don’t hear too often any more is “he was a God-fearing man” or “she was a God-fearing woman.” What ever happened to fearing God? The unbeliever has a different idea of fear than a believer. Living outside the will of God should be terrifying. For those rebelling against God, Hebrews says there is “a terrifying expectation of judgement” (10:27). It would be foolish to not fear God. “For our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:29). Hebrews reminds us that “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the livi ..read more
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February 2024 Mission Report from Nhamo
Oregon City Church of Christ Blog
1M ago
Dear Brethren. Christian greetings to you all in Jesus name. Hope this report finds you all in good health. We thank God for the grace  that showers our lives as we are going through difficult times in our country.  MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT WORKSHOP  On the 10th of February  2024 our  congregation held a one-day marriage enrichment workshop. We also managed to invite some couples in the community to come and attend the workshop. Our invited guest did a splendid job. The attendance was about 56.  We thank God that everything went very well.         ..read more
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