The Best is Yet to Come!
Kentucky and Beyond
by Eric Allen
3w ago
The Best is Yet to Come! I had the privilege over the weekend to preach at the 225th anniversary celebration of the Bracken Association of Baptists.  It was a meaningful experience with a strong attendance and more than half of the churches represented.  There was good music, historical information, ministry displays, recognition of associational achievements, and most certainly, delicious food! When celebrating an anniversary and remembering our history, it’s easy to talk about what God has done in the past.  So many associational leaders relish the great successes of the past more
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Going in the Right Direction
Kentucky and Beyond
by Doug Williams
2M ago
I depend on my GPS as I travel around the state.  Frankly, I am not sure what I would do without it. Several years ago, while driving to speak at an annual associational meeting, my GPS showed that I was about five minutes from the church.  As I drove, I noticed a church to my left, and as I normally do, I read the church sign.  “Hmm,” I thought to myself, “that church has the same name of the church I am going to.”  Thankfully it did not take me long to realize that was the church I was going to.  My GPS was off, to say the least. But it sure beats a paper map more
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Practicing Perseverance
Kentucky and Beyond
by Eric Allen
3M ago
Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything[1]. 36 hours. That is how long it took on a recent missions trip to travel from Kentucky to Central Asia (We can’t disclose the precise location for security reasons). No, we didn’t sail there. And no, it does not typically take this long to get there. The missions team experienced multiple flight cancelations in Louisville, was rerouted to Miami, spent a day in London, and lastly endured a 5-hour bus ride to the final destination more
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Spreading Love Beyond Valentine’s Day
Kentucky and Beyond
by Eric Allen
3M ago
Now that the chocolate has been eaten and the rose petals thrown out, it’s time for a little post-Valentine’s Day reflection. Sure, we all enjoyed the candy, flowers, and intimate dinners, but let’s take a moment to consider something deeper. Valentine’s Day often shines a spotlight on romantic love, which is fantastic, but it’s just one kind of love.  With the memory of heart-shaped candy and cards still fresh, let’s consider how we can extend that love beyond our romantic relationships to those who could use a different kind of love—the kind that transforms lives. How did you show love more
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Elimination of Roe v. Wade Doesn’t Eliminate Need to Minister
Kentucky and Beyond
by Eric Allen
3M ago
On July 13th, 1984, on the 11th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Ronald Regan proclaimed “National Sanctity of Human Life Day”. He stated that one of those unalienable rights, as the Declaration of Independence affirms so eloquently, is the right to life.” President Regan went on to say that right to life belongs equally to “babies in the womb, babies born handicapped, and the elderly or infirmed.” National Sanctity of Life Day continues to be recognized by many organizations, churches and individuals every year on the third weekend in January. This Sunday, January 21st is Sanctity of Lif more
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Opportunity Awaits!
Kentucky and Beyond
by Ron Crow
3M ago
The following illustration is amusing to me, but also demonstrates that we often see things differently depending on our perspective. There were once two salesmen who went to Africa to open new sales territories. Three days after they arrived, the first salesman faxed a message: “I will be returning home on the next plane. I can’t sell shoes here. Everyone goes barefoot all the time. There was no report from the second salesman for about two weeks. Then came a fat airmail envelope with this message for the home office. “Fifty orders enclosed. Prospects unlimited. Nobody here has shoes.” Th more
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Resolved or Not Resolved
Kentucky and Beyond
by Doug Williams
3M ago
With each new year many people pledge to do better, to stop bad habits, or to begin new practices by making resolutions.  While not related to the dawn of a new year, Jonathan Edwards, as a nineteen-year-old in 1722 and 1723, wrote 70 such resolutions. Stephen Nicols explains that Edwards, amidst the uncertainty and flux of his life, “needed both a place to stand and a compass for some direction. . . . These resolutions would supply both that place for him to stand and a compass to guide him as he made his way” (  For Edwards or anyone making such commitments at the st more
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Thank You, Kentucky Baptists!!
Kentucky and Beyond
by Teresa Parrett
3M ago
Good cold, December morning.  I understand that dreaded word “snow” may be in the forecast this week.  I love snow, that is as long as I can stay in and look at it.  There is just a quietness, a calmness, a peacefulness in sitting inside a cozy, warm house looking out over a freshly fallen snow.  There is nothing more beautiful, more pure.  Kinda reminds me of the opening words to a Christmas carol – “Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright.”  My thoughts are kinda rambling this morning as this is my last blog post as Missions Mobilization Coordinato more
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Count Your Blessings
Kentucky and Beyond
by Ron Crow
3M ago
As we just celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday, we are all still recovering from the overeating, the family gatherings, and the cleaning up the mess. Thanksgiving Day is a day to be thankful for all God has blessed us with. Every day we should give thanks, but it is good to have a day set aside to remind us. As we were making the long drive back home from Missouri, I was reflecting on the many blessings God has given me, and it wasn’t long, I lost count of the many, many blessings. I enjoyed time off work to visit family and friends. I enjoyed some rest and down time. I enjoyed a wonderful f more
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Oh, Give Thanks to the Lord
Kentucky and Beyond
by Doug Williams
3M ago
This week marks the celebration of Thanksgiving.  Turkey, dressing, and desserts will be devoured on Thursday.  Families will gather to eat and give thanks.  But why?  For Americans, we give thanks for many reasons, not least of which is our freedom to live in a land that is free (for now) to worship without the dictates of government.  Giving thanks is not a new idea; it’s actually rooted in a Judeo-Christian worldview. Both the Old and New Testament calls us to give thanks to the Lord.  For example, the people of Israel were to give thanks to the Lord when King more
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