What is the Difference between Long-tail and Short-tail Keywords?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
5d ago
Keyword optimization is the cornerstone of any search engine optimization (SEO) effort, because it can help search engines, like Google, determine what a web page is about and whether it should be served in the SERPs to its users. Thus, to effectively implement SEO, you must first do the necessary keyword research and then employ an effective keyword strategy. This means that after researching the long-tail and short-tail keywords for which you would like to rank organically in the search engines results pages (SERPs), you must also determine whether they are likely to drive the relevant traff ..read more
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What are Keywords in SEO and why are they Important?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
1w ago
When it comes to the effective search engine optimization of websites, selecting and utilizing the right keywords, plays a crucial role in in getting a business’ website ranked well in the SERPs of search engines, such as Google. In fact, keywords are literally the very words and/or phrases that the average person uses in his or her search engine queries to find what he or she is looking for. Therefore, it is extremely important that you understand and successfully leverage keywords in an effective manner. What are Keywords? Simply put, keywords are the particular words used in a search engine ..read more
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What are SERPs and Why are they Important?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
2w ago
If you own and operate a business website, you would probably like to appear in the SERPs. For those who understand SEO and SEM, appearing in the SERPs is vital to any business’ online success. What are SERPs? SERPs stands for Search Engine Results Pages. SERPs can be defined as those web pages which are displayed by search engines as a result of a person’s search query. Thus, SERPs are really just a list of relevant search results, that are organized in order of relevance and importance. SERPs can continually change as search engines update their algorithms and index new content. What Compris ..read more
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What is an SVG File and Why Should Your Website Use Them?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
3w ago
An SVG file (.svg) or scalable vector graphic, is a specific kind of vector file that can be used to display digital graphics and illustrations within websites. By the way, WordPress does not natively support SVG files due to security concerns. That said, you can still use SVG files in your WordPress website if you install and activate a plugin such as Safe SVG. What is a Vector File? Like all vector files, SVG files are infinitely scalable without visual degradation, because they are based upon a mathematical formula or calculation. That means whether you view SVGs from a high-definition disp ..read more
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8 Ways to Expand Your Sources of Website Traffic
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
1M ago
As a website owner, you know that traffic is essential for success. Without visitors, you cannot generate leads, sales, or revenue. That is why it is so important to have a variety of traffic sources to drive people to your site. In this article, we will share 8 tips on how to expand your website traffic sources. Content Marketing Content marketing is a very effective means by which you can attract and engage more visitors to your website. By creating relevant, high-quality content for your website visitors, you should be able to strengthen trust and increase your website’s authority. There ar ..read more
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Why Should You Get Web Hosting and Domain Registration Services from the Same Company?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
1M ago
When you run a business, a website is an essential marketing tool in the digital age. As such, in order to operate a website, there are two things that are needed, a domain name and web hosting. In this article, we will discuss what these are, and whether you should get them from the same provider. What is Domain Registration? Domain registration is the process by which a domain name is registered through a domain registrar. Domain name registration is not ownership of a domain name. Rather, domain registration gives you the legal right to use a domain name for a specific period of time. Domai ..read more
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Should You Get Web Hosting and Domain Registration Services from the Same Company?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
1M ago
Whenever you operate a website, there are two fundamental services you need, domain name registration and web hosting. What is Domain Registration? Domain registration is the process by which a domain name is registered via a domain registrar. Domain name registration is not ownership of a domain name. Rather, domain registration enables you to reserve a domain name to keep and/or use for a specific length of time, after which your domain registration expires. Domain names can be registered for a minimum of 1 year and up to 10 years, if so desired. You can also usually purchase domain privacy ..read more
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How many WordPress websites hacked each year?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
1M ago
With more than 800 million websites around the world utilizing the WordPress CMS platform, it should not be surprising that WordPress is also among the most popular targets of cyber attacks that can lead to successfully hacked websites. Cyber Attacks vs Hacked Websites Some people often conflate cyber attacks and hacked website, but there is actually an important distinction between the two terms. So, what is the difference? Cyber Attacks A cyber attack is when a hacker attempts to maliciously exploit security vulnerabilities of a website in an effort to gain unauthorized access to it. The key ..read more
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What is a WordPress Slug?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
1M ago
As the world’s most popular web publishing CMS platform, WordPress has many features that can make building your website really awesome. That said, a common question seen in Google SERPs, is to explain what a slug is. In a nutshell, a WordPress slug is the last part of a web page URL or permalink, that appears after the domain name (preceded by a forward slash). What is a Permalink? A permalink (aka permanent link) is the entire URL of a web page (including posts). For example, https://prominentweb.com/web-design-development/ would be a permalink for the web design and development page of the ..read more
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What is a Website Conversion?
Prominent Web Design Blog
by Web Designer
2M ago
As a website owner, we would ideally like all of our visitors to find our website content so compelling and relevant, that they take some sort of desired action. This could be something as simple as clicking on a call-to-action, or a more involved task, such as completing and submitting an online job application form. Examples of Website Conversions • Buying a product • Subscribing to a mailing List • Downloading a form • Scheduling an appointment • Tapping on a phone number (from a mobile phone) • Clicking on an email link • Completing and submitting any type of online form • Subscribing to a ..read more
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