178 (pt.3) Nine Gifts for a Loving Relationship
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
1w ago
https://www.audreyclub.com/ https://www.bobandaudrey.com/ Music by Bohdan Kuzmin from Pixabay ..read more
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177 (pt.2) Nine Gifts for a Loving Relationship
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
3M ago
https://www.audreyclub.com/ https://www.bobandaudrey.com/ Music by Bohdan Kuzmin from Pixabay ..read more
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176 (pt.1) Nine Gifts for a Loving Relationship
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
3M ago
God has given us gifts to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us. It is through giving and receiving gifts that we can experience security, comfort, ease, and enjoyment in our relationships. In this series, you will learn how reframing our relationships and perspectives can lead to a profound shift in how we experience life. Foundational to our growth steps is to recognize and experience that our joy comes from the life of God within, and not from external sources, we can find happiness and contentment in every moment. With intention and regaining our power of choice, we can reframe ..read more
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The past keeps popping up!
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
4M ago
Every week, we meet with individuals and couples that are open and willing to re-write "the story" of their lives. They have decided that it’s time to flip the negativity of their past and choose a new beginning. In order to truly let go of the past, and the power of the memory that just doesn’t go away, it starts with experiencing the love God. You’re worth having a new beginning and freedom from what's behind you ..read more
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Depending on God
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
4M ago
After so much emphasis on respond-ability, and taking personal responsibility for your choices and direction in life, we have come to understand that there are times when we simply crave rest and need to receive. It’s the opposite side of the same coin! That’s when we develop our ability to depend on Him and stop depending on our human strength. Depend-ability ..read more
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Security Breeds Resilience
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
4M ago
A secure relationship is one where there is a secure bond between two people. That bond is predictable, consistent, and accessible to you. You feel like you can reach your loved ones emotionally and they’ll be responsive to you. Whether it’s your parent, your best friend, your child, or your brother…the benefits of security in a relationship are foundational and are the perfect set-up for enjoying each other’s company ..read more
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Amplify Your Connection!
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
4M ago
Can we become too comfortable? Comfort and nurturing love are vital in every relationship, but on the other side of that spectrum, we all crave growth which is only ignited through new challenges. Places of comfort are where we find healing. Times of challenge and new opportunities stimulate progress ..read more
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Respond-ability #4 - The Process
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
4M ago
How do you respond well when you're in the middle of hurt and offense? When emotions are whirling, and your buttons are pushed, how in the world do you turn this around? We’re glad you asked. We are so grateful for you. Your investment in listening to this podcast displays your willingness to develop greater ways to love those around you. Our series on respond-ability continues. This week it’s super practical as we walk through the process of working through hurt and offense ..read more
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Guilt Free Living
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
4M ago
Unprecedented guilt is unhealthy for you and your relationships. Is somebody putting you on a guilt trip? It is your choice to get on that train. Guilty people use guilt as a tool to control others. Even if you have people reminding you of your weakness and failure, wallowing in guilt is a choice that indulges your ego. Inflating error is a form of selfishness. Degrading yourself is a way to punish those around you, and a passive-aggressive attempt for others to feel sorry for you, in hopes they will feel guilty too. Your ego gets secret pleasure from negativity ..read more
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175 / When I feel like I’m failing…
All About Relationships
by Love Married Life
4M ago
EP175: When I feel like I’m failing… I know… it sounds so dramatic, but it’s easy to feel like we have failed as parents when we feel unappreciated or even attacked or blamed. This week, we faced some unexpected disappointments, and insecurity stepped in and initiated negative narratives that were (very) short of hopefulness. But it was a quick turnaround! Every setback in any relationship is an opportunity for growth and every contrast we encounter is a chance to come back even stronger. And most of all, more secure.   The next time you feel contrast, in other words, something that ..read more
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