Dealing With Elders
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
1M ago
 MIL: "Oh, don't worry about it, we'll carry the [extremely heavy, requiring two hands] crocks down to the basement." Me: ".... no please don't." Me: "You can sign up for a membership to [local nature garden] online,  it's super easy."  FIL: "I just don't trust the internet." Me: "Don't worry, all your financial transactions are processed there anyways!" MIL & FIL, repeatedly: "There's just nowhere to put this." Me: "You could get rid of it." Them: "We just can't bear to let it go. We'll put it in the basement." Me: "Okay! The garage sale will just be that much bigger when more
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More Changes
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
1M ago
 The in laws are now here. While I recognize they are not at their best after uprooting their whole lives, I'm also a bit surprised at how not-okay they are. They're tired and overwhelmed... and also I filled out a new-patient visit request for them yesterday.  They're worn out... and also somewhat unable to prioritize (though that has always been true, it's just worse now). Anyhow, I'm glad they're here, because it was definitely time. More of the everyday stuff is for sure landing on me, and I am not at all surprised. In some ways I think it's easier for them to ask me for help bec more
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While Constructing
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
2M ago
Dr. S: Five wires?  FIVE wires?  How? WHY? One outlet,  one switch,  one fixture.... [Somewhat later] Dr. S: What are you doing? Me: I'm filtering paint through a stocking.  It's kind of old. Dr. S: WHY. Me: This is a thing people do! Dr. S: Yes. During the Depression more
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A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
2M ago
 So my in-laws are moving here permanently in 9 days and I both advocated for this and am glad. However.  First,  I acknowledge that I am a bossy,  take-charge kind of person.   But second: there are many moments when I am forcibly reminded of my mother in law washing the (new, unused) disposable silverware before my BIL's wedding while the rest of us frantically set out the CHAIRS and TABLES and FOOD more
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Some Books
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
2M ago
These Deadly Prophecies: teen sorcerer has to figure out the mystery of her mentor's death.  Fun,  well written,  not scary.  Recommend.  Vaster Wilds: book club book which manages to be both grim and wholly unrealistic,  as if the author had never set foot in a woods.  Hated every page,  0/10, definitely not for me.  Three Kinds of Lucky: new series from Kim Harrison, great premise,  but has such bad Famous Author Syndrome that I started checking halfway through if it was going to be over soon.  Would be amazing at half the length; I aban more
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One Chicken Too Many
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
2M ago
Between keeping track of the children's activities and needs,  my in laws closing on a house here in a week, the city board I now run, work fires, plumbing repairs, and everything else.... well, it could always be worse but it's a lot. So naturally today I suddenly came over all peculiar and had to lay down for most of the day,  because that was my body refusing to let one more barnyard animal in the house more
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Five Minute Blogging
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
3M ago
 Work has a lot going on which is good (it's never dull) and bad (OMG it's never dull). I got a promotion and a 10% raise this quarter. I'll take it.  My in laws are closing on their house sale in 2 weeks and moving here in 5 weeks. I wanted them to and have been helping but it is A Lot. My kids have all developed a sportsball obsession and Oldest Kid is on the high school JV team now. I never in a million years would have predicted this outcome,  but it's really good for him.  I had to start a spreadsheet to keep track of the sportsball pickups. Oy. The flowers are bloomi more
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Translations From Recent Things I Have Said In Meetings
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
3M ago
"I'm not sure all stakeholders here are fully aligned": Come get this dodo out of this meeting before I reach through Zoom and do violence.  "There may be additional business implications": I could have told you what a bad idea this was six months ago but here we are. "I'm concerned that if we can't identify a root cause this will continue to be an issue": Last time you didn't listen and we spent three months managing a comms fire. "I'm concerned that this may have a serious impact on customer experience": I will be looking at job ads as soon as this call is over. "I'm not sure this level more
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Adulting, Latest Round
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
4M ago
 This month we must: Do our taxes  Arrange for a revised will and trust, including nominating guardians and arranging a financial trustee Deal with an electric meter code violation (possible by cutting a hole in the porch)  Good times more
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New Skill Needed
A Natural Scientist Blog
by Jenny F. Scientist
4M ago
 I am currently the chair of our small town tree board (everyone else flat out refused). And I have just realized that I need to learn a new skill: tactfully cutting people off and/or getting them to stop talking. The last meeting had a record level of contention over two beautiful old trees that need to come down- sad,  but it happens.  And there was a Cranky Old Guy there to complain about it at length.  He was about 80; I couldn't bring myself to break in and tell him to wrap it up/ shut up/ get a grip.  How do you gratefully get others to stop talking,  when more
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