3 Common Oral Health Issues During Pregnancy
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
1M ago
Pregnancy brings a lot to think about, from getting the nursery ready to eating right for your baby’s health. With so much on your plate, it’s easy to overlook your own oral health. However, it’s important to be aware of how pregnancy can affect your teeth and gums. Keep reading to find out about three oral health issues that are common during pregnancy. Issue #1: Increased Risk of Tooth Decay Pregnant women are more susceptible to cavities due to various reasons. Increased carbohydrate intake during pregnancy is one factor, as well as morning sickness which exposes the teeth to acid, leading ..read more
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How Has Teeth Whitening Evolved Over the Years?
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
1M ago
People have been trying to whiten their smiles since they figured out how to recognize their own reflections. While modern teeth whitening methods are safe and effective, the ways ancient people used to bleach their smiles ranged from pretty gross to downright frightening. Here’s a brief history of how teeth whitening has evolved over thousands of years so you can appreciate how easy, safe, and effective modern whitening methods are. Teeth Whitening in the Ancient World Shiny white teeth have been considered signs of health, beauty, and wealth in many cultures throughout the millennia. Around ..read more
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What Are the Advantages of All-on-4 Dental Implants?
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
4M ago
When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dentures have been one of the go-to options for quite some time, capable of even restoring one or both arches of lost pearly whites. However, dental implants take tooth replacement one step further—by being embedded directly into a patient’s jawbone, they offer unparalleled support and awesomely unique benefits. One method of this, known as the “All-on-4” method, has become quite popular these days. Continue reading to learn more from your trusted dentist about this innovative treatment option and why patients are quite excited about it! What Exactly ..read more
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Why Is a Black Line Forming Around My Dental Crown?
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
4M ago
Dental crowns are an excellent way to restore compromised teeth, but older versions can begin to show a black line at their edge as they age. This can disrupt the natural appearance of the smile, leaving the patient unsatisfied with their restoration. Fortunately, this is an issue that can be remedied. Here’s why a black line might appear around the base of your dental crown and what you should know about how it can be fixed. The Issue with Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal Crowns Porcelain is an excellent material for dental restorations because it is strong and visually similar to a tooth’s natural ..read more
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Oral Health Problems Common Among Seniors
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
4M ago
Just like everything else, the way that you take care of your teeth tends to start to change as you get older. You might have noticed new oral health problems cropping up that didn’t bother you before, and managing them is crucially important to keeping all of your teeth into old age. If you want to take the best care of your teeth possible, here are a few oral health problems that can start as you get older and what you can do about them. What Are Some Common Oral Health Problems Among Seniors? Even if you take immaculate care of your teeth, there are a few things you might start to notice a ..read more
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Does Teeth Whitening Work on Dental Implants?
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
4M ago
Natural teeth change color over the years from age, diet, and lifestyle factors. However, you may not have expected your dental implants to lose their luster because they are made from stain-resistant materials. While professional whitening treatments can get your teeth many shades brighter, they won’t have any effect on your dental implants. Don’t worry, your dentist has the solutions you need to revamp your pearly whites. Why Doesn’t Teeth Whitening Work on Dental Implants? Whitening agents won’t have any effect on dental implants because they aren’t porous, like your enamel. If you use whit ..read more
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4 of the Most Common Dental Flaws & Their Treatments
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
4M ago
According to a recent study conducted by Wakefield Research, more than one-third of Americans are unhappy with their smile. So, if you don’t like the way yours looks in pictures or you feel the need to cover it when you laugh, you’re not alone. Don’t fret – that’s where cosmetic dentistry comes in. With this in mind, keep reading to learn a few of the most common cosmetic dental flaws and how your dentist can fix them. 1. Stained Teeth Discoloration isn’t just common – it’s normal! After years of being exposed to dark-colored foods and beverages, your teeth will naturally begin to look more y ..read more
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5 Reasons to Replace Your Missing Back Tooth
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
4M ago
If you’re missing a tooth in the front of your mouth, you may be inclined to have it replaced as soon as possible. After all, this can make your smile look gapped and less lovely than before. But what if you have a missing back tooth? You may think replacing a pearly white in the back of the mouth is less important since no one can see it anyway, but this isn’t the case. Read on to learn about five ways that a missing back tooth still needs to be replaced. Reason #1: Chewing Food All of your teeth have different intended purposes for when you eat. Molars, which are the large, flat teeth at th ..read more
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When Can I Receive Dental Implants After a Tooth Extraction?
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
4M ago
Learning that you require tooth extraction may not be the most exciting news to receive from your dentist but after discussing ways to replace it, you decide it doesn’t seem so bad. But how long will you need to wait to receive dental implants after tooth extraction? The answer to this question is based on various factors only a licensed dental professional can provide. Read on to discover the average timeframe you can expect when it comes to receiving your permanent prosthetics. What Occurs After a Tooth Extraction? Whether you accidentally lose a tooth, or one needs to be extracted, the sam ..read more
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Why You Should Schedule Your Dental Visit Early in the Year
Klein Family Dental Blog
by kleinfamilydentalteam
4M ago
The new year has finally arrived, so you’re probably already getting started with all of your New Year’s resolutions that you’ve committed to. Whether you are looking to eat less fast food, get more sleep, or read more frequently, you are taking a step to change yourself for the better. Another great thing for you to include is your regular dental checkups. Read on to learn why now is the perfect time for you to schedule your next appointment. Maximize Your Dental Insurance Benefits For most people who have dental insurance through work or through a private plan, benefits reset at the beginni ..read more
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