#73 Love Found, Family Made with Candice Day
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
3w ago
In our upcoming episode, we delve into the courageous journey of Candice Day—a woman whose path to motherhood took unexpected turns but was marked by unwavering determination and resilience. Candice initially never saw herself as a mother until she met her soulmate. However, with life's demands—house purchases, pets, and building her business—the road to parenthood was far from easy. Candice's journey through IVF was filled with challenges, yet she embraced each hurdle with a "never give up" attitude borrowed from her entrepreneurial spirit. Her mantra became clear: "I will not stop until I ha ..read more
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#70 Finding Strength in the Journey with Kelly Males
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
2M ago
In this heartfelt episode, join the incredibly resilient Kelly Males as she opens up about her journey through multiple egg collections, navigating heartbreak, and finding the inner grit and strength to keep going. Despite facing numerous challenges along the way, Kelly's unwavering determination and courage shine through as she shares her experiences with vulnerability and authenticity. Listeners will be moved by her resilience and inspired by her unwavering hope. As Kelly reflects on her journey, she acknowledges the road ahead may still be uncertain, but she remains steadfast in her belief ..read more
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#69 Eating for Endometriosis with Nick Nation
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
3M ago
Endometriosis is a condition that affects millions of women world wide and although there is no way to fully cure endometriosis, there are ways to manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. One of these ways is through diet. On this episode, we delve deep into the pantry and fridge discovering the role diet plays on endometriosis and fertility with fertility & women's health dietician, Nick Nation.  ..read more
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#66 Reversing Infertility – Is it finally possible?
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
4M ago
IVF was first invented for women with poor tubal pathology. Fast forward 40+ years and the reasons for seeking IVF are very different. The quantity and quality of eggs and sperm often dominate an infertility diagnosis. But is there finally a glimmer of hope on the horizon, can Age Related declining fertility finally be reversed? Footnote with a disclaimer – None of the information presented is of medical advice, nor making any medical claims or expected results. The information presented is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. BioClinical Website – www.bioclinical.com ..read more
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#65 PCOS & Nutrition with Nick Nation
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
4M ago
Can what we eat really help those living with PCOS?   From irregular menstrual cycles, hormones, insulin production and action, body weight, fertility and even physical appearance, it can take its toll on the mind, body and soul. On this episode, we chat with fertility and women's health dietician Nick Nation about how food can play a huge part in symptom management and fertility outcomes.  ..read more
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#64 Egg Freezing with Dr Kirri Falconer
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
4M ago
With more and more couples trying to conceive at an older age,  and singles thinking about future baby plans, fertility preservation is becoming more common. But, is it a guarantee and what do the stats say? On this episode, I sit down with Dr Kiri Falconer from Genea Hollywood Fertility to chat about elective egg freezing and what you need to know before popping them on ice. This episode is proudly supported by Genea Hollywood Fertility.  ..read more
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#63 Endometriosis with Dr Sean Copson
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
4M ago
The stats say more than 830,000 (that’s 14%) of Australian girls and women, will live with endometriosis at some point in their life. It can be painful and really impact quality of life for many sufferers. Dr Sean Copson from Genea Hollywood Fertility sat down with me to talk about diagnosis, treatment and its impact on fertility. This episode is proudly supported by Genea Hollywood Fertility ..read more
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#62 The "Big C" and infertility with Cara Gossati
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
4M ago
What's tougher, cancer treatment or IVF? It's a controversial question I asked our guest Cara Gossati during our chat together. This powerful episode is living proof of the determination and courage Cara carries to survive breast cancer and undergo fertility treatment at the same time. It's raw, it's real and hopefully will give many listeners a little reality check to be grateful for life itself.  ..read more
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#61 Natural and the unnatural with Bec McLernon
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
4M ago
It’s the story we hear all too often- all the tests look normal so what is going on? This episode delves into the world of autoimmune disorders and how its treatment was impacting Rebecca McLernon and her fiance' Marco’s chances of becoming parents. Coupling naturopathy with western medicine- it’s an interesting chat about how they can both compliment each other rather than compete.  ..read more
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#60 Risk Management with Kelli & Sarah from Fertility North
What To Expect When You're Injecting
by Cassie Silver
4M ago
What if? It's a question every fertility patient will ask themselves at some stage.  From monitoring to mix-ups, cancelled cycles, disaster planning, even keeping up with legislation; there is a lot going on behind the scenes we know nothing about. I sat down with Kelli Pearce and Sarah Little from Fertility North to chat all things risk management. This episode is proudly supported by Fertility North ..read more
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