European Authoritarianism with Mike Krupa
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today, The Two Mikes spoke again with Mike Krupa a well-known Polish journalist/broadcaster and soon to be the esteemed holder of a Ph.D. in history. In our short discussion, we focused first on the return of the EU’s favorite Polish politician Donald Tusk to the Polish government, now serving again as the country’s prime minister. Tusk was previously the Polish prime minister from 2012-to-2019, and then served as the President of the EU’s European Council from December, 2015 to November 2019. Just after reassuming government’s prime minister’s post, Tusk closed several of the county’s major more
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America... From Good Guys to Bad Guys with Michael Waller
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today,The Two Mikesspoke with international affairs expert Michael Waller, who works at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. Mr. Waller has just published a book with the provocative but all too true titleBig Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains(available at Amazon(, Cosco and many other book sellers.) From heroic to treasonous in little l more
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Pray to God and Fight The Devil with Bishop Smith
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today, the Two Mikes had the good fortune to again speak with Bishop Robert B. Smith, Jr. from Little Rock, Arkansas. Bishop Smith, who is one of America’s most frank, articulate, and knowledgeable Christian pastors, explained that our nation is in truly serious trouble because so many people have not only drifted away from Christ, but also have not displayed the commonsense needed to realize that our country is run by men and women who worship Satan and have no interest in the lives and well-being of American citizens. Christianity has always been focused, the Bishop said, on building strong more
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Are You a Victim of the Government’s Financial Slavery? | Joseph Lombardi
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Mr. Joseph Lombardi is the owner of national financial company named Iron Hawk Financial (, 203 815 3673), a wealth management firm that has been much-honored for its accomplishments, especially in helping Americans become their own banks. At the moment, the Iron hawk’s range of clients run from those who can invest $200 per month to those who can invest $5 million per year. Mr. Lombardi began our talk with the frank and truthful statements that “debt and taxation in the United States are the tools of “slave-makers” in the United Sta more
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Aaron Renn Reveals how Carmel, Indiana Became the Internet's Favorite Small City!
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today, The Two Mikes welcomed back Aaron Renn to the program after much too long of an absence. Mr. Renn is an author, a specialist on urban areas, big and small, as well as a devout and very knowledgeable Christian, who often writes about his faith. Today he described his experience in moving to and now living in Carmel, Indiana, which is a suburb on the northside of Indianapolis. Mr. Renn noted that the city’s Republican mayor – James Brainard – recently retired after seven consecutive terms and left behind a jewel of a smaller city, one that has been voted the “internet’s favorite small ci more
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Dani Katz Explains how Language Holds the Key to America's Future
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Dani Katz who has written a frank and vitally important book called The Language of Tetrarchy: A Blueprint for Uniting against Tyranny. The word “bettearchy”, Ms. Katz says, is the word which should be used to remove the term patriarchy from the nation’s conversation. Today’s patriarchy and its political and media acolytes are in place to do only one thing; namely, to put minorities – talented or not -- at the top of American society and thereby reduce the remainder of the population to slaves and servants. In short, the patriarchy’s goal is to divide, enslave more
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Watergate Expert Geoff Shepard Drops Bombshell on Biden's Special Prosecutor
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today, The Two Mikes welcomed Geoff Shepard, America’s foremost authority on Watergate, back to the program to discuss document authored for the Supreme Court’s consideration by President Reagan’s Attorney General, Edward Meese and his associates Steven Calibrese and Gray Lawson. The document – called an amicus brief – argues that the Biden Administration’s chief Special Prosecutor in the multi-prong effort to find some way to jail Donald Trump is not qualified to hold that position. Why? Well, the why has nothing to do with his university credentials or his admission to the bar. Rather, Mees more
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Todd Callender Marches Towards Victory
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today, The Two Mikes spoke again with U.S. military veteran and lawyer Todd Callender, who brought us the good news that his case in defense of U.S. military personnel who were forced to take the lethal Covid vaccinations has been docketed by the Supreme Court and will be considered. Mr. Callender's case uses a legal precedent that found that the use of MRNA changed that person's DNA thus making him or her new person. In essence, when the trial is heard, the Court will have to decide if the maker/owner of the MRNA now owns the new person created via its use. At long last, the federal governm more
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Good Morning Vietnam with Col. Lee Ellis
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
Today, the Two Mikes spoke with Colonel Lee Ellis (ret'd), who was a combat pilot in Vietnam, was shot down, and spent 5.5 years in captivity in North Vietnam, several of them in the Hanoi Hilton. Col Ellis has written a book called "Captured by Love" which is a compilation of memoir-likes essays -- including his own - about the experiences of himself and his fellow prisoners and how their lives turned out after they returned to the United States. The men and situations focus on the return of the last group of POWs to be returned from Vietnam over the course of several months in the spring of more
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New Year Special: Thank You Note From the Two Mikes
Two Mikes with Dr Michael Scheuer and Col Mike
by Freedom First Network
4M ago
On Today's show, The Two Mikes took the opportunity to thank our listeners in America and around the world. The two of us have been broadcasting on the radio or by podcast for more than a decade and have tried to blend politics and world affairs with episodes about books, heath and the enemies thereof, fake climate science, urban issues, and, frankly, we have tried to mix in a bit of fun with things like the calls that come in from Moscow from someone close to Putin's government. Most of all we have tried to be honest and responsive to those who send comments.. We're now approaching a total o more
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