Rice and Fruit or Carnivore
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
3w ago
Rice and Fruit or Carnivore The rice diet successfully treated malignant hypertension. Today, we have medications that treat malignant hypertension. Before the 1940s, there were no drugs available to treat this disease, resulting in death from untreated malignant hypertension within six months.  Despite the best medical care available, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died from this disease. History of the Rice Diet Walter Kempner developed the rice diet to treat malignant hypertension. For example, failing kidneys would be given a reprieve with a diet low in sodium and protein. Then r ..read more
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Grains on the Mediterranean Diet
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
1M ago
The Benefits of Whole Grains in Your Diet I want to take you back in time. While we talk about the Mediterranean diet not being a diet of culture but a pattern of eating – it still had its origins in the Mediterranean. The original Mediterranean diet was described as far back as 500 BC in the Ilead. The ancient Greeks ate whole grains, fruits, vegetables, pulses, and a bit of fish. Red meat was rare. While red meat may not have been a dietary staple for the Ancient Greeks, it was consumed during feasts, festivals, and special occasions. Cows were considered sacred gods, like Zeus, and their sl ..read more
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Secrets to Cooking Fish
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
2M ago
Learn to Cook Fish Fish is not only a healthy option but also a versatile ingredient that can be transformed into a myriad of mouthwatering dishes. Whether you're a seafood aficionado or looking to expand your culinary repertoire, mastering the art of cooking fish can elevate your cooking skills to new heights. In this article, we'll explore the techniques and recipes to create delicious fish dishes that will impress even the most discerning palates. Cooking Methods: Grilling: Grilling fish over an open flame adds a smoky flavor and beautiful charred marks. Brush the fish with oil to prevent ..read more
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Health Benefits of Fish Consumption
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
3M ago
Health Benefits of Fish Consumption Fish consumption has been linked to various health benefits due to its rich nutritional profile.  The health benefits of fish consumption include cardiovascular health, brain function, and well-being. Because fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, they are an important part of a balanced diet. Fish, the Most Ancestral Food Fish has long been recognized as a valuable source of essential nutrients beneficial for human health. Seafood is a staple part of the diet across different cultures and regions.  ..read more
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Reducing Dementia with Diet
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
3M ago
Three Great Diets The Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), and the MIND diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) are all great eating patterns. Each diet focuses on different aspects of health.   Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet comes from the traditional dietary patterns of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, such as Greece, Italy, and Spain. High in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, olive oil, fish, and moderate amounts of poultry, dairy, and red wine. Shown to decr ..read more
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DASH, The Best Diet You've Never Heard Of
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
4M ago
Abstract: The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is a widely recognized dietary pattern designed to lower blood pressure and promote cardiovascular health. I will attempt to provide an in-depth review of the DASH diet, its origins, key principles, health benefits, and potential limitations. It also explores the scientific evidence supporting its efficacy and applicability in various populations. Furthermore, this paper discusses practical considerations for adopting the DASH diet and its potential future developments in the field of nutrition and health. 1. Introduction The DA ..read more
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Health Benefits of Limiting Red Meat
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
4M ago
Did You Try the Carnivore Diet? Did you try the carnivore in January? A month of red meat, eggs, and butter? If you did, you probably lost weight.  If you lost weight, you felt better. The Carnivore crowd will point to weight loss as proof of superiority. But did you worry that this might not be the healthiest diet for you long-term?  Is it healthy? In short, the answer is no. Perhaps you remember on a previous podcast, we talked about the beer and sausage diet. On that diet, Evo, the pod god who distributes this podcast, lost weight every month he was on the diet. In addition, his w ..read more
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Diet Disappointment 2024 Version
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
4M ago
Sorry It Didn't Work This is the time of year when everyone is excited about some change in their life. My neighbors are doing a "dry January" because they want to cut down on their alcohol. Other neighbors committed to more physical activity before a hip replacement. And there is the inevitable "what diet will I do this time?" Now, before I go to that, long-time readers of my newsletter will realize that I am drinking my cup of Peet's coffee. Peet's is a story of disappointment, which I will use to illustrate a point: Diet Disappointment Diets are like that person who disappoints you again an ..read more
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Do You Need A Liver Cleanse?
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
4M ago
Do You Need A Liver Cleanse? Fatty liver disease is the most common reason for liver transplantation. Fatty liver disease replaced alcoholic liver disease a decade ago. The rise of obesity has contributed to fatty liver disease, and fat, like alcohol, is deadly to your liver. So can you clean out your liver?  Simple answer - no. But that doesn't stop the world from making dubious claims. History of Liver Scams The most famous was Carter's Little Liver pills. They promised to increase the flow of bile in the liver. This would rid the body of toxins. Even when it was marketed in 1868, it wa ..read more
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Salesmen of Supplements and Scams
Fork U with Dr. Terry Simpson
by Terry Simpson
4M ago
The Scams and Quacks of the Year The New Year, the point we all look for a second chance. To get healthy, lose weight, adopt a new habit.  And waiting for you are the hucksters who want to sell you hydrogen in your water, expensive supplements of dubious value, and some choices that might actually harm you. If it sounds too good to be true, you might just be hearing the sound of the duck - or a quack, at least.   TOP SCAMS OF THE YEAR Carnivore Diet Magnesium Supplementation Celtic Salt MTHFR Gene Mutation Cold Plunges FORK U Today, on Fork U, we will reveal the top scams of 2023 ..read more
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