Avoiding Mortgage Stress
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
1w ago
Homeowners that are struggling to make their mortgage payments hold an amazing amount of stress. This stress is as a result of borrowers finding difficulties in the payment of their loans. This is often caused by a series of factors such as a higher standard of living costs, living above your means, or unforseen factors with income. We want you to avoid mortgage stress! Here are a few ways in which an individual will avoid mortgage stress: Live within your means This is the best advice a homeowner needs to consider. Remeber, the little things matter! Going out to eat, subscriptions, and cred ..read more
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I Need a Title Company?
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
2w ago
Title companies are known to play a good number of key roles in a real estate transaction. A title company has a general role of acting as the agent of the insurance company, the buyer, the seller, and other parties involved in the transaction such as mortgage lenders. A title company is there to ensure whether the title to a real estate property is legitimate in order to issue title insurance for the property. The title insurance is there for the protection of the lender and/or the owner of the property from claims or lawsuits against the property resulting from dispute over the title. Every ..read more
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A Handy Checklist to Print and Use While Looking at Homes
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
3w ago
A handy checklist to print and use while looking at homes Did you know that you can use the same real estate agent to view different homes? Most people are under the assumption they should call the number listed on the “for sale” sign if they are interested in viewing that particular home. This is not the case at all! In fact, you are better off using the same real estate agent throughout your entire home shopping process so your agent can become familiar with your likes, dislikes, wants and needs. Any real estate agent can show you any home listed by any agent, even if it’s not their listing ..read more
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Why Multifamily Real Estate is a Great Investment
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
1M ago
Which investment option is best for your hard earned money? Single or multifamily properties? The multifamily real estate investment comes with many different key benefits and it is most recommended to have a clear knowledge of the offered benefits so you can make informed investment decisions. Multifamily real estate doesn’t just play a key role in providing necessary, affordable housing for people across the world, it is also seen as one of the best housing solutions for people of different stages all through their lives. I will discuss below the different benefits of investing in multifamil ..read more
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What To Do When You Outgrow Your Home
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
1M ago
To most homeowners, there comes a time when you feel your current home can’t contain you and your family. The first home you bought feels either too small or just not good for you anymore. Careers change, families grow, and other unexpected life events can come your way and make you realize that your current home is running out of rooms. Your situation when purchasing your current home might have changed and it’s no longer comfortable or it might just not be compatible with your new needs. Whatever the case is, you may currently be outgrowing your home and would need to upsize for more space a ..read more
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What is the Best Time to Sell Your Home
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
1M ago
Many questions have been asked if there is a perfect time to sell their house and the answer has always been the been the decision to move onto the next chapter. It could be that you are expecting a baby, or you have accepted a new job, no matter the reason whenever you want to sell your home, it should match with your current needs and that to come. Below are some factors you need to investigate before selling a home. Your finances: In most cases, personal finances act as the most driving factor behind selling a home. If you have lived in your home for a long period of time, you may hav ..read more
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Top Negotiation Strategies For Buyers
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
2M ago
You just found your dream home with a perfect price and it’s time to make an offer to proceed with the buying procedure. Although most negotiations will be performed by your real estate agent, there are times that you as the buyer or seller will need to negotiate. Before you can officially claim ownership of the property, you’ll have to go through some legalities of buying a home. You’re about to start one of the most important and tension-filled parts of the entire transaction: negotiating with the seller! Some advice listed below on how to get a successful negotiation: Negotiate with the se ..read more
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Tips for Buying a Rental Property
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
3M ago
Rental or investment properties continue to be one of the top investment options in the U.S.. Being able to purchase your first rental property can be a major investment and can be a rewarding one if well-handled. An investment property should be about more wealth while securing your future financially. There has been a common misconception that investment properties always brings a positive return once achieved, while this idea is proven to be the through in most cases, it surely isn’t an assurance for instant riches. You need to keep in mind that, your return on investment would be highly de ..read more
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Realtors vs Loan Officers
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
3M ago
In a home buying transaction, there are two known professionals to help the buyer get the best experience until closing. These two are a real estate agent and a loan officer. If you are to ask, most people are likely to know much about real estate agents than loan officers. Loan officers are less-known most especially to new and first-time homebuyers. While you can still find some similarities between these two careers such as state licensing and oversight, they have many differences between their roles to be played in a real estate home buying transaction. Real estate agents and loan officers ..read more
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Buying in Hot Real Estate Markets? Learn A Few Tips
Diamond Residential Mortgage Corp. Blog
by LoanSites
3M ago
The home buying process is termed stressful, yet rewarding. If you’re searching for a home in a competitive market, you might find it harder with greater rewards. Other high-demand housing markets often come with their own unknown rules that could be tough for home buyers to adapt. Homes in some parts have literally a day to get off the market, buyers are left with little or no time to locate their dream homes, bid and win on the negotiations.After We’ve been able to compile some strategies to help home buyers survive in very highly competitive real estate markets: Get pre-approved: Most ..read more
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