Episode 16: Today Matters: Building Self-Discipline Habits for a Brighter Tomorrow
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
1M ago
In this episode of the Broken to Beautiful Podcast, we will be diving into the transformative power of self-discipline. Drawing inspiration from Hebrews 12:11, the discussion centers on embracing the discomfort of discipline for long-term fulfillment and righteousness. With insights from John Maxwell's teachings, the distinction between the momentary pain of self-discipline and the enduring pain of regret is explored, urging listeners to prioritize disciplined living. Practical examples, including the significance of exercise and the challenge of abstaining from alcohol, illustrate the immedia ..read more
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Episode 15: Have You Forgotten Your Worth?
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
2M ago
Show Notes Overview: In this episode of the Broken to Beautiful Podcast, we delve into Marianne Williamson's empowering quote about embracing our true power and light. We explore the journey from childhood dreams to adult doubts and how to reclaim our God-given purpose. Through inspiring Bible verses and affirmations, we're reminded of our unique identity in Christ and the importance of sharing our light with the world. Plus, discover resources for further support and growth in your faith journey. Key Points: Rediscover your childhood dreams and overcome doubts. Embrace your divine calling an ..read more
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Episode 14: Conquer the Snooze Button with Mel Robbin's 5 Second Rule
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
2M ago
Welcome back to the Broken to Beautiful podcast! Whether it’s your first time tuning in or you're a returning listener, I'm thrilled to have you here with me. Today, we're diving into a topic that many of us struggle with: the dreaded snooze button. Do you find it challenging to get out of bed in the morning? Lately, I've been facing similar struggles due to personal circumstances, and I know many of you can relate. But fear not! Today, I have a powerful solution to share with you. Before we delve into that, let's reflect on our Verse of the Week: "Those who disregard discipline despise themse ..read more
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Episode 13: Grace in the Chaos: Finding Blessings in Life's Storms
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
2M ago
Show Notes: Welcome back to the Broken to Beautiful podcast! It's your host, Cherie Haynes, and I'm thrilled to have you join me today. Ever had one of those days where it feels like everything is going wrong? Well, let's dive into it together. Verse of the Week: So, before we jump into my story, let's ground ourselves with a powerful verse: "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you." – Deuteronomy 31:8 Storytime: Chaos Strikes Early Let me share a recent chaotic morning with you. From car troub ..read more
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Episode 12: Time Management Secrets: Unveiling the Power of the Full Focus Planner
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
2M ago
Welcome back to the Broken to Beautiful Podcast! This week, we're diving into the world of time management and organization. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of tasks you have to accomplish and the limited time available? Well, you're not alone! In this episode, I share my journey of discovering the Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt, a productivity expert known for his groundbreaking work in goal achievement. This planner has revolutionized the way I approach time management, and I'm excited to share it with you.  Get your copy here.   Before we delve into the planner det ..read more
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Episode 11: Wake Up to Your Best Life: Inside My Transformational Morning Routine!
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
3M ago
Welcome back to the Broken to Beautiful Podcast! Today's episode is all about the transformative power of starting your own Miracle Morning routine, inspired by Hal Elrod's book. We're diving deep into how this routine can truly change your life for the better.  Get your copy here. I'm going to break down the SAVERS method for you, explaining each step and how it can positively impact your life. We'll talk about self-reflection, personal growth, and the importance of prioritizing your relationship with God in this journey. So, if you're ready to unlock your potential and start prioritizin ..read more
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Episode 10: Exhilaration Unleashed: 5 Reasons Sobriety Is NOT Boring
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
3M ago
In this episode of the Broken to Beautiful podcast, we tackle the common misconception that life without alcohol is boring. Grounded in Romans 15:13, the discussion revolves around the transformative power of sobriety. The host, Cherie Haynes, passionately shares her personal journey, emphasizing the exhilarating aspects of a life free from alcohol. The episode unveils the top 5 reasons why ditching alcohol is far from dull. First, waking up refreshed without the haze of alcohol leads to increased energy and excitement. Second, sobriety translates into heightened productivity, with a clear min ..read more
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Episode 9: Rewriting Reality: The Journaling Method for a Stress-Free Life
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
3M ago
Introduction: Welcome to Episode #3 of the Broken to Beautiful Podcast. In this episode, we dive into a powerful journaling exercise that played a pivotal role in the first 30 days of the host's alcohol-free journey. Verse of the Week: Opening with 2 Corinthians 10:5 , the episode emphasizes the importance of taking thoughts captive and aligning them with the knowledge of God. The Power of Acceptance: The host introduces Byron Katie's "The Work" from her book, "Loving what is: four questions that can change your life." The central idea is to stop resisting reality and accept it for what it is ..read more
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Episode 8: My Top 5 Tips to Stay on Track If Your Partner Still Drinks
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
3M ago
Welcome back to the Broken to Beautiful Podcast!  We are going to be talking all about tips to stay on track if your partner still drinks.  I know it can be challenging at times when they are still drinking, so I want you to have these tips to help you stay committed to this journey that God put on your heart.   Verse of the Week:  Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your heart ..read more
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Episode 7: Unlocking the Power of God's Word: Mastering Bible Study in 2024
Progress NOT Perfection; Discover Your Purpose, Unleash Your Potential
by Cherie Haynes
4M ago
In this episode of the Broken to Beautiful Podcast, I dive into the transformative journey of mastering the art of studying the Bible. Anchored by Psalm 119:105, which declares, "Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path," I share insights from Pastor Craig's impactful message series at Life Church. The Bible, as Pastor Craig highlights, serves as a profound source of guidance, illumination, and revelation. To overcome the common hurdle of not knowing how to approach the Bible, I offer five practical tips inspired by Pastor Craig's teachings. From choosing a translation that ..read more
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