Now Training at the Gemini Center in Fairview Park
Prescription Fitness Blog
1M ago
Big news from Prescription Fitness – we’re teaming up with Fairview Park Recreation to bring you top-notch personal training services to the Gemini Center! Starting May 1st, 2024, members of the recreation center and Fairview Park community members can dive into our expert training programs aimed at helping you crush your fitness goals and live your best life. We’re beyond excited about this partnership and can’t wait to empower each and every one of you on your journey to optimal health and wellness. Achieve Your Goals with Personalized Training Services At Prescription Fitness, we know that more
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How Strength Training Transformed Knee Surgery Recovery
Prescription Fitness Blog
2M ago
Liz Kovacs, a vibrant 73-year-old soon turning 74, radiates positivity as she shares her transformative journey with Prescription Fitness. Her story highlights the pivotal role of strength training before and after her second knee surgery, a journey that has significantly improved her recovery compared to her first knee replacement. Discovering Renewed Strength and Vitality: Liz’s Journey with Prescription Fitness Liz getting ready to perform lateral raises. Liz’s path with Prescription Fitness began unexpectedly, sparked by a flier at her local recreation center in Medina. Despite not havin more
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Lose the Gimmicks and the Weight
Prescription Fitness Blog
2M ago
You’re ready to make some changes in your life, set some health goals for yourself. So you Google: “How to lose weight?” One search and you start getting bombarded with headlines: Lose 20 pounds fast! Drop 10 pounds in 1 week: Go Vegan 30-30-30 Diet is Going Viral. Resistant Starch Supplements May Help People Lose Weight Should You Take Ozempic  Then there are the diets. Low-fat, Atkins, Ketogenic, Palo, Zone, Dash, Intermittent fasting, Vegetarian, Vegan, Mediterranean, etc. Add in the social media fitness influencers and it becomes overwhelming, overcomplicated and frustrating. Are more
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Nancy Pound’s Inspirational Fitness Journey at 71
Prescription Fitness Blog
3M ago
Meet Nancy Pound, a diligent 71-year-old who embarked on a remarkable personal training fitness journey with Prescription Fitness over four years ago. Nancy’s story is one of resilience, self-discovery, and a commitment to prioritize her health and well-being. Making Health a Priority, Nancy Found the Benefits of Personal Training Nancy’s fitness journey began after years of caring for her family members, putting her own health on the back-burner in the process. When her loved ones passed away, Nancy knew it was time to prioritize her own well-being. She joined the Medina Recreation Center whe more
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Dr. Meg Kalsy’s Inspiring Fitness Journey
Prescription Fitness Blog
4M ago
Meet Dr. Meg Kalsy, a clinical data scientist at the US Department of Veterans Affairs and an adjunct assistant professor at the Francis Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Kalsy’s busy lifestyle, coupled with her sedentary work routine and health conditions, led her on a quest for a healthier and more active lifestyle about a year ago. Dr. Meg Kalsy having a laugh before she starts weighted physio ball wall squats Personalized Training, Lasting Results: How Dr. Kalsy Found Success and Balance Struggling with the stress of her demanding job and facing vario more
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Master Breathing Techniques for Effective Workouts
Prescription Fitness Blog
by virteom
4M ago
  Breathing correctly during workouts is more than just a good practice; it’s a cornerstone of effective exercise. At Prescription Fitness, we emphasize the importance of proper breathing techniques to enhance your workout’s efficiency and safety. Understanding the relationship between breathing and movement is key. There are two main types of movements in weight training: concentric and eccentric. A concentric movement is when the muscle contracts, such as lifting a weight during a bicep curl. An eccentric movement is when the muscle lengthens, like lowering the weight back down. The g more
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Efficient Workouts for Busy Lives
Prescription Fitness Blog
by virteom
4M ago
  In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for an effective workout can be challenging. At Prescription Fitness, we understand this dilemma and are committed to helping you integrate fitness into your busy schedule. The key to achieving this lies not in the length of your workout, but in its consistency and planning. An effective workout doesn’t necessarily mean spending hours at the gym. You’re better off doing multiple shorter workouts throughout the week rather than a few long sessions. The idea is to make exercise a regular part of your routine, much like an important appointment yo more
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Strengthen Your Back Safely with Expert Tips
Prescription Fitness Blog
by virteom
4M ago
  At Prescription Fitness, we understand that as we age, concerns about weak backs and maintaining core strength become more prominent. Strengthening a weak back is not just about targeting the back muscles alone; it involves a holistic approach focusing on the entire core region. The core is often misunderstood as just the abdominal muscles, but it actually encompasses the entire midsection of your body, wrapping around like a tube. Effective core strengthening exercises are not limited to sit-ups but include a variety of movements targeting different parts of the core, such as twistin more
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Balanced Diet for Women 35+: Protein-Rich Nutrition
Prescription Fitness Blog
by virteom
4M ago
  At Prescription Fitness, we recognize that nutritional needs evolve with age, and a balanced diet for a woman over 35 may look different than in earlier years. Achieving this balance is not about indulging in every food group through a single meal like pizza, but about ensuring that your diet is rich in essential nutrients like calcium and iron, and balanced across the macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Protein intake is particularly vital for women over 35. It’s not just about maintaining muscle mass; it’s about supporting a healthy basal metabolic rate and bone health more
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Smart Fitness: Prevent Overtraining with Prescription Fitness
Prescription Fitness Blog
by virteom
4M ago
  At Prescription Fitness, we’re committed to your health and fitness journey. But, it’s crucial to recognize the signs of overtraining to ensure your path is both effective and safe. Overtraining is not just for athletes; it can affect anyone who exercises, from the most dedicated gym-goers to those just starting their fitness journey. Overtraining occurs when the balance between workout intensity, duration, and recovery is disrupted. This can happen through excessive training without adequate rest, insufficient sleep, or not consuming enough calories to support your energy expenditure more
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