What grounds does Pennsylvania recognize for a fault divorce?
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
2M ago
In Pennsylvania, couples seeking a divorce can file for either a no-fault or a fault divorce. While a no-fault divorce does not require proving fault on the part of either spouse, a fault divorce involves alleging specific grounds for the dissolution of the marriage. Understanding the grounds recognized for fault divorce is helpful for anyone considering this option. Adultery If one spouse engages in extramarital affairs, the other spouse may file for divorce based on the fault ground of adultery. Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or h ..read more
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The implications of dating before divorce are final
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
3M ago
Deciding to date before a divorce is official remains a personal decision. One maintains the right to seek love elsewhere while the marriage is still legally intact. However, divorcing people must understand what it means to look for a new partner during this delicate period. Jumping into another relationship can affect the outcomes of divorce proceedings and have other long-term consequences. Impact on the legal process In some states, having a romantic relationship before the completion of a divorce is technically adultery. Even in no-fault divorce states such as Pennsylvania, where the reas ..read more
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How are co-parenting and parallel parenting different?
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
5M ago
You probably agonize over how you and your ex will raise your children after your divorce. Some divorces end with each spouse wishing to have as little contact with the other as possible. If you and your former spouse share custody, you might have to decide what form of parenting works for the both of you. If you have heard of co-parenting and parallel parenting, you may think they are the same or similar. As Psychology Today explains, the two are actually very different from each other. A look at co-parenting A co-parenting arrangement is usually harmonious. You and your ex arrive at decision ..read more
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How can you prevent stress for children during divorce?
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
5M ago
In the time leading up to a divorce, you and your ex-spouse may learn to control the anger or stress you feel. However, what you may not notice are your children’s emotional reactions to this change in their lives. Taking steps to eliminate stress for your children can help them adjust and thrive during the divorce process. Do not dwell on the negative According to Psychology Today, it may feel easy to dwell on the conflicts you and your ex-spouse are facing and how life post-divorce will be different. Children often notice more than you assume, and they may feel anxious about the future even ..read more
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Passport denial over back child support
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
5M ago
In addition to losing your driver’s license, facing the threat of time behind bars and sustaining major damage to your reputation, you could lose your passport privileges if you fail to stay current on child support. Whether you struggle to make payments because you lost your job or you are facing financial problems for some other reason, you need to understand what is at stake if you cannot pay the support you owe. Passport denial could pose a threat to various facets of your life, from your ability to attend important events in other countries (such as a family member’s wedding) to preventin ..read more
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The impact of domestic violence on child custody during divorce
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
5M ago
The wrenching process of divorce becomes even more complex when there are children involved. A concerning factor that can influence child custody decisions is the presence of domestic violence within the family. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States, illustrating the pervasive nature of this issue. Immediate safety concerns When domestic violence is a factor in a divorce, the immediate safety and well-being of the child becomes priority. Courts work to ensure that the child is ..read more
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How to spot a spouse concealing assets in a divorce
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
5M ago
A U.S. News and World Report survey in 2022 revealed that 30% of couples deal with financial infidelity, which is hiding financial debts and transactions from a spouse. Such behaviors are more rampant during a divorce when it comes to property division matters. Being aware of potential signs your spouse is concealing assets can help ensure a fair and equitable division of property. Sudden financial changes One red flag that your spouse may be hiding assets is a sudden and unexplained change in their financial behavior. This could include diverting funds to secret accounts, transferring propert ..read more
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How to protect your children’s well-being during a custody battle
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
5M ago
According to a recent study conducted by the National Center for Family & Marriage Research, approximately 1.2 million children each year in the United States find themselves in the middle of a custody dispute. Navigating the complexities of a custody battle can be emotionally taxing for both parents and children. Ensuring your children’s wellbeing remains a top priority is key during this time. Maintain open communication Effective communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. During a custody battle, maintain open lines of communication with your children. Encourage them ..read more
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How is marital property divided in divorce?
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
5M ago
When going through divorce, you will have to undergo asset division as well. This is the process of dividing up any community or jointly owned marital properties in an equitable or equal way. But how do you even determine what sort of assets you will divide in the first place? Separate property The Pennsylvania General Assembly talks about marital property and how to handle it during divorce. The first step is understanding how property ends up classified during divorce. Typically, it divides into two categories: separate or community property. Separate property typically remains exempt from t ..read more
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What are common mistakes mothers make during divorce?
Ebner, Nevins & McAllister LLC » Family Law
by bkabritsor
5M ago
Going through divorce is a difficult and trying process for just about anyone. Unfortunately, there are no cheat codes to get through the situation easier, either. However, knowing what to expect and what mistakes to avoid can certainly make the process a little more streamlined. Poor communication Forbes takes a look at some of the mistakes mothers may make during divorce situations. Some of the top mistakes involve rushing communication, not having a flexible custody plan, using a custody plan for revenge, and not considering mediation rather than litigation. Regarding communication, this is ..read more
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