5 Tips for Navigating your Child Custody Battle in Allegheny County
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
4M ago
1.        Become Familiar with the Child Custody Process The child custody process in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County is super complex.   We have over 15 family law judges that have their own individual Standard Operating Procedures, three child custody hearing officers and ever-changing court procedures.  It is important to be familiar with child custody process so that you are better equipped to fight your child custody battle.   In Allegheny County, once a custody complaint is filed, the parties are first required to atte ..read more
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5 Signs it is Time to File for Divorce
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
5M ago
Deciding whether or not to get divorced is incredibly daunting. It often takes years for a person to make a final decision. As PA divorce lawyers, we’ve met with hundreds of people who are in various stages of this decision process. Some meet with us just to understand their legal options, and ultimately decide never to go through with a divorce. Some retain us, begin divorce proceedings, and then drop everything in order to reconcile with their spouse. Many ultimately decide to go through with the divorce. While we can give you advice to help you make the best decision legally, choosing whet ..read more
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10 Back-to-School Tips for Co-Parents to Help Reduce Stress
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
5M ago
Starting a new school year can cause a lot of stress for both children and parents, whether it is their first day of kindergarten or the first day of senior year. Conflict between separated or divorced parents can make that stress 100 times worse. This school year, reduce the stress on you and your child caused by family conflict and set your child up for success for the entire year by following these tips! 1. Get a custody order/agreement. Make sure you and your co-parent have a clear and consistent custody schedule in place. If you have a custody order, great. Go back and review it to make ..read more
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Who Gets to Keep the House in the Divorce?
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
5M ago
Who gets to keep the marital home is often in dispute during divorce. Homes carry a lot of sentimental value, especially if you raise children there and have spent a lot of time improving the home to your liking. ️ In Pennsylvania, any assets acquired during the marriage, no matter how they are titled, are marital assets, and are subject to equitable distribution. In other words, vehicles, retirement accounts, and the marital home are going to be divided between the parties based on what Pennsylvania law says is fair. There are several factors that the court considers to help it determine wha ..read more
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Tips for Filing for and Preparing for your Child Support Case in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
5M ago
Before filing a child support action in Allegheny County, it is strongly recommended that you first consult with an experienced child support attorney. The rules regarding child support are vast and complex, and no two cases are the same. This article is not legal advice. Rather, it is a general guide on what to expect with a typical child support case. Filing for Child Support With that being said, the quickest way to file for child support or for modification of an existing child support order in Allegheny County is to file online through the Pennsylvania Child Support Program website. If t ..read more
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5 Steps to Take Before Moving Forward with Divorce
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
5M ago
Ready to get a divorce but don’t know where to start? We get it. This is a big life decision and major life change. It can be overwhelming to even think about! Here are 5 steps I recommend to all clients who are ready to take the leap and move on to the next chapter of their lives. 1. Talk to a Divorce Attorney. If you do not hire a divorce attorney before moving out, you should consult with one at the very least. When we meet with a potential client for a consultation, we discuss the Big 3 Issues: 1) The pros and cons of moving out or remaining at the marital residence, 2.) How to handle cus ..read more
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Do I need a divorce attorney if my divorce is uncontested?
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
5M ago
Divorce can be expensive! According to https://www.findlaw.com/state/pennsylvania-law/how-much-does-a-divorce-cost-in-pennsylvania.html, the average divorce in PA costs $14,300 if there are no children, and $21,500 if there are children. The costs incurred are partly from court fees, but mostly from attorney fees. That is a lot of money for the average person to come up with. As a Pennsylvania divorce attorney, I can tell yo u that there is a reason for that. Divorce attorneys go to school for 7 years. An experienced divorce attorney has specialized knowledge and skills. They know the law, th ..read more
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Who Keeps the Pets in the Divorce?
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
5M ago
According to Forbes.com, 86% of households in the U.S. have a pet, and a majority of those households think of their pet as a member of the family. Our pets are our best friends and companions. They love unconditionally, provide countless hours of entertainment and never judge us. We love them just as much as they love us. When we lose a pet, we mourn them like we would a close family member. So what happens to pets when a couple in Pennsylvania separate or get divorced? Do custody attorneys include pets in custody agreements the same way they do children? The courts in Pennsylvania have said ..read more
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5 Common Physical Custody Schedules Ordered by Pennsylvania Judges
Bojarski Family Law Blog
by Kristen Bojarski
5M ago
There is no “one size fits all” physical custody schedule. Every family is different and every child is different. When a judge in Pennsylvania is tasked with determining the best physical custody schedule for a family, they must consider the 16 Best Interest Factors, which is a pretty lengthy and case-by-case analysis. One thing I have learned is that there is no perfect custody schedule. Each one has pros and cons to consider. A custody schedule that works for a family now may no longer work for that same family 5 years from now. Custody schedules should be modified as needed to accommodate ..read more
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