Tankless vs. Traditional Water Heaters: Making the Right Choice
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by Brent Erkkila
3w ago
Choosing the right water heater for your Northeast Ohio home involves considering various factors, much like navigating through the diverse neighborhoods of Cleveland. Let’s delve into the nuances of tankless and traditional water heaters and explore scenarios where each option may be the more practical solution. Traditional Water Heaters: Feature: Traditional water heaters typically consist of large cylindrical tanks that store and heat water using either gas burners or electric heating elements. Pros: Lower Installation Costs: Traditional water heaters generally come with lower upfront inst ..read more
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Tankless Or Demand Type Water Heaters
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by Staff
3w ago
Tankless water heaters, also known as demand-type or instantaneous water heaters, provide hot water only as it is needed. They don’t produce the standby energy losses associated with storage water heaters, which can save you money. Here you’ll find basic information about how they work, whether a tankless water heater might be right for your home, and what criteria to use when selecting the right model. How They Work Tankless water heaters heat water directly without the use of a storage tank. When a hot water tap is turned on, cold water travels through a pipe into the unit. Either a gas burn ..read more
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When Is It Time To Replace My AC?
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by Jill Newton
1M ago
As temperatures rise, ensuring your air conditioning unit operates efficiently becomes paramount for your indoor comfort. However, even the most reliable AC units eventually reach the end of their lifespan. Recognizing the signs indicating it’s time to replace your AC unit is crucial for maintaining comfort and efficiency in your home. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical signs tailored for Northeast Ohio homeowners, highlighting when it’s time to invest in AC replacement. Let’s dive in and keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long! Age Matters: In Northeast Ohio, with its hum ..read more
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Home Maintenance Checklist To Get Your Home Spring-Ready
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by Staff
3M ago
Longer days and warmer temps are here and that means it’s time to start tackling your spring to-dos. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most important tips to consider while getting your home ready for the season ahead. 1. Clean Your Gutters & Downspouts If winter’s harsh weather conditions took a toll on your gutters and downspouts, make sure you repair any damage and clear all leaves and debris before spring showers set in. Clogged or leaky gutters can lead to improper drainage, water damage and costly repair bills. 2. Replace Filters While each type of household filter has its own pur ..read more
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Causes of Low Water Pressure
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by Peter Sackett
4M ago
Water pressure is a vital element in household plumbing, influencing the efficiency of daily activities like showering, dishwashing, and laundry. Adequate pressure ensures these tasks are completed swiftly and without frustration. However, low water pressure can impede these activities, transforming routine tasks into time-consuming challenges. Whether caused by pipe issues, leaks, or valve problems, resolving low water pressure is essential for maintaining the seamless operation of a household and enhancing the overall convenience of daily life.. Common Causes of Low Water Pressure: 1. Pipe I ..read more
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10 Summer Energy Saving Tips
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by Staff
4M ago
Summer is here and to most that means school vacation, trips to the pool, and backyard BBQs with friends and family.  But don’t get too excited, soon you’ll be reminded that summer temperatures don’t come cheap.  We’ve compiled a list of 10 ways to cut down on your household energy expenses, so you can stop spending and start saving. 1.   Seal and Insulate. Did you know that sealing air leaks and adding insulation are the two most cost-effective ways to improve energy efficiency and comfort in your home? According to the EPA, tackling both projects, can save you up to ..read more
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Why is my furnace blowing cold air?
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by wpengine
5M ago
As the temperatures drop and winter sets in, a reliable furnace becomes the cornerstone of indoor comfort. Yet, there’s nothing more disconcerting than expecting a blast of warm air from your vents, only to be met with an unexpected stream of cold air. If you’ve ever wondered, “Why is my furnace blowing cold air?” rest assured, you’re not alone. This common HVAC dilemma can be caused by various factors, from simple fixes to more complex issues within your heating system. In this guide, we’ll unravel the mysteries behind a chilly furnace and explore the troubleshooting steps to help you restore ..read more
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Winter Energy Saving Tips/How to Keep Your Home Warm and Efficient
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by cmpdigital
5M ago
Winter has arrived, and along with it comes the challenge of keeping our homes warm without breaking the bank on energy bills. Fortunately, there are several practical and cost-effective ways to ensure your home remains cozy and energy-efficient during the colder months. Let’s dive into some winter energy-saving tips that will not only keep you warm but also contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. Seal the Leaks and Gaps Before you crank up the thermostat, take a moment to inspect your windows and doors for drafts. Seal any gaps with weatherstripping or caulk to prevent chilly air from e ..read more
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Smart Home Technologies That Make Back To School A Breeze
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by Elizabeth
5M ago
Back to school season can be an overwhelming time for parents.  Not only is there an endless amount of supplies to shop for, but there’s also the chaos of keeping track of everyone’s schedules.  These simple, yet smart home devices can make the busy back to school season a breeze for the whole family. 1.    Smart Door Lock Say goodbye to the days of lost, misplaced or forgotten house keys.  Smart door lock technology utilizes unique user codes and a smartphone app to make keyless entry a total cinch. 2.    Garage Door Controller We’ve all ..read more
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Should You Ignore Burning Smells When Turning On The Furnace?
Jackson Comfort Services Blog
by Elizabeth
5M ago
If you notice an odd burning smell when the heat turns on, it may be a sign that your furnace needs maintenance.  It could be something as minor as a dirty filter, but it could also be a serious problem like a broken electrical component in the furnace. Don’t ignore it. Try to find the source of the odor to avoid costly repairs in the future. Here are some tips to get you started. What causes the smell of burning dust? When your furnace is not used for long periods of time, dust can collect on the heat exchanger and in the air ducts. When the furnace is turned on, the dust burns ..read more
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