Spring Roofing: Your Essential 5-Point Checklist
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Sara Geer
1M ago
Welcome to Bone Dry Roofing’s newsletter! As we transition into the vibrant season of spring, it’s essential to ensure your roof is in top condition. Here are five tips for spring maintenance to keep your roof in excellent shape: 1. Inspect Your Roof: Begin by visually inspecting your roof for any signs of damage or wear. Look for cracked or missing shingles, warped flashing, or any debris that may have accumulated over the winter months. Addressing these issues early can prevent further damage. 2. Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Spring brings rain showers and melting snow, so it’s crucial to e ..read more
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What You Need to Know About Soffit and Fascia
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Katelyn Preston
5M ago
When it comes to maintaining the health and aesthetics of your home, the importance of soffit and fascia cannot be understated. You might ask, “Why are my soffit and fascia important?” Well, you’re in the right place. In this post, top-notch roofing company Bone Dry Roofing – Florida will explore these key elements of the roof fascia on your system, uncovering their vital role and why their upkeep matters. The Importance of Your Roof’s Soffit and Fascia Soffit and fascia are essential parts of your house’s structure. The soffit is the underside paneling you can see when standing un ..read more
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Are You Prepared for the Next Hurricane Season?
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Katelyn Preston
5M ago
Living in beautiful Sarasota, FL has numerous advantages, yet it also entails the necessity of bracing for hurricane season. The formidable power of these storms can result in extensive devastation, with roofs being notably susceptible. This blog post discusses hurricane-related roof damage and how you can prepare your home. Roof Damage Caused by Hurricanes Hurricanes can inflict severe roof damage, leaving homeowners in distress. The relentless winds, heavy rain and debris bombardment can tear off shingles, expose vulnerabilities and compromise structural integrity. Water infiltration can l ..read more
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5 Common Reasons Why Gutters Overflow in Florida
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Katelyn Preston
5M ago
In one of summer’s heavy rains, you might have been caught off guard by an overflowing gutter during a heavy downpour. It’s more than just a hassle; it’s a sign your home’s first line of defense against water damage could be in jeopardy. Maintaining your gutter system is crucial for the longevity of your home, and we at Bone Dry Roofing – Florida are dedicated to helping you every step of the way. In this post, our gutter overflow guard experts will discuss the common reasons why gutters overflow, so you can better understand and protect your home. 1. Clogged Gutters Debris, such as leaves ..read more
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When Should You Get Your Roof Inspected?
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Katelyn Preston
5M ago
Just as regular check-ups help maintain good health, your home’s roof also requires regular inspections to ensure its longevity and functionality. Regular roof inspections can catch issues early before they become major problems, saving homeowners time, stress, and potentially significant repair expenses. Bone Dry Roofing – Florida shares more insight. When Your Roof Demands Attention Recognizing the warning signs that your roof may need an inspection is crucial. Visible changes or damage to your roof should not be ignored. Missing or damaged shingles, for instance, can expose your roof to t ..read more
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How to Avoid Roof Damage When Decorating for the Holidays
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Katelyn Preston
5M ago
As the holiday season approaches, homeowners across the country are unpacking boxes of festive decorations. Adorning our homes with lights and ornaments brings joy and spreads holiday cheer, but it’s essential to prioritize roof safety during this process. It’s easy to unintentionally cause roof damage, which can lead to expensive repairs or even replacements. Fortunately, there are a few ways to avoid this. Bone Dry Roofing – Florida explains what you need to know. Holiday Decorations That Can Harm Your Roof One common mistake many homeowners make is using inappropriate fixtures f ..read more
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3 Important Aspects of Metal Roof Maintenance
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Katelyn Preston
5M ago
A durable and long-lasting solution, a metal roof can protect your home for decades. Like most residential roofing options, it requires regular maintenance so it continues to perform optimally. Read on as we highlight three crucial aspects of keeping metal roofs well-maintained. 1. Cleaning the Metal Roof An integral part of metal roof maintenance is regular cleaning. Clearing dirt, debris and other organic matter off the roof surfaces is imperative to prevent moisture from accumulating, thus minimizing corrosion. Checking the gutters and downspouts and making sure they’re clear is ..read more
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What Is Total Protection Roofing System? (Part 2)
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Katelyn Preston
5M ago
Are you seeking a sturdy, long-lasting solution for your home’s roof? Then, let’s talk about the Owens Corning Total Protection Roofing System, an excellent option that takes your home’s safety and aesthetic appeal to new heights. By combining high-quality materials with expert installation, you can rest easy knowing your home is well protected. The Owens Corning Roofing System Owens Corning Roofing is a top-tier choice among homeowners and contractors for its renowned durability and style. It offers a selection of shingles and accessories that are all part of the Total Protection Roofi ..read more
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3 Tips to Keep Your Tile Roof in Top Condition
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Kristi Mengelt
5M ago
Tile roofing is a durable and visually appealing option for homeowners. When properly maintained, a tile roof can last for decades, providing you with peace of mind and adding value to your property. Here are three valuable tips to keep your tile roof in top shape: 1. Routine Inspections Occasionally inspect the entire roof. Look for any damaged, chipped, or missing tiles. Leaky roofs can result from broken tiles. Check the chimney, vent, and skylight flashing. Keep seals intact to prevent water ingress. Due to their unique structure, tile roofs can develop issues that might n ..read more
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What is a Total Protection Roofing System? (Part 1)
Bone Dry Roofing Blog
by Katelyn Preston
5M ago
Having a sturdy and reliable roof over your head is a must. And one reliable roofing system you can trust is the Total Protection Roofing System. This blog post will delve into what a Total Protection Roofing System is and its key features. Total Protection Roofing System: An Overview The Owens Corning Roofing Total Protection Roofing System is a system designed to deliver maximum defense against the elements. It goes beyond just the shingles. It involves a series of components working together to enhance the durability of your roof and provide complete protection. This comprehensi ..read more
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