Tips for Starting Over Financially After Divorce
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator
1M ago
Recovering financially after a divorce, especially when it’s amicable, requires careful planning and consideration during and after your divorce has been finalized. The collaborative divorce model, unlike court-litigated divorce, prioritizes mutual agreements and financial transparency, paving the way for a smoother transition. One crucial step is to choose the collaborative divorce process and work with a neutral financial mediator. This approach helps privacy, fosters amicable agreements, and helps you plan for your financial future post-divorce with the guidance of a financial divorce speci more
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What is the Difference Between Legal Custody and Physical Custody?
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator
1M ago
Divorce is a challenging journey! No doubt, full of twist and turns and ups and downs. This is why it is important to understand the difference between legal custody and physical custody can help ease the process. These two terms are important to understand as parents, as it will directly each of them. Legal custody pertains to decision-making authority. In an amicable divorce, parents collaboratively share this responsibility, fostering an environment where major choices about a child’s life are made together. This joint approach ensures that both perspectives are considered, promoting the we more
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Tips for Starting Over Financially After Divorce
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator
1M ago
Recovering financially after a divorce, especially when it’s amicable, requires careful planning and consideration during and after your divorce has been finalized. The collaborative divorce model, unlike court-litigated divorce, prioritizes mutual agreements and financial transparency, paving the way for a smoother transition. One crucial step is to choose the collaborative divorce process and work with a neutral financial mediator. This approach helps privacy, fosters amicable agreements, and helps you plan for your financial future post-divorce with the guidance of a financial divorce speci more
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What You Should Do Before You File for a Collaborative Divorce
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator
3M ago
The collaborative divorce process is an amicable alternative to traditional court-litigated divorce, as it provides couples with a more peaceful and amicable way to end their marriage. While working through the collaborative divorce, each spouse needs to be committed to the process and work together towards a peaceful resolution and stay out of court. Our clients often ask us what they should do before starting their divorce process. Here are a few things we recommend: Gather all of your financial documents – incomes, debts, assets, investments, tax returns, etc. – the more transparent each o more
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How to Make the Holidays a Happy Event After Divorce
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator
3M ago
Approaching the first holiday post-divorce adds a layer of complexity, making it essential to offer practical suggestions to help our clients have a happy holiday. Here are some suggestions to create happy holiday experiences: Reaching out to help others can be a healing experience from your divorce. It’s “better to give than receive.” It’s very important to reach out to others who can help divide your grief from the divorce.  “dividing sadness and doubling happiness” can be very healing. Allow your friends and family to help pull you up and out from the emotional rollercoaster you have b more
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What Are Some Top Tips When Children Are Involved in a Divorce?
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator Hollenbach
6M ago
Divorce is a challenging journey, especially when children are involved. At LACFLA, we understand the importance of making this transition as smooth as possible. Here are some invaluable tips to consider when children are part of the divorce equation. Prioritize communication by keeping discussions open and honest Keep the lines of dialogue respectful and focused on your children’s well-being Always prioritize your children’s needs and feelings Be respectful of each other Maintain respect and avoid negative talk about your co-parent in front of your children Spend quality time with your child more
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Overcoming the Challenges of Co-Parenting After Divorce
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator Hollenbach
6M ago
Choosing a divorce method that encourages collaboration and avoids litigation can lay a strong foundation for effective co-parenting. Here are some important insights to guide you: Choose a Non-Adversarial Divorce Method Opting for alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation or collaborative divorce can help you avoid court and minimize conflict. These processes focus on open communication, mutual respect, transparency, and finding mutually beneficial solutions, ensuring a smoother transition to co-parenting. Prioritize the Best Interests of the Children Remember that co-parenting is more
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How to Create a Parenting Plan to Help Your Children Through Divorce
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator Hollenbach
6M ago
Navigating divorce while prioritizing your children’s well-being can be challenging. Collaborative divorce provides a supportive approach to creating a parenting plan that serves your children’s best interests. Here, we’ll explore essential tips for crafting a successful parenting plan during divorce, emphasizing communication, collaboration, and your children’s welfare. Child-centric approach. Child specialists and mental health experts address your children’s needs, emotions, and concerns during divorce. Cover all bases. A comprehensive co-parenting plan includes custody arrangements, emerg more
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Fern Salka is awarded the Eureka Award!
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator Hollenbach
6M ago
CPCal’s Eureka Award recognizes and honors those who have made significant contributions and demonstrated an abiding dedication to establishing and sustaining Collaborative Practice in California. Fern is very deserving of this prestigious award!  Congratulations, Fern! The post Fern Salka is awarded the Eureka Award! appeared first on Los Angeles Consensual Dispute Resolution Family Law Association more
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What You Should Know About a Reverse Mortgage
Los Angeles Collaborative Family Law Association Blog
by LACFLA Office Administrator Hollenbach
6M ago
In divorce’s intricate landscape, reverse mortgages emerge as a financial tool warranting consideration for couples utilizing the collaborative divorce process. This article will explain what reverse mortgages are and how they can smoothly fit into the collaborative divorce process. Think of it as Reverse Mortgage 101. Grasping the essence of reverse mortgages Picture a scenario where you can access your home’s equity without relinquishing ownership. That’s the essence of reverse mortgages—a crucial consideration when financial flexibility is needed without forfeiting your claim to marital pro more
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