A simple massage could keep you from getting sick
California Massage Schools Association
by admin
6M ago
Massages are a great way to release tension and stress and promote relaxation. But a new study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine has revealed for the first time that massages also provide a measurable, therapeutic benefit to the immune system as well. Dr. Mark Rapaport and his team of researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, Calif., evaluated 53 people, 29 of which received 45-minute Swedish massages–one of the most common forms of massage used in the U.S.–and 24 who received gentler, light touch massages. Researchers took blood samples at i ..read more
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Massage Outperforms Meds For Low Back Pain
California Massage Schools Association
by admin
6M ago
Is it conceivable that massage can provide more effective relief from low back pain than medication? A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests this therapy might indeed alleviate back pain better in the short term than traditional interventions of medicine, bed rest or exercise: Healthday reports. The investigation conducted by the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle involved 400 patients who had low back pain, the majority of which were middle aged, Caucasian and female. Researchers found those who were given a series of relaxation massage or structural massage ..read more
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A Golfer’s Worst Nightmare Rehabilitated Through Massage
California Massage Schools Association
by admin
6M ago
For many golfers, the only meaningful way to spend a sunny day is out on the links. With 18 holes to look forward to — the sun’s rays caressing the greens, blue skies inviting deep breathes, and the warm leather grip of a favored club in hand — nothing much can break their joy of being alive. Until, that is, pain strikes. Pain in the physical sense such as a muscle tear or unstable joint, or the pain they feel from a continually declining game performance. For a die-hard golfer, the two pains are equally worrisome. And, left unresolved, grow to become their worst nightmare: the end of their go ..read more
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Why Do My Muscles Feel Tight?
California Massage Schools Association
by admin
6M ago
Why do muscles feel tight? Does that mean they are short? That they can’t relax? And what can you do about it? Here are some of my thoughts about why muscles feel tight and what to do about it. Tightness is a Feeling, Not Just a Mechanical Condition If you say you feel “tight” in a particular area, that might mean several different things: Poor range of motion. Or maybe range of motion is fine, but movement to the end range feels uncomfortable or takes excess effort. Or maybe the problem isn’t really with movement, but just that the area never reels feels relaxed. Or maybe the area feels basic ..read more
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3 Tips To Foam Rolling Success
California Massage Schools Association
by admin
6M ago
Foam rolling is very popular. Athletic trainers use it as a part of the warm-up. Physical therapists use it as part of their treatment strategy, often to improve extensibility of “short” tissues. There is very limited evidence about what benefit, if any, foam rolling confers. But there are a few studies showing it leads to short term increases in range of motion that are not accompanied by strength loss. (This is interesting because stretching interventions tend to show increased range of motion that are associated with a loss of strength and power.) The purpose of thi ..read more
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Massage for Cancer Patients in the News
California Massage Schools Association
by Admin2
6M ago
The benefits of massage therapy for cancer patients were communicated by an ABC affiliate serving Virginia, on March 5. In “Cancer Patients Get Boost from Massage Therapy,” breast-cancer patient Sandy Briggs’ journey through chemotherapy—a journey on which she discovered massage—is detailed. “After a successful lumpectomy, doctors told Briggs she’d need chemotherapy and it was at that time that she discovered massages at Rockingham Memorial Hospital’s Image Recovery Center,” the article noted. “As a retired teacher, Briggs had read book after book about cancer, but never did she think massage ..read more
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Massage Therapy Research
California Massage Schools Association
by admin
6M ago
Over the past several years, research on massage therapy and bodywork has been conducted in isolated studies throughout the country. For the most part, these research studies are funded for the purpose of publishing the results in medical and similar style journals. In other words, the promotion and facilitation of research on various massage therapy and bodywork modalities seems to be targeted at proving the validity of our profession to the wider allopathic and complementary medical communities. While this is a fine and respected endeavor, the positive results of these research studies are g ..read more
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Massage Education’s Future
California Massage Schools Association
by admin
6M ago
Education is a sensitive and divisive topic within the massage therapy profession. On one side of the argument are those who believe that today’s non-degree vocational school system is both egalitarian and in line with traditional massage therapy practices. On the other are those who believe the current system penalizes those who want to become full participants in the health care industry. They advocate for an educational spectrum that also includes bachelors and advanced degrees. But while some form of tiered credentialing seems to be the preferred solution on both sides of this argument, it ..read more
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