4 Holiday Foods to Avoid
East Harmony Dental Blog
by support@eastharmonydental.com
6M ago
If you’re like most Americans, the holidays are just not complete without taking some time to enjoy your favorite foods. We don’t want anyone to have an incomplete holiday season! But (maybe you see this coming) many foods that people tend to enjoy around the holidays are not the greatest for our teeth. It’s good to be aware of what the worst offenders are. We put this list together to help you to familiarize yourself with which foods should be avoided, if possible. 4 Foods to Avoid at Holiday Parties Caramel Caramel is sticky and full of sugar, so it sticks to your teeth and gives the bacteri ..read more
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At-Home Whitening – Is It Safe?
East Harmony Dental Blog
by support@eastharmonydental.com
6M ago
Attaining the pearly white Hollywood smile that you see on the red carpet is now more attainable than ever. Discoloration happens for various reasons it can be as simple as drinking coffee or tea daily, poor oral health, or illness. If you desire to whiten your teeth discretely at home or at a dental office you have various safe options available to you. There are some things you should consider when choosing what whitening option is best for you. ● Cost ● Level of discoloration ● Your dental history and sensitivity ● What type of treatment you are comfortable with We will be covering how whit ..read more
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The Most Serious Dental Health Issues (and How to Prevent Them)
East Harmony Dental Blog
by support@eastharmonydental.com
6M ago
There is the old saying that ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. While many apply this to the medical field, it is very true for your overall oral health as well. This month is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and our team at East Harmony Dental is committed to spreading the news. What news? We’re glad you asked. The 4-1-1 on Oral Cancer Oral cancer is not just one disease, but a category of serious and devastating illnesses. Oral cancers can include head and neck cancers, laryngeal cancer, and throat cancer among others. The shocking bit is that oral cancers typically deve ..read more
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Most Popular Dental Cosmetic Treatments
East Harmony Dental Blog
by support@eastharmonydental.com
6M ago
There’s nothing quite like the confidence boost that comes from a big, beautiful, white smile. A fortunate few may be born with perfect teeth, but for the rest of us – we have options thanks to the incredible dental advancements of the 21st century. Since the late 1990s, dental technology has evolved to not only be more widely available, but more cost-effective and more comfortable. Even as recent as thirty years ago, cosmetic dentistry was unheard of. Unless you had a dental necessity for straightening your teeth, such as a severe overbite or crossbite that made it difficult to chew, speak, o ..read more
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Top 5 Ways to Ruin Your Enamel
East Harmony Dental Blog
by support@eastharmonydental.com
6M ago
This is probably not the blog you thought it was. No, we are not going to teach you how to ruin your enamel – rather, we are going to reveal things you are already doing in your day-to-day life to destroy the surface of your teeth. Many of the habits we have in our lives are detrimental to our overall dental health. The scary part? Once your enamel is gone, there is no getting it back. Protection Comes First Before it is too late, you should definitely put prevention at the top of your priority list when it comes to dental issues. When it comes to enamel, we recommend adding fluoride toothpas ..read more
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How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy During Halloween
East Harmony Dental Blog
by support@eastharmonydental.com
6M ago
The Huffington Post wrote that Americans purchase nearly 600 million pounds of candy each year for Halloween! That’s 24 pounds of candy per American per year. Children alone consume so much sugar on Halloween night (approximately three cups of sugar granules) that it would take a 100-pound child nearly two full days of walking continuously or 14.5 hours of playing full-court basketball to burn off. So, what does that mean for dental health? How can you keep your teeth and your children’s teeth healthy during Halloween? Sort and Eliminate When it comes to healthy candy consumption for Hallowee ..read more
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How to Eat Sugar & Avoid Cavities
East Harmony Dental Blog
by support@eastharmonydental.com
6M ago
Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you commonly crave sugary snacks? Have you ever asked yourself, “How can I eat sugar and avoid cavities?” If so, we’re here to remind you that you can still satisfy your sugar cravings and avoid cavities by consuming sugar in moderation and following these tips. Choose Better Snacks Most of us consume a lot more sugar than intended. Starchy snacks like tortilla or potato chips, for example, are high in sugar and cause long-term dental damage when consumed in large quantities. Many juices that are “all-natural” contain incredible amounts of sugar or natural sweeten ..read more
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