Why Are You So Annoying????
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
1M ago
 Often after my seminars, parents come up to give me a personal greeting. Sometimes I meet parents who have been repeat attenders of my seminar. ( I love that). They tell me that after their first seminar with me they left breathing a sigh of relief. Their kid may have only been 11 or 12, and most of what I said did not apply yet to their relationship with their teen. They report leaving the seminar thinking, oh good, I think we've dodged that teen bullet, our teen doesn't behave at all like Joani said. We must be doing one helluva job!!! Little did they know, that a year or two later, on ..read more
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High Anxiety: The Rollercoaster Of The College Admission Decision
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
2M ago
 Tis the season.....For all of you who have high school seniors, the college acceptance and rejection season is upon you. You are in high anxiety, and your teen is in higher anxiety. This feels like a defining moment for everyone, even though truly....it is not. Admission to college is a little like a shell game these days. Sometimes kids get into the colleges they did not expect, and sometimes they get rejected from a school they thought was a sure thing.  Sometimes kids get into what they thought was their dream school, and by the end of the first semester they are miserable, disil ..read more
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Connecting With Your Teen Is Not always Easy
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
6M ago
One of the major tasks of Adolescence is to develop a personal identity; what are my values, my interests, my passions, what are the qualities I look for in friends and lovers, what is my sexual identity, what are my goals? etc.  Part of this process is also to look closely at the people who raised them, and analyze how they are both different and the same from them. I always say that having a teen in the house is like having your own personal therapist. With this new brain of theirs, they are able to really look at you without the cloud of perfection that hovered over you in their childh ..read more
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A family's story raising 19 exceptional kids!
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
6M ago
 I watched a documentary movie this weekend called Who Are The Debolts and Where Did They Get 19 Children? You can find it on netflix or Amazon, and it will give you the secret to parenting and raising exceptional kids. It starts circa 1973. Dorothy and Bob marry, the second marriage for both. Together they have 4 biological children. And then the fun begins. They decide to adopt and adopt and adopt and adopt until they finally have 19 children. I know...seriously! I have an only child! The children they adopt were complicated. Some came from the last airlift out of Vi ..read more
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Creating Empathy And Understanding
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
6M ago
 In honor of Holocaust Remembrance day yesterday, I wrote this blog. Recently there has been a rash of school related racist and anti-semitic incidents; football plays being named using holocaust language. Rascist and anti-semitic social media posts, and graffiti in bathrooms, and on school walls. The good news is that there is a long overdue heightened awareness and community involvement in addressing it. Does this mean that teens are racist, anti-Semitic? No!! There is no excuse for these hurtful words and actions. It is the job of families, schools, and communities to teach and model ..read more
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New Beginnings
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
6M ago
 Over the last three days I have presented my Adolescent Psychology-The Parent Seminar at three different high schools as part of the parent orientation for their entering 9th graders. Every fall when I do this, I am reminded of how exciting and how terrifying this experience can be for the kids. At the first school, the newbies were at a dance in the cafeteria while I held the parents captive in the auditorium. Upper class students were stationed at the door of the cafeteria in two long lines facing each other as the 9th graders walked between them. Think walking a gauntlet. For some of ..read more
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Teens And Pot
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
6M ago
 Teens and pot, not so good, Adults and pot, whatever turns you on. I have had a number of letters from parents recently worried about their teens use of pot. It seems that their teens have defended their use with a variety of rationalizations. Some of my favorites include; " I can think better, I can drive better, even the cops don't care, it relaxes me so I can concentrate better on my homework, you should be happy, at least I'm not drinking alcohol!" Unfortunately this is the drug talking. And thats the point, pot is all about distortion. That's what the 60's were all about, and why th ..read more
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A Letter To My Teen: I See You
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
6M ago
 A few nights ago while watching the local news, a story aired about a local magnet high school. An important element of relationship building between teachers and students is for teachers at this school to take the time to write personal letters to students that may be struggling with either school or personal issues who might be able to use a lift up, and to express the inspiration this student is for the teacher.  They filmed the teachers sharing these letters with their students. These students were surprised, touched, and you could see and feel the light that shone from these ki ..read more
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Frustration : The Bridge to success
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
6M ago
 Parents, take this short quiz: T  F  When my kid has a paper to write, I love when I, I mean when he/she gets a good grade. T  F  When my teen is having a problem with a teacher, a friend, a coach or the other "parent" I love to provide the solution to make his/her life easier, and have them benefit from my experience. T  F  When my teen is looking for a job, a summer program, or community service, I do everything I can to help by calling everyone I know. T  F  Now that my teen is ready for the college process, I do all the research about the coll ..read more
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Teens, Racism and Anti-Semitism
Joani's Parenting Tip of the Day
by joani@joanigeltman.com
6M ago
  In honor of Holocaust Remembrance day yesterday, I wrote this blog. Recently there has been a rash of school related racist and anti-semitic incidents; football plays being named using holocaust language. Rascist and anti-semitic graffiti in bathrooms, and school walls. The good news is that there is a long overdue heightened awareness and community involvement in addressing it. Does this mean that teens are racist, anti-Semitic? Not necessarily. There is no excuse for these hurtful words and actions. It is the job of families, schools, and communities to teach and model compassion, an ..read more
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