What Does a Cavity Look Like? Swiftly Recognize Tooth Decay
Clear Dental Blog
by Eric Howard
3w ago
Ever been smacked by a sudden stab of hurt while relishing your beloved ice cream or gulping down some steaming coffee? That’s not just tooth sensitivity; it could be the first sign that something is amiss in your mouth. Wondering what does a cavity look like? Let me give you a mental image. Imagine small, sneaky invaders stealthily chipping away at the fortress walls of your teeth – that’s how cavities work! They start as tiny and nearly invisible, but left unchecked they grow into noticeable dark spots or holes causing discomfort and even bad breath. You might ask yourself “Can I prevent cav ..read more
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Composite Bonding Vs Veneers: Which Are Right For You?
Clear Dental Blog
by Eric Howard
2M ago
When you have a dental issue with multiple fixes, it can be difficult to know which option is the best for you. If you have gaps, chips or broken teeth that make you self-conscious or affect how you speak and eat, you will likely want to fix this problem. If you have gaps, chips or broken teeth these can make you feel self-conscious and affect how you speak and eat. There are different options available to you in order to fix and repair your teeth. What is Composite Bonding? Composite bonding is a fantastic dental solution for those looking to fix minor dental damage or close gaps between teet ..read more
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5 Reasons You Need To See A Dental Hygienist
Clear Dental Blog
by Eric Howard
2M ago
What Is A Dental Hygienist? We all know that we need to visit out dentist regularly – but what are the benefits of visiting a dental hygienist and how often should we be doing it? Dental Hygienists play a vital role in a dental heath care team, with their main concern being preventive dental health and treating gum disease. By showing their patients correct home care and helping them to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 1. Healthy Gums A healthy mouth is not just about clean teeth! Our gum health has a massive impact on our overall oral hygiene. A poor daily dental hygiene routine can lead to ..read more
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Are you brushing your teeth correctly?
Clear Dental Blog
by Eric Howard
2M ago
Becoming a dentist can result in an abundance of professional possibilities. Besides private practice options, dental school graduates can teach future dentists, travel with international health and relief organizations, work in hospital emergency rooms, or conduct advanced laboratory research. Oral hygiene is essential for your overall wellbeing, not just your oral health. In fact, gum disease is a major risk factor for developing certain dangerous health conditions, such as diabetes and heart. Brushing regularly is one of the best methods for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. However, how ..read more
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What smoking does to your gums and teeth
Clear Dental Blog
by Eric Howard
2M ago
By now, we’re all well aware of the devastating toll that smoking can take on our bodies – from increasing the risk of lung diseases and diabetes to causing chronic bronchitis and high blood pressure. But when was the last time you stopped and thought about how cigarettes could be affecting your oral health? Many people aren’t even aware of the effects that smoking can have on their teeth and gums.  Which is why, in honour of this year’s national ‘no smoking day’, our expert dentists here at Bow Lane have decided to share exactly what can happen – as well as some top tips to help you nip ..read more
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Pregnancy and Oral Health
Clear Dental Blog
by Johnson Huang
2M ago
Gum disease needs to be prevented Women who are pregnant may be at an increased risk of pathological dental conditions, such as periodontitis. This is associated with complications for both the mother and baby, including the potential for the mother to lose teeth as well as an increased risk of preterm birth or low birth weight for the baby. Increased Risk of Periodontitis in Women Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition caused by bacteria that invade the connective tissues surrounding the teeth, such as the gums and bones. In the early stages of the disease, it can cause symptoms such as t ..read more
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Medical Problems in Dentistry
Clear Dental Blog
by surfpacific
2M ago
There is a range of medical problems which can take place in dentistry as well as many questions. These include: When will my child’s teeth come in? While every child is different, most of the primary teeth (baby teeth) come in between the ages of 4 and 12 months. The following are general guidelines for the eruption of the baby teeth: The first tooth to erupt is usually a middle, front tooth on the lower jaw, known as the central incisor. This is followed by the second central incisor on the lower jaw. Next, the four upper incisors usually come in. The above is followed by the first four mol ..read more
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Caring for your child’s teeth
Clear Dental Blog
by surfpacific
2M ago
Tips for Babies Clean your baby’s teeth and gums twice a day, after breakfast and before bed Start cleaning your baby’s teeth from the time they first appear (around 6-12 months of age) Use a soft, damp cloth to begin with then move to a small, soft children’s toothbrush, to clean all surfaces of the teeth. Don’t use toothpaste before your baby is 18 months of age unless directed by your dental practitioner. Take your baby to see the dentist when their first tooth appears, or by their first birthday Guard against early decay Early decay is caused by frequent exposure to sugary drinks and foods ..read more
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Tips and techniques to overcome the fear of the dentist
Clear Dental Blog
by Eric Howard
2M ago
If you fear going to the dentist, you are not alone. Fear of the dentist is very common. ‍ If you get hot and sweaty just thinking about booking a dental visit, there are tips and techniques further down for you that will help you manage it. Some of the patients who suffer from it do everything possible to avoid going to the dentist and will usually only go when forced to do so by extreme pain or swelling.‍ People often use the terms dental anxiety, fear and phobia to mean the same thing. Sometimes they use them to express severity, which ranges from mild (anxiety) to more extreme (phobia). At ..read more
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Healthy mouth, healthy mind
Clear Dental Blog
by Eric Howard
2M ago
Having a healthy smile benefits you in several ways. From helping you chew and digest food to reducing the risk of you developing oral cancer and cardiovascular diseases, the physical health advantages of a healthy smile shouldn’t be underestimated. And neither should the mental health benefits. Yes, you heard us right. Having healthy teeth and gums can work wonders for your mental health, but how exactly are they related? Why is mental health so important? In recent years, the focus on the importance of our mental health has skyrocketed. Mental health issues – such as anxiety and depression ..read more
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