Can I Get Deep Teeth Cleaning While Having Invisalign?
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
1M ago
Invisalign offers a discreet solution for teeth straightening, but concerns may arise regarding its compatibility with deep teeth cleanings. However, the truth is that Invisalign and deep cleaning can go hand in hand, ensuring optimal oral hygiene. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of maintaining excellent oral health, including deep cleaning, while undergoing Invisalign treatment. By understanding the synergy between Invisalign and proper dental care, achieving a radiant, healthy smile becomes more attainable. Can You Get a Deep Cleaning with Invisalign? Absolutely. Undergoing de more
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What Happens If You Don’t Brush Your Teeth
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
1M ago
Beyond just a dazzling smile, daily tooth brushing plays a critical role in maintaining overall health. However, neglecting this simple task can trigger a cascade of dental and systemic issues. In this discourse, we unveil the repercussions of irregular dental care and underscore the importance of oral hygiene in preserving well-being. What Happens If You Don’t Brush Your Teeth Every Day? The ramifications of irregular tooth brushing stem from plaque accumulation: Plaque Buildup Formation of Sticky Bacterial Film: Plaque, a sticky bacterial film, thrives on the teeth’s surface, fueled by food more
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Do Apples or Chewing Gum Clean Teeth?
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
1M ago
In the pursuit of oral hygiene, various beliefs circulate regarding the efficacy of specific foods and practices. In this discourse, we delve into the scientific merit behind the claims surrounding apples and chewing gum, evaluating their roles in dental cleanliness and overall oral health. Can Apples Clean Your Teeth? Apples, renowned for their nutritional richness, are often hailed for their dental benefits. Here’s a breakdown of their dental impact: The Natural Toothbrush Facilitates Saliva Production: Biting and chewing apples prompt increased saliva production, a natural cleansing mechani more
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Can I Get Deep Teeth Cleaning with Invisalign On?
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
1M ago
Maintaining oral hygiene is paramount, especially for individuals using Invisalign to enhance their smiles. A common query among such individuals is whether deep teeth cleaning is feasible with Invisalign. In this comprehensive guide, we address this concern, equipping you with the knowledge necessary to confidently care for your teeth while undergoing Invisalign treatment. Can I Get Deep Teeth Cleaning While Having Invisalign? Ensuring optimal oral health during Invisalign treatment necessitates regular dental cleanings. Here’s what you should know: Navigating Around Attachments Proficient Ma more
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How Long Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Last?
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
2M ago
Dealing with wisdom tooth pain can be a real challenge, especially when the discomfort is persistent and affects your daily life. This guide aims to provide clarity on the duration of wisdom tooth pain and offers insights into managing the discomfort at home while awaiting professional dental assistance. Understanding Wisdom Tooth Pain: Wisdom teeth, the last molars to develop, can bring about pain, swelling, and other unpleasant symptoms when they erupt. Typically appearing in the late teens or early 20s, these molars may become impacted or misaligned due to limited space in the mouth. It’s e more
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How Much Do Dental Implants Cost In Australia?
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
2M ago
Dental implants, a revolutionary solution in Prosthodontics Dentistry for those with missing teeth, offer enduring benefits compared to traditional tooth replacements. While their advantages are clear, the question of cost often arises. In this exploration, we’ll delve into the factors influencing the cost of dental implants in Australia and shed light on the associated benefits. Factors Affecting the Cost of Dental Implants: Before delving into the cost, it’s essential to understand the variables influencing dental implant expenses: Number of Missing Teeth: The cost increases with the numbe more
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Alcohol Consumption After Tooth Extraction: What You Need to Know
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
6M ago
After a tooth extraction, it’s natural to wonder when it’s safe to resume your normal activities, including alcohol consumption. While alcohol is a part of many people’s lives, it’s important to understand the considerations surrounding its consumption after dental surgery. Here’s what you should know: Delay Alcohol Consumption for the First 48-72 Hours: It is recommended to avoid alcohol for the initial 48 to 72 hours following a tooth extraction. While this might be challenging, especially if you enjoy a drink in the evening, it’s crucial for a smooth recovery and to prevent complications. W more
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When to Discontinue the Use of Gauze After Tooth Extraction
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
6M ago
Gauze is a crucial tool in post-tooth extraction care, primarily used to control bleeding and ensure proper healing. Knowing when to stop using gauze is essential for a comfortable and complication-free recovery. Here’s a guide on when to discontinue the use of gauze after a tooth extraction: Gauze’s Duration: Remove the gauze within 4 to 6 hours after the tooth extraction procedure. This timeframe is crucial for promoting the formation of a protective blood clot and proper healing. Benefits of Gauze: Understanding the benefits of gauze during this critical post-operative period is important more
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The Ultimate Guide to Dental Crowns: Everything You Need to Know
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
6M ago
Dental health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, and dental crowns play a significant role in maintaining and restoring the health of our teeth. In Australia, as in many other parts of the world, dental crowns are a common dental procedure. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with a thorough understanding of dental crowns, their types, the procedure involved, and how to make informed decisions regarding your dental health. What Are Dental Crowns? Definition and Primary Functions Dental crowns, often referred to as “caps,” are custom-made tooth-shaped covers that fit over more
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Duration of Pain After Tooth Extraction: What to Expect
Better Smiles Bondi Junction Blog
by webadmin
6M ago
Tooth extraction can be a daunting process, and the duration of post-extraction pain can vary from person to person. Healing after a tooth extraction is a gradual process, and the intensity of pain depends on factors such as your individual pain threshold and the complexity of the extraction. Here’s a general timeline of what to expect: First 24 Hours: The first 24 hours are crucial in the healing process. The following key events mark this period: The anaesthesia administered during the procedure wears off, and you may begin to feel sharp pain at the extraction site. This is a normal part of more
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