4 Ways to Make Porcelain Veneers Last Longer
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
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1M ago
At The Paddington Dental Surgery, we often recommend porcelain veneers for patients who want to dramatically enhance their smile. Sturdy, durable and aesthetically-pleasing, veneers are custom-crafted to blend seamlessly with surrounding teeth. Especially when created with top-quality materials and placed by a skilled provider, they can address a variety of common dental imperfections, such as chips, cracks, discolouration and misalignment. In many cases, porcelain veneers can last up to 10 years;* please note, however, that this is a general estimate. To reap the full benefits of veneers, our ..read more
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Implants vs. Dentures: Which Do I Need?
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
by admin
2M ago
Modern restorative dentistry has produced a number of potential solutions for patients missing most or all of their teeth. The right treatment for you will depend on several factors, such as the amount of teeth you are missing, the location of the missing teeth, your jawbone density and more. Below, our experienced team at The Paddington Dental Surgery compares a traditional option, removable dentures, with the more advanced dental implants. Traditional dentures, often referred to simply as “dentures,” are removable prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth (as well as some of the s ..read more
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Why Does My Jaw Hurt When I Chew?
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
by admin
6M ago
Eating one’s favourite foods can be one of the most enjoyable parts of the day, but what happens when chewing causes persistent pain? If you notice your jaw feeling sore, making popping or clicking sounds, or being difficult to open or close, you may suffer from TMJ Disorder. This condition occurs when the temporomandibular joint does not function properly. Since the TMJ connects your jawbone to your skull, and is responsible for movements like chewing and speaking, it tends to flare up around mealtime for many people. Fortunately, this condition can be managed, if not completely resolved.&nbs ..read more
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Sydney Dentists on the Benefits of Invisalign®
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
by admin
6M ago
The dentists who make up the team at Sydney’s Paddington Dental Surgery discuss the advantages of Invisalign®, from aesthetic to practical benefits and beyond. Sydney, AU – The Sydney dentists of The Paddington Dental Surgery have seen firsthand how a straighter, more symmetrical smile can enhance a patient’s self-image. For this reason, the practice offers a wide range of orthodontic treatments, from traditional (metal) braces to more advanced options, such as Invisalign®. Invisalign®, the dentists explain, is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear, custom-made aligners to gradually ..read more
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Why Are My Gums Bleeding?
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
by admin
6M ago
Three in every 10 Australian adults suffer from moderate to severe gum disease*, and while the condition is very common, it can also be quite dangerous. When left untreated, periodontal disease can gradually develop from its earliest stages to an irreversible condition. Scarier yet, patients with periodontal disease are generally at least twice as likely to experience heart problems or strokes.*  Thankfully, there are ways to detect early-stage gum disease (known as “gingivitis”) before it wreaks havoc on your mouth. For example, bleeding gums are often an indication. While infrequent ble ..read more
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How Can I Avoid Coffee Stains on My Teeth?
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
by admin
6M ago
If you’re like most Austrailians in that you drink coffee every day, you’ve likely noticed one of its major drawbacks: its tendency to leave stains on the teeth. These marks are typically the result of tannins, or the potent acidic compounds found in coffee. While tannins are responsible for that robust flavour we so enjoy, they can easily bind to the enamel on our teeth and mar an otherwise white smile. Unfortunately, the same is true for many of our favourite drinks and foods, such as black tea, red wine, and various fruits and vegetables. Does that mean you have to give up coffee altogether ..read more
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Why Do My Teeth Look Short?
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
by admin
6M ago
Are you unsatisfied with teeth that appear disproportionately short? If so, you’re not alone; many of our patients face this same aesthetic issue, which can be caused by various oral concerns. For instance, certain patients may have chipped, cracked, or worn-down teeth, which can cause the smile to take on a “stunted” appearance. Many of our other patients complain of a “gummy smile,” which occurs when gum tissue covers a large part of the teeth. Additionally, many are simply born with teeth that are too small in comparison to the rest of their face or mouth. Thankfully, this common concern ca ..read more
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Is There a Way to Straighten Teeth Without Braces?
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
by admin
6M ago
There are many people who would like to improve signs of crooked or crowded teeth but would prefer not to choose the traditional braces route. Patients typically consider braces unfavourable because the brackets and wires can be highly visible on the teeth and may cause discomfort during the teeth straightening process. This is why our team offers porcelain veneers and Invisalign® as effective alternatives to traditional braces. Porcelain veneers can be an optimal treatment for correcting the appearance of crooked teeth along with addressing other cosmetic concerns, such as chips, cracks, gaps ..read more
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What Happens if I Stop Wearing My Retainers?
The Paddington Dental Surgery Blog
by admin
6M ago
We understand that it is not always second-nature to remember to wear your retainer. However, too many people ignore or simply forget the specific rules regarding their retainer, and may even abandon their retainers altogether. Often, these patients believe their retainer is just a precaution, and that their teeth will stay in place without it—but these individuals may find out soon enough that their teeth have moved back to the position they were in before orthodontic treatment. This is a frustrating discovery that makes many patients feel they have wasted time and money on the entire process ..read more
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