Why do I have mushy strawberries?
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by Emsevers
3d ago
I planted some strawberries this year that I got from a neighbor. I have a whole bunch of strawberries ripening right now and they look perfect but when you bite into them they're kind of mushy and mealy(sp?). I'm really disappointed. The only thing that I can think of is that we've been having a ton or rain lately and I know that in the past that's ruined my tomatoes and made them mushy. Is this what's happening with my strawberries or is there something else that could be causing this ..read more
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Southern Greens
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by TurnipGreens
2w ago
I have some questions for those with experience growing Turnip Greens (especially Seven Top), Collards, Tree Collards/Kale, and Mustard Green.. Mya rea is Zone 7b. Collard, Mustard, Turnip Greens: 1. I know they do well during Fall, but how is their survival and production rate going into Winter and early Spring in my zone? 2. How good are they about self-seeding? Tree Collards/Kale: 1. What's y'all's experience growing them? 2. How do they taste, and how do they compare to the other above... Read more ..read more
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Maestro Peas
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by hdan
2w ago
Planted maestro Peas couple weeks ago. 2" high now and doing well. The seed pack states this variety produces 30" vines, can be grown with or without staking. Debating if I should stake or not. Wondering if a high wind could blow them over or not. Has anyone grown this variety before or any recommendations on staking these or not. Would like to here what members would recommend for this variety Maestro Peas in zone 7a ..read more
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Sprouts Love This Weather!
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by Dahlia
2w ago
It has been so warm and sunny for the last week! These sprouts are growing like crazy! I grow a mix of radish, clover, broccoli, and alfalfa! So tasty ..read more
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I live beach side in eastern central Florida and I want to make a vegetable garden. I prefer organic. Does anyone have tips? Sandy soil and salt air.
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by plant_mom_inFL
1M ago
I live in eastern central Florida, beach side. The soil is very sandy and the air is salty, as I live only 2 blocks from the beach/ocean. I would like to start a vegetable/herb garden, and prefer to use methods that are organic, no pesticides, no manufactured chemical fertilizers. Does anyone here have tips, or suggestions on the best ways to go about this? I was thinking raised beds would be preferable ..read more
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Succession and Spare Plants
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by Phaedra
1M ago
Let's have a thread to chat about succession planting and what you will keep as spare or backup plants. This year, I started sowing from the end of January, but not too many for each crop, besides peas for shoots. I'm much more moderate in sowing lettuces as they are basically cut and come again until high summer. Brassicas have a even shorter window as they bolt faster and would encounter more pest issues when it gets warmer. Succession planting for veggies - majorly snap peas (for... Read more ..read more
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Bell Peppers in flowering stage
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by hdan
1M ago
I have 6 Bell Pepper plants 7 weeks old, 7" tall in flowering stage. Lots of flowers, main stems size of a pencil. Two-three more weeks before transplant outside. I have read keep flowers pinched off until two weeks after transplant. The 2 week delay is to allow the plant to get over transplant shock and time for the roots to get established before expending energy into fruit production. Would like to here other comments or suggestions from our members ..read more
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Restarting the garden
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by secuono
1M ago
Strawberries coming up. Planned out what to do with the cloth grow bags DH bought. Looks like 5 won't be used. One for Strawberries. One for flowers in the other thread. Two for carrots. Five for potatoes. Two for chili peppers and Two for mild peppers. Four for cucumbers. One for carnation flowers, for the other thread. Going to use mister ends and the old irrigation tube I have left ..read more
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Red Laver and Bullwhip Kelp
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by Dahlia
1M ago
We foraged some red laver and bullwhip kelp for sushi making! So fresh ..read more
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Salmon Berry Leaf & Nettle Tea
The Easy Garden » Fruits & Vegetables
by Dahlia
1M ago
Tonight I made a new tea! Salmon berry leaf & nettle tea with a dollup of honey. Yum ..read more
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