Python beginner course1
Code With Mosh » Python
by hpsauce
1d ago
Hi, Im completely new to programming and I am having lots of problems with the very basics. Im using VS code to open a terminal im supposed to use control backtick but it doesnt work. Also when I install pylint I get this blue error saying missing module docstring Pylint(C0114: missing-module-docstring). Can anyone help me please. Thanks. 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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How to trigger a python script run certain time automatically?
Code With Mosh » Python
by Suvechha
1M ago
Hi, I am new to Python. I have a “” script which is schedule by zcron to run every 2 hrs. But currently the automatic refresh is having issue. I used schedule libraries but still unable to achieve my results.please suggest. I tried this code in the python script like below code where I import CronJob import schedule import time import datetime as dt import os import psutil log_output_file = 'C:\\Python Scripts\\Production\\Python Scripts\\log.txt' path_scripts = 'C:\\Python Scripts\\Production\\Python Scripts\\' def log_file(message, log_output_file, file_attribute): f more
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Make the Editor Screen Bigger
Code With Mosh » Python
by AlphaDiallo
1M ago
Hello Everyone How Could I make the Editor Screen characters bigger? Like Zoom in or Zoom Out? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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I whould like to suggest a few more Python courses
Code With Mosh » Python
by toto
1M ago
Hi Mosh I am new to your site and I already completed one course in your site which is The React for beginners I like your courses and your style I would like to suggest or request some more Python courses or chapters on you existing Python course My Suggestion are Python for Automation course which a course on getting Python to work for you on common tasks like combining allot of files on your computer. working Python with Excel or working with Panda to do manipulation on data etc… Python Desktop Gui like making Desktop apps with Tinker or other packages of Python Python on the Web with more
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Code runner not recognizing conda environment
Code With Mosh » Python
by mahan_sa
2M ago
Hi everyone, I wanna use code runner extension on vs code to run python files using a conda environment. I have set the interpreter to this environment and added it to the path on windows, but still get this error when executing the code via code runner extension: Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases. However, I can use the terminal to run the code with this environment since it’s been added to the path. Does anyone know what I can do to fix this problem? 1 post - 1 participant more
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Python for accountants
Code With Mosh » Python
by CodezJay
2M ago
Hi everyone! Im new to this site, and my question is : In what way can Python be used as a economist or accountant? Because my main field is financial management and accounting. But i read it’s good to know programming for economist nowadays. So I started and it’s so fun. Just want to know if there is anyone here as an accountant or financial manager that is using python, and how can it be used? 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Practical experience doing something cool
Code With Mosh » Python
by steve.steve
2M ago
Hey all I’ve been learning to code with mosh for the past 6 months. I’ve completed mosh’s 6 hour python full course and I’m half way through the paid python mastery course - it’s going well anybody out there at a similar point in the learning python lifecycle and keen to link up and build a mobile / web app using what you’ve learned thus far? To emphasise - this is for learning purposes - and not - commercial / business purposes I am based on UK time. If you are interested hmu 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Having issues executing the code
Code With Mosh » Python
by fperva
2M ago
Hello, I have recently enrolled to Python Programming Course but I am having issues from the very beginning. Does anyone know why 1000 is not displayed under output? Thanks 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Python subscritpion
Code With Mosh » Python
by gumihar
2M ago
Hi, I see the Python beginner course and for developers has similar content. Please advise 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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Struggling with a code, please help
Code With Mosh » Python
by Lawrence_np
2M ago
1 post - 1 participant Read full topic more
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