Nose-to-Tail Coverage: The Need for Pet Health Insurance
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
4M ago
Pet health insurance is gaining popularity in the United States, yet far too many pets still lack coverage. Of the 114 million cats and dogs here, only 4.41 million have health insurance. With the rising costs of, well, everything, since the COVID-19 pandemic, you should consider a pet health insurance policy that can pay for itself throughout your pet’s lifetime. Benefits of a health insurance policy for your pet A pet insurance policy offers numerous perks, but some reasons to purchase a policy the day you welcome a pet into your family include: Financial protection — Caring for a pet is ex more
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Bedside Service: The Advantages of In-House Diagnostic Veterinary Testing
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
Veterinarians rely heavily on a patient’s history and comprehensive physical examination to glean clues about a pet’s health or to diagnose a disease or illness, but these don’t always provide a complete picture. Diagnostic tests provide detailed information about a pet’s internal health, which along with your furry pal’s history and physical examination findings, your veterinarian can use to make an accurate diagnosis. Diagnostic screening tests for apparently healthy pets often identify hidden issues and allow for early intervention. By having the ability to perform in-house diagnostic scree more
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The Lowdown on Lyme Disease in Pets
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
Lyme disease is one of the most well-known tick-borne diseases in people and animals, but many pet owners may not know much about the intricacies of the disease. For example, did you realize that Lyme disease is more a canine problem than feline? While your cat can technically contract Lyme disease, that occurs extremely rarely outside laboratory settings. However, cats can fall victim to other tick-borne illnesses, so prevention is still important. To keep your four-legged friend safe from the threat of Lyme disease, we explain the disease spread, signs you might see in your pet, and how to b more
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5 Creative Ways to Help Pets Beat the Heat
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
Temperatures and humidity are steadily rising, thanks to Florida’s summer sun, which most people enjoy, but can endanger many pets. Basic tenets for keeping pets cool include avoiding outdoor pet exercise during the hottest parts of the day, providing pets with shade and cool water, always supervising pets outdoors, and never leaving pets in hot cars.  These measures work well to ensure pet safety, but keeping pets indoors can be problematic when they have high energy or mental stimulation needs. The Palm Valley Veterinary Center team has compiled a few creative cooling ideas to accommoda more
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July Fourth Pet Safety Do’s and Don’ts
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
July Fourth barbecues, parades, and fireworks displays are part of the holiday’s festivities, but these patriotic traditions can pose dangers to your pet. Many exciting July Fourth festivities can put your pet in harm’s way. Our Palm Valley Veterinary Center team shares July Fourth pet safety do’s and don’ts to help ensure that you and your pet enjoy a happy and safe holiday.  DO prepare your pet for the festivities Before the July Fourth festivities begin, make your pet’s accommodations plan if you will be traveling. If you plan to board your pet, reserve your pet’s spot as early as poss more
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Bufo Toad Poisoning in Pets
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
Bufo toads are an invasive species in Florida that pose a significant threat to pets. They secrete toxins that can lead to life-threatening consequences for affected cats and dogs. Our Palm Valley Veterinary Center team doesn’t want a toad to endanger your four-legged friend, and we offer information about these amphibians and tips to protect your pet from exposure. Bufo toad basics Bufo toads, also known as Cane toads, are native to South America’s Amazon basin and the lower Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas. They were introduced into Florida in the 1930s and ’40s to help control agricultur more
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Heartworm Disease and Prevention in Pets
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
Heartworms are dangerous and potentially lethal parasites that affect millions of pets every year. The parasite is spread by mosquitoes, and once transmitted, the heartworms grow and develop inside a pet’s heart and lungs, leading to severe health problems. The good news? Heartworm prevention is highly effective and can safeguard your pet from this deadly condition. Our Palm Valley Veterinary Center team recommends year-round heartworm preventives for all dogs and for cats, and our skilled staff can help determine the best preventive plan for your pet based on their lifestyle. Keep reading to more
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Thyroid Disease in Cats and Dogs: FAQs
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
While cats and dogs occupy similar spaces in our homes and hearts, they are different species whose bodies function to their species’ needs. Cats and dogs also develop different conditions and disease types. One example in which these species greatly differ is the manner in which they experience thyroid disease. While both species are prone to thyroid problems as they age, cats’ and dogs’ specific thyroid diseases and signs are opposite one another. To help you better understand this common condition, our Palm Valley Veterinary Center team answers your frequently asked questions about thyroid more
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Is Your Pet Trying to Tell You Something? An Arthritis Quiz
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
Arthritis is one of the most common chronic conditions that affect dogs and cats. But, despite safe and effective treatment options, many pets endure prolonged pain, impaired mobility, and a reduced quality of life. Learning how to identify arthritis-related signs at home can ensure your pet receives prompt veterinary care and you avoid or delay their disease and pain from worsening. Why would your pet hide their pain? Despite hundreds of years of domestication, dogs and cats retain their survival instincts. This means they naturally hide vulnerability such as pain and weakness, which could ma more
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Pet Arthritis 101
Palm Valley Veterinary Center Blog
by Palm Valley Veterinary Center
7M ago
 Is your dog slower on your daily walks, or does your cat no longer jump to the top of your bookcase for an afternoon nap? Arthritis commonly affects pets, but many owners don’t recognize the problem because the signs can be subtle, or they attribute the changes to normal aging. Once the condition is recognized, our Palm Valley Veterinary Center team can devise an effective plan to manage your pet’s pain and improve their mobility. The following article provides information about pet arthritis to help you determine if your pet is affected.  What is pet arthritis? Arthritis isn’t a si more
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