Why Cavities Need Immediate Attention in Houston
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
1d ago
Cavities, also known as dental caries or tooth decay, are common oral health issues that can have far-reaching consequences if not promptly addressed. At Coleman Dental in Houston, we often encounter patients who underestimate the seriousness of cavities, viewing them as minor inconveniences rather than pressing health concerns. However, neglecting to treat cavities can lead to significant dental problems and even impact your overall health. Here’s why cavities need immediate attention. The Silent Progression of Cavities One of the most concerning aspects of cavities is their ability to progre ..read more
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Trust Coleman Dental for Accurate Dental Information in Houston
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
2w ago
In the bustling heart of Texas, seeking accurate and trustworthy dental information can sometimes feel like navigating through a labyrinth. For Houston residents and dental care seekers, the quest for reliable dental counsel ends at Coleman Dental—a beacon of professional integrity and dental excellence. Coleman Dental has established itself as not just a practice but a vital resource for those seeking clarity and understanding about their oral health. The practice’s dedication to providing accurate dental information stems from a deep-rooted commitment to patient education and preventive care ..read more
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We Keep Our Dental Patients Comfortable in Houston
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
3w ago
To state the obvious, nobody enjoys pain, which is why the friendly and thorough dental team at Coleman Dental has made patient comfort our priority. In conjunction with creating a relaxing environment, we have various medications that can decrease and even eliminate pain associated with different dental procedures to give you a more enjoyable experience. Some of the most common pain-relieving medications used in Houston area dentist offices and around the country are topical anesthetics. These are swabbed directly onto mouth tissue and numb the surface layers. Topical anesthetics can limit t ..read more
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Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
1M ago
There are numerous misconceptions about conscious sedation. Let Coleman Dental set the record straight about an important dental service in the Houston area. Myth #1: With Sedation Dentistry, You Are Completely Unconscious Some anxious dental patients are not only afraid of receiving treatment; they also fear the thought of not being in control. At Coleman Dental, we offer different levels of sedation, but none of the sedation options put you completely to sleep. With oral sedation you are relaxed but not totally knocked out. When we need to ask a dental sedation patient a question during the ..read more
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Affordable Dentistry in Houston
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
1M ago
A perceived lack of affordable dentistry is one of the major reasons many people in our Houston community avoid going to the dentist. However, the truth is that economical dentistry is available in the Houston area Coleman Dental. We provide top-quality services at competitive prices. Whether you need implant dentistry, restorative dentistry, or porcelain veneers, we can help you. Of course, the best way to keep your dental costs low is through preventative dentistry. We work with you to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. If problems arise, they are caught early at your six-month check-up ..read more
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Root Canal vs Dental Implant
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
1M ago
At Coleman Dental, we provide first-class restorative dental work in Houston. When a tooth’s nerve and pulp become infected, a dentist and patient must choose whether to attempt to save the tooth by completing a root canal or to extract the tooth. Several factors impact this determination. These include whether there is an infection in the surrounding bone, the amount and condition of the remaining tooth structure, the strength of the supporting bone, and the presence of periodontitis. During endodontic treatment, the nerve and pulp of the affected tooth are taken out. This tissue contains ve ..read more
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Gritting Your Teeth: Stress And Your Smile
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
1M ago
Doctors have been telling us for years that stress can increase the risk of everything from high blood pressure to depression. But how often do we think about how stress influences our smile? Here are some dental problems Coleman Dental links to stress. Cold sores are a symptom of the herpes simplex virus. Scientists don’t know exactly what causes canker sores but suspect they are related to infection, virus, or a weak immune system. If you are prone to mouth sores, you probably already know that stress seems to bring them on or extend healing times. If you get these sores often, speak with y ..read more
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Choosing the Right Dentist In Houston
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
2M ago
The American Dental Association offers some welcome advice for choosing a dentist in greater Houston. We have already talked about how word of mouth is an important factor in choosing a dentist. Here are some factors Coleman Dental suggests you should look for: Location is always a factor when choosing a dentist in Houston. If you live in the Houston area, there are many options, and most locations are not too far out of the way. While location plays an important role in convenience, many people are willing to drive a little farther for a better experience with their dentist. The relationship ..read more
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Preventing Tooth Decay In Houston
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
2M ago
In Houston, tooth decay is one of the most common childhood problems, yet tooth decay also affects adults. At Coleman Dental, we help patients of all ages fight tooth decay. Bacteria is a common cause of tooth decay. Bacteria live in your mouth and combine with plaque and acids to break down the enamel coating on your teeth. The breakdown of your tooth enamel can often result in the development of small holes in your teeth which are known as cavities. Tooth decay is typically a result of diet and oral hygiene choices. When sticky foods are consumed and allowed to sit on the teeth, or foods fu ..read more
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Has Your Child Visited A Dentist in the Houston Area?
Houston Cosmetic Dentist Blog
by Giuliano
3M ago
Hello Houston! At Coleman Dental, we know that your child’s health and safety is your top priority. That’s why you baby-proof your home, serve healthy foods, and buckle them tightly in their car seat before you pull out of your driveway. Teeth and gum conditions can affect speech development, nutrition, and self-confidence. From birth, there are important things parents can do to promote healthy teeth – even before your son’s or daughter’s first tooth erupts. At Coleman Dental, we maintain a kid-friendly environment so our youngest patients look forward to dental check-ups and never develop t ..read more
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