Beyond Braces: The Comprehensive Care of Orthodontic Specialists
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
4d ago
When it comes to your child’s smile, it’s more than just straight teeth that matter. At myKIDSdds we understand the importance of comprehensive orthodontic care that goes beyond braces. Our team of pediatric dental and orthodontic specialists in Dallas are dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses not only the alignment of teeth but also the overall oral health and well-being of your child. Early Intervention: We believe in the power of early intervention to guide the growth and development of your child’s teeth and jaws. By identifying potential orthodontic issues at an ea more
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Prepping Your Child For Their Dental Visits
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
1M ago
Dental fear and anxiety are common feelings of young children. Experiences like routine vaccinations and blood tests, hospitalizations or going off to school for the first time can contribute to their worries. Medical procedures like past strep tests can certainly justify their concern about allowing anyone near their mouth. There are a number of things we suggest to help prepare them to see us for the first time. These ideas are also helpful toward rebuilding trust if they have had a prior negative experience. Start Young We recommend a baby’s first dental visit when they more
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Tips for the brave and the squeamish … Removing wiggly baby teeth
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
2M ago
Baby teeth have roots that naturally dissolve over time, which cause the tooth to become loose with only a few gum tissue fibers actually holding it in place. Most often, removing the wiggly tooth is simply detaching those remaining fibers. We can probably agree that it is best for a baby tooth to work its way out on its own. The child can help by continually moving it with their tongue, clean fingers or simply munching on crunchy foods. Many a tooth has been lost in a school cafeteria while eating lunch. Sometimes a child doesn’t even realize it came out as there was little holding it i more
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Common Dental Fears for Children and How to Help
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
3M ago
Our values and goals at myKIDSdds are to surround your children with an environment of fun, safety and trust. We want to share some ideas on how to support those goals while respecting the uniqueness of your child.  Top three dental fears for children: Fear of a new environment It is common for children to have initial anxiety at an office to which they have never been. The sights and sounds should be reflective of putting them at ease. Looking for an office with fun colors and play areas that help them feel as if they are going for a playdate adds to their comfort. Having them brin more
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Pacifiers: When to Use Pacifiers and How to Kick the Habit?
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
4M ago
Pacifiers are not all bad … They have their place, and we want to help you understand when and why to use them, and then how to eliminate the habit once its purpose has ended. In the beginning… When babies are born and begin nursing or bottle feeding, they present a forward tongue position which extends forward and backward when sucking. This helps the movement of milk transition from the front of the mouth to the back. As babies develop and increase core strength to begin sitting, they also eat more solid foods, thus changing their feeding pattern to an up and down chewing motion. Prolo more
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Permanent Teeth: Different Look, Different Challenges
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
6M ago
When the second set of teeth begin making their appearance, we at myKIDSdds, are often met with questions concerning their size, color, shape or basically “how in the world are they going to fit in my child’s mouth?”  No doubt they do not at all resemble those cute little bright white, perfectly shaped baby teeth. It is quite a surprise if you have no idea what is coming, so hopefully this information will help prepare you for the transition to an adult smile. Size, Color, Shape and Texture – Oh My! Right away you will notice that the front permanent incisors look compl more
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Holidays and the Sugar Rush
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
7M ago
The holidays are all around us, and the temptation to flood our bodies with “sweet treats” is hard to resist. We face aisles of enticingly colorful packaging and they taste sooo good. The season begins with Halloween which, by design, is laser focused on the activity of gathering as large a bag of candy as possible in a two-hour window. There is even discussion among “trick or treaters” as to which house not to miss because of their exceptional handouts.  Other holidays come along in November, December and into the New Year, not totally centered on sugar, but a lot of candy and dess more
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Baby Teeth … Why (do we have them), When (will they come in) and How (do we care for them)?
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
7M ago
Becoming a new parent can feel daunting with many things to learn as you are handed this precious little one to buckle into a car seat and drive home, starting your journey as a family. One question that comes up after a few months of adjusting to feeding, sleeping (we hope) and caring for them is “When do they get their first tooth?” Primary and permanent–why so many teeth? First, why do we even have two sets of teeth? A practical reason might be that our jaws grow so much during the first 12 plus years; baby teeth are sized for the baby jaw, and larger adult teeth fit int more
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School is Back! Lunch Packing and Mouth Guard Shopping
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
7M ago
It’s that time of year again–school, sports, and activities return as well as the need to have a more structured routine, and that includes packing lunches. Creativity in color and texture and owning their choices can help to destress the process. Variety for the Win Offering several food groups that include protein, carbs, healthy fats, fresh fruit and veggies will satisfy their hunger plus give them brain power and energy for the day. Fruits A cup of low-sugar applesauce Fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries Grapes Banana Slices of kiwi Peaches Apples Melons or clementine oran more
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Energy Drinks and Ice Chewing … The Hype and The Crunch
My KIDSdds Blog
by myKIDSdds
7M ago
Some news you can use, parents, there is NO health benefit for your children in energy drinks: zero, nada! Without question they are marketed beautifully and enticingly with their flashy, neon, brightly colored cans lining the aisles of our supermarkets and convenience stores. They are sometimes even found in the health food section, giving the false impression of being a healthier alternative to soft drinks/sports drinks. Tweens and teens are drawn to them, so we parents get tired of arguing and often give in and buy them. The Fact of the Matter Energy drinks’ target consumer is anyon more
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