A Timeline for Recovery: Healing from Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
1w ago
If you need a wisdom tooth removed, you likely want to get treatment over with. The process is painless but not fun, so many folks prefer to receive it and be on their way. However, this procedure isn’t something you can just carelessly rush through. Healing from wisdom tooth extraction can take a while and requires careful attention. As for the specifics, let your Dallas dentist explain the matter. Here’s what to expect while recovering from a wisdom tooth extraction and some tips on speeding up your recovery. Recovery Timeline for Wisdom Tooth Extraction You won’t heal from your tooth extra ..read more
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Wisdom Teeth Woes: Why Do They Cause So Many Issues?
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
1w ago
Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to emerge in the back of your mouth. While many people see them grow properly, others have a less pleasant experience where they go sideways. But why does this happen? Read on to learn more about wisdom teeth and how they can cause so many issues for your dental health. Why Do Wisdom Teeth Grow Strangely? The main issue with wisdom teeth is their notoriously bad placement and timing. They erupt from the gumline at the back of your mouth after all your other teeth have already developed. Here are some reasons why your mouth may not b ..read more
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How Can Dental Implants Make Me Look Younger?
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
1M ago
While dentures and dental bridges are great ways to replace missing teeth, they don’t offer the stability or ease of care that comes with dental implants. They also cannot address the problem of bone loss in the jaw that occurs after tooth loss. Since dental implants are placed directly in the jaw, they can exert maximum chewing force while stimulating the surrounding bone structure. Here’s how dental implants can keep you looking young. How Does Tooth Loss Cause Bone Loss? Like every other part of your body, your jawbones need exercise to stay strong and healthy, and this stimulation normall ..read more
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Can Impacted Wisdom Teeth Cause Further Health Issues?
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
1M ago
The wisdom teeth typically emerge sometime in a person’s late teens or early twenties. While some people have no problem when these third molars come in, they can cause a variety of complications for many others. In particular, impacted wisdom teeth are molars that emerge incompletely from the gums, and they can be constantly painful while setting a person up for dental infections and injuries. Here are some of the problems impacted wisdom teeth can cause and what you should know about having them removed. Impacted Wisdom Teeth Hurt Pain is the most common symptom of impacted wisdom teeth. Wh ..read more
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Risks of Getting Discounted Dental Implants
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
1M ago
Dental implants are the most reliable method of treating tooth loss. However, they can be more expensive initially than other dental prosthetics, although they are the most cost-effective overall. If you’re like many people, you enjoy saving money, which means you might shop around to find the cheapest deal on dental implants, but you’ll get what you pay for. Pinching pennies can cause your investment to fail. Here’s why you should avoid discounted dental implants.  How a Dental Implant Works A dental implant is unlike any other tooth replacement method because it treats both the root and ..read more
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How to Avoid Dental Implant Failure
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
2M ago
Dental implants are the most reliable method of treating lost teeth. They have over a 95% success rate and can last for 30 years or longer with the right aftercare. Although dental implant failure occurs in less than 5% of cases, simple mistakes can increase your risk. Here’s how to safeguard your investment from preventable complications. Follow Your Dentist’s Aftercare Instructions After your placement surgery, your dentist will give you specific instructions to ensure your jawbone fuses to the posts through a process called osseointegration. Besides keeping your mouth clean, your dentist wi ..read more
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Concerns Clarified: FAQs for Patients After Dental Implant Surgery
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
2M ago
Dental implants are an incredible tooth replacement technology that can change lives. However, after dental implant surgery, some patients have questions about the recovery process and what to expect. While dentists give detailed instructions about post-operative care, they may not answer your specific questions. If you want to see some of the common concerns of dental implant patients addressed, continue reading. How Long is the Recovery Process After Dental Implant Surgery? The recovery time can vary from patient to patient. Factors like patient health, the number of implants placed, and th ..read more
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Can Dental Implants Replace Healthy Teeth?
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
3M ago
Dental implants are considered the best form of tooth replacement because they look and work just like real teeth, but healthy real teeth are always the better option. Unfortunately, there have been some recent cases of people having healthy teeth removed and replacing them with dental implants. Some dental professionals have expressed concern over patients being recommended extractions and dental implants when treatments like veneers, fillings, bridges, or root canals could have addressed their concerns. Here’s why you shouldn’t want to replace healthy teeth with dental implants. Dental Impl ..read more
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Give These Foods Some Space if You’ve Just Had Your Dental Implants Placed
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
3M ago
Dental implants are a wonderful solution to tooth loss because they look and function just like natural teeth. While dental implants are incredibly strong and durable once they have fused to the jawbone, they are vulnerable to damage while they are still healing. In addition to practicing excellent oral hygiene and steering clear of alcohol and tobacco, patients should also make sure they are careful about their dietary choices while the surgical sites are still recovering. Here are some foods to avoid if you’ve recently had your implants placed. What Kind of Foods Can Dental Implants Allow M ..read more
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If You Don’t Know These Dental-Implant-Related Words, You Aren’t Alone
Midtown's Family Dentistry Blog
by Zach Kingsberg
4M ago
Dental implants are marvels of modern dentistry. The so-called “implant revolution” recently swept over the field, meaning increased research and investment in making these prostheses as effective as they can be. While this is excellent for patients, it also means that understanding everything that dental implants have to offer can be a bit complicated as a layperson. Even understanding some of jargon you’ll hear surrounding dental implants might be a bit difficult. If you’re interested in learning more about what this dental treatment can do for you, here are a few terms you might run into ..read more
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