Can You Get Lip Fillers After Dental Work?
White Dental Spa Blog
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1w ago
There’s a growing trend in the beauty industry, and it’s all about enhancing your lips. Lip fillers, a popular treatment in Turtle Creek and beyond, are on the rise. But what happens when you’ve just had dental work done? Can you still get lip fillers? Let’s find out. Understanding Lip Fillers and Dental Work Lip fillers are a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a substance, usually hyaluronic acid, into your lips to increase their size and improve their shape. Dental work, on the other hand, can range from simple cleaning to more complex procedures like root canals or dent more
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Lip Augmentation vs Lip Filler: The Ultimate Guide to a Perfect Pout
White Dental Spa Blog
by admin
3M ago
In the quest for fuller, plumper lips, many find themselves at the crossroads of Lip Augmentation and Lip Fillers. Both have their merits, but how do you choose the best option for you? Let’s dive in! Understanding Lip Augmentation Lip augmentation is a type of cosmetic surgery that aims to increase the fullness of the lips through the use of implants or fat transfer. This procedure can provide a permanent solution for those seeking a more pronounced pout. While it offers lasting results, lip augmentation is an invasive procedure that requires recovery time and may carry more risks than non-su more
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Is Chewing Ice Bad for Your Teeth?
White Dental Spa Blog
by admin
4M ago
As the scorching summer months roll in, the temptation to cool down with an ice cube becomes all too enticing. But have you ever paused to ponder, “Is chewing ice bad for your teeth?” Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of this common habit and its potential impact on your dental well-being. The Impact That Chewing Ice Has on Your Teeth At first glance, chewing ice may appear harmless, but it harbors the potential to unleash a slew of dental issues. Ice cubes, with their unyielding hardness and icy chill, can inflict microscopic fractures upon your tooth enamel—the resilient o more
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Are Cavities Contagious?
White Dental Spa Blog
by admin
4M ago
It’s a question that has likely crossed many minds who value their dental health – are cavities contagious? If your child develops those dreaded holes in their teeth, do you need to worry that the rest of the family is also at increased risk? Or can you rest assured that cavities remain an isolated oral health threat? When it comes to this troubling dental dilemma that leads to social anxiety for kids and costly dental work for parents, separating fact from fiction provides peace of mind.  The answer to whether cavities are transferable or not might surprise those who default to the conta more
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Dental Crowns vs. Caps: Understanding the Difference and Choosing the Right Option for You
White Dental Spa Blog
by admin
7M ago
When it comes to restoring damaged or decayed teeth, dental crowns and caps are two popular options. While they may sound similar, there are important differences between the two. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision about which option is best for your dental needs. What Are Dental Crowns? Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made restorations that cover the entire visible portion of a tooth. They are typically used to restore teeth that are severely damaged, decayed, or weakened. Crowns are designed to provide strength, stability, and protecti more
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Can Invisalign Fix an Overbite?
White Dental Spa Blog
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7M ago
Invisalign is a popular type of orthodontic treatment because of its discretion and enhanced comfort. But is it as good as braces?  If you are dealing with a particularly difficult type of tooth misalignment, like an overbite, you’re likely wondering if Invisalign is the right solution for you. The short answer is that it depends.  Check out this short guide to learn more. How Does Invisalign Work? Invisalign is a type of clear aligner therapy that uses a set of plastic trays to slowly reposition the teeth. Your trays will be custom-made based on a scan and map of your tooth realignm more
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5 Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures 
White Dental Spa Blog
by admin
7M ago
Do you want to enhance your smile but aren’t sure which cosmetic procedure is right for you?  You’ve come to the right place!  This short blog post from White Dental Spa will break down the most common cosmetic dentistry treatments and help you decide.  1. Teeth Whitening  Teeth whitening is a simple, non-invasive cosmetic treatment and perhaps the fastest and simplest way to revamp your smile.  You can get the treatment in the office or ask one of our dentists to prepare a custom-made at-home whitening kit. Regardless, you can rest assured that we will whiten your tee more
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Do You Have To Brush Veneers?
White Dental Spa Blog
by admin
7M ago
If you are looking for a way to enhance your smile, then veneers are an excellent choice. They are a common cosmetic dentistry procedure that can address a lot of different issues: Severe staining and discoloration Gaps Your teeth are of various sizes Small cracks and chips, etc. If you’re thinking about upgrading your smile with veneers, you likely have lots of questions about their maintenance. One of the questions we get asked a lot about veneers is whether they need to be brushed. And the short answer is yes. But keep reading to find out exactly why! How Veneers Work Veneers are made fro more
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How Does Laughing Gas Work?
White Dental Spa Blog
by admin
7M ago
A lot of people experience dental anxiety and postpone as much as possible going to the dentist and getting their problems solved. Luckily, with the help of sedation dentistry, you can manage your anxiety and get the treatment you need to restore your oral health.  One type of sedation dentistry that allows you to relax on your dentist’s chair is the use of laughing gas. What is it and how does it work?  Let’s find out!  What Is Laughing Gas? Laughing gas or Nitrous oxide is a gas used by dentists to help patients through certain dental procedures. It works as a sedative and its more
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Can You Drive After Laughing Gas?
White Dental Spa Blog
by admin
7M ago
Laughing gas is the mildest and most common sedative used in sedation dentistry in Dallas. It’s so widely used because it’s very safe and can be administered to patients of all ages. Many sedatives require preparation and aftercare, but nitrous oxide is quite different. Read on in this blog from White Dental Spa to find out how long nitrous oxide stays in your system and if you will be able to drive home after your appointment. What Is Laughing Gas? Laughing gas is another name for nitrous oxide, a mild sedative that is inhaled through the nose via a nasal mask. Nitrous oxide gas, along with o more
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