SFF Books from 2023 I Hope to Read in 2024
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
1M ago
This continues to happen, hence why my TBR pile is now a stack. Every year, there are several books I do NOT get to read immediately after they become available to me. I want to make clear that my end-of-the-year hiatus I took at the end of 2023 had NOTHING to do with me not ..read more
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Why You Need to Read…My Selections for Best Speculative Fiction of 2022
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
And, we made it to the end of 2022! For me, it was a very busy year! Now, I'm a full-time librarian and I'm attempting to make time for even more books to read (for work and for fun). I'm still working on balancing a career and life while continuing to pursue my other goals ..read more
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Book Tag: 10 Years, 10 Favorite Books
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
It seems Realms of My Mind has carried this BookTok Trend over to Bookbloggers (checkout the lists compiled by both imyril and My World of Books)! Before this "trend," I was thinking over my favorites from previous years. Keep in mind I started using "book apps" such as Goodreads and Library Thing (and later StoryGraph ..read more
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SCKA 2022: Let the Chaos Begin…Again!
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
It's my second year participating in The Subjective Chaos Kind of Awards! I'm ready to participate in the Awards' 5th year! In short, (now) several bookbloggers participate in their version of a literary awards for traditionally published works from the speculative fiction genre (for indie works, please look to both SPFBO and SPSFC respectively). Each ..read more
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Bookish Wishes (2023)
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
I'm piggybacking this week's post based on what Leah, Birdie, Peat Long, and One Book More shared on their blogs. Remember, these are books I'm hoping to purchase (or, to obtain) in the near future. It's clear my wishlist differs from the other bookblogers; but then, it would be boring having the same books on ..read more
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Book Stack: Frequent SFF Book Recommendations
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
This is a topic I've seen some of my fellow bookbloggers post on their sites. I thought it was an interesting topic and it got me thinking about some books, particularly speculative fiction books, I recommend to other individuals to read. And, believe it or not, I wrote down my list of 10 titles I ..read more
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Reading Check-In: April 1, 2023
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
March was a very productive month for me. As you will see, I managed to finish reading some books and start and/or pickup other books. What have I finished reading recently? This is a brilliant start to a new series by Shannon Chakraborty. Did the author drop a hint for how many books there will ..read more
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Reading Check-In: March 4, 2023
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
I apologize for yet another "list post," but I wanted to give an update on everything that happened since the beginning of February; and, I want to make sure I have more than 1 book review ready to post. What have I finished reading recently? I just finished reading this book, and I'm glad I ..read more
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Why You Need to Read…My Most Anticipated Speculative Fiction Books of 2023
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! A new year means new books to look forward to reading, alongside the ones from last year that we haven't read yet. 2023 looks to be an exciting year once again for book releases. At the same time, it's daunting to know that with several prequels/sequels/companion novels getting published this year ..read more
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Reading Check-In: December 3, 2022
Aquavenatus » Military Fiction
by aquavenatus
7M ago
The last few weeks have been very busy for me. Work and life has kept me occupied; and, while I haven't read as many books as I wanted, I've been able to read enough to write up some reviews and, hopefully, reach my reading goals by the end of this year. What have I finished ..read more
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