How divorce can affect your tax filing and financial situation
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
Divorce is a significant life event that affects your financial situation and tax filing. Understanding these implications can help you make informed decisions during and after the divorce process. Filing status changes One of divorce’s most immediate tax consequences is a change in your filing status. As a married person, you likely filed jointly. However, after divorce, your filing status will typically switch to either “Single” or “Head of Household,” depending on your circumstances. Choosing the right one is important because your filing status impacts your tax rates, deductions and credit more
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Understanding a grey divorce and its causes
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
According to the American Bar Association, grey divorces make up 25% of all divorces. Given that grey divorces occur later in life, they often involve unique challenges and complexities. But why do grey divorces happen? What factors contribute to this phenomenon? Learn more about what grey divorces are and their causes. Grey divorce Grey divorce refers to the dissolution of marriages involving couples usually in their 50s or older who are often married for several decades. The color grey is symbolic of the later years of life, hence the term. While the overall divorce rate has decreased, the r more
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When does alimony end?
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
During a divorce, alimony refers to the financial support that one spouse could have to provide to the other. However, it is important to know that alimony payments do not last forever. In fact, there are specific circumstances and conditions that determine when alimony payments end. Length of marriage The duration of alimony payments often depends on the length of the marriage. In general, the longer the marriage, the more likely it is that the court will award alimony for a longer period of time. This is because longer marriages usually involve a greater level of financial interdependence be more
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Why bad marriages are not healthy for you or the kids
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
The debate about staying in an unhappy marriage for the sake of the children is an age-old one. Many parents worry about the impact of a divorce on their children and decide to stick it out, often with the belief that they are doing the best thing for their children. However, staying in a bad marriage may not always be the best decision for the family as a whole. Consider some reasons why it might be better to reconsider staying in a problematic relationship, even when you have children. The impact on the children Children are perceptive. They often pick up on tension and conflicts even when p more
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How to safeguard your reputation as you navigate a divorce
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
Even though your divorce may feel like a private matter, it may not be treated like one – especially if you have a prominent position in your community. Whether you operate a business, are a professional who is distinguished in their field or simply enjoy an elevated social standing, your divorce can become a topic of curiosity and conversation – and that can have a negative effect on your reputation. However, there are strategies you can employ to minimize the reputational fallout and emerge from this difficult period with your dignity intact. Resist the urge to share online It’s become very more
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What happens to a professional practice in a divorce?
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
Whether you, your spouse or both of you own a professional practice, you will, of course, want to retain your share in it if you divorce. Dividing the practice can be a complex process, and you will need someone to protect your interests. Because a licensed professional practice is a business, it will need to be valued and possibly divided in a high-asset divorce, depending on the circumstances surrounding the couple and their income and assets. Many types of professionals have their own practices such as: Dentists Doctors Veterinarians Therapists, counselors, psychiatrists and psychologists A more
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What is a 1A divorce?
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
In 2019, U.S. News and World Report stated Massachusetts had one of the lowest divorce rates in the nation at 6.4%. Despite this, many couples within the state still see their marriages end. One of the options available for couples is the 1A divorce process. This approach, also known as an uncontested divorce, can provide a more streamlined and amicable path to dissolve a marriage. 1A divorce explained In a 1A divorce, both partners must agree on fundamental aspects of the divorce, such as property division, child custody and financial arrangements. This mutual agreement can help expedite the more
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The psychological stages of divorce
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
It is important to know the psychological stages that you will go through during a divorce. Knowing them can help you deal with them constructively and effectively. No matter the length of your marriage, you will go through each stage. The longer the marriage, the more likely you will suffer a severe impact. 1. Blame The couple starts to blame each other for things that may or may not be their fault. You might feel: Negative self-worth Dissatisfaction Guilt Depression Distance There are consequences to these feelings, which can cause a further breakdown of your relationship. 2. Mourning You wi more
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Common reasons for gray divorce
Law Offices of Lisa A. Ruggieri P.C Blog
7M ago
Divorce rates have been increasing among married couples in their 50s and older. The divorce rate for these older couples has increased over the last several decades. Often called a gray divorce, there are unique challenges, considerations and factors that contribute to these situations. Gray divorces have a few common causes. Empty nest discoveries One challenge of the empty nest is suddenly finding yourself alone with your spouse with no children demanding your time. This sudden shift in the household dynamic often reveals fractures in the relationship that were not apparent previously. With more
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