5 Ways To Reduce The Risk Of An ACL Tear or Re-Tear
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
21h ago
ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries are all too common, especially among athletes. Whether you’re recovering from an ACL tear or looking to prevent one, these five strategies can help protect your knees and keep you in the game. 1. Strengthen Your Leg Muscles Strong muscles around your knee can provide better support and stability, reducing the risk of an ACL injury. Focus on your quads and hamstrings: These muscles are essential for knee stability. Incorporate exercises like squats, lunges, and leg presses into your routine. Don’t forget your glutes: Strong glutes can help maintain p ..read more
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6 Ways Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Your Health
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
3M ago
In recent years, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has gained attention for its potential to enhance overall health and well-being. This non-invasive treatment involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room or chamber, and its positive effects extend to various aspects of health. Let’s delve into six ways hyperbaric oxygen therapy can make a significant impact on your health. Faster Healing: At the forefront of HBOT benefits is its capacity to accelerate the healing process. By elevating oxygen levels in tissues, this therapy facilitates speedy recovery from injuries, surgeries, and di ..read more
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3 Ways Poor Flexibility Can Ruin Your Health
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
3M ago
We’re all about keeping it real with you at Sports Performance, and today, let’s chat about something that often flies under the radar – flexibility. You know, that stretchy, bendy stuff that can make a world of difference in how you feel every day. At SP, we’ve seen firsthand how poor flexibility can sneakily mess with your health, and we’re here to spill the beans on three ways it can wreak havoc – and how getting bendy can turn things around. Dodging the Injury Bullet: Picture this: tight muscles and stiff joints setting the stage for an unwelcome injury drama. No thanks! We’ve got you ..read more
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The 12-Month Guide To Maximize Your Health
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
7M ago
Do you find yourself constantly battling aches and pains, feeling frustrated by their persistent presence in your life? Are you longing for a solution to banish discomfort and ensure you don’t fall victim to future injuries? If so, you’re not alone. Countless people face the same struggle, but there is hope. At Sports Performance we have designed a 12-month program to help you take charge of your health and minimize the risk of re-injury. In this blog, we’ll outline a simple, easy-to-follow plan that will empower you to live your best life without nagging pains. Month 1-3: Establish a Solid ..read more
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3 Simple Ways To Deal With Low Back Pain If You Work A Desk Job
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
7M ago
Low back pain is a common issue for people who work desk jobs. Sitting for extended periods, coupled with poor posture and lack of movement, can lead to discomfort and pain in the lower back. Fortunately, there are simple ways to address this issue and improve your comfort level. Here are three ways to deal with low back pain if you work a desk job: 1. Practice good posture One of the most common causes of low back pain is poor posture. Sitting with your shoulders hunched forward and your lower back curved can place unnecessary stress on your spine. To prevent this, practice good posture. Si ..read more
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3 Ways Physical Therapy Will Heal Your Chronic Shoulder Pain
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
7M ago
Dealing with chronic shoulder pain can be not only physically uncomfortable but emotionally distressing as well. Everyday tasks that once seemed effortless can become challenging. If you’ve been living with this persistent discomfort, it’s time to explore the healing potential of physical therapy. In this article, we’ll delve into three key ways physical therapy can be your ticket to relief from chronic shoulder pain, along with tips on how to maximize the efficiency of your therapy sessions. 1) Customized Exercise Programs for Strength and Mobility One of the cornerstones of physical thera ..read more
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How To Improve Your Sleep Based On Your Sleeping Position
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
7M ago
A good night’s sleep is crucial for our overall well-being and productivity. While many factors can influence the quality of our sleep, one often overlooked aspect is our sleeping position. Believe it or not, how you position yourself during sleep can significantly impact the quality of your slumber. In this blog, we’ll explore different sleeping positions and provide practical tips on how to improve your sleep efficiently based on your preferred position. Back Sleepers Sleeping on your back is considered one of the best positions for overall health, as it promotes proper alignment of the s ..read more
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4 Tips To Enjoy Your Pregnancy & Post-Natal Months With More Energy & Fewer Aches
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Stephanie Garcia, PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS
7M ago
Pregnancy is both an exciting and challenging time for women. On one hand, you get to experience the joy of creating new life and nurturing your baby inside you. On the other hand, you may also experience various physical and emotional discomforts that can affect your energy levels and overall well-being.  This Mother’s Day, I’m here to explore with you some tips on how to enjoy your pregnancy and post-natal months with more energy and fewer aches. #1: Stay Active Staying active during pregnancy can help reduce aches and pains and boost your energy levels. Activities such as walking, sw ..read more
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3 Simple Ways To Ease Low Back Pain
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
7M ago
Low back pain is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, herniated discs, and arthritis. If you are experiencing low back pain, it’s important to take steps to ease your discomfort and prevent further injury. In this blog, we will discuss three simple ways to ease low back pain and provide tips on how to do them efficiently. 1. Stretching and Strengthening Exercises One of the most effective ways to ease low back pain is through stretching and strengthening exercises. These exercises can help ..read more
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3 Ways To Stay Injury Free While You Continue Doing What You Love
Sports Performance Physical Therapy Blog
by Dr. Christopher Garcia, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW
7M ago
As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure, and this holds true when it comes to preventing injuries. Whether you are an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or simply enjoy playing sports or engaging in physical activities, the last thing you want is to get sidelined by an injury. In this blog post, we will discuss three ways to stay injury-free while continuing to do what you love, and provide tips on how to do it efficiently. 1. Warm-up and Stretching Before engaging in any physical activity, it is essential to warm-up and stretch your muscles. A proper warm-up routine can help ..read more
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