Relocation, divorce and minor children
Liliana L. Guarino, P.A. Blog
by cnagro
7M ago
Planning a fresh start by moving to a new location after your divorce? Starting a new post-divorce job out of the area? If you want your minor children to go with you, you will need either the consent of the other parent or the court’s approval. Courts view a permanent relocation as more than 50 miles away from the other parent for 60 or more days. If both parents agree to the relocation, a parenting plan should be drafted and approved by the Court.  If, on the other hand, the other parent objects to the relocation, a petition must be filed in compliance with Florida statutes. The obje more
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How much money will a divorce cost me?
Liliana L. Guarino, P.A. Blog
by cnagro
7M ago
The following provides some general information to give you an idea of what to expect when hiring an attorney. It is important to note that the cost of a divorce varies depending on the unique circumstances of each case. Typically, when you retain an attorney for a divorce, you must pay a retainer fee. This fee usually ranges between $3000 and $5000. The retainer covers the initial phase of the divorce process, including paying the attorney and staff and filing fees. Liliana educates her clients on how to proceed in the most economical way possible. We can save you money by being transparen more
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Florida modifications to alimony law
Liliana L. Guarino, P.A. Blog
by cnagro
7M ago
As of July 1, 2023 the new Florida law has eliminated permanent alimony. Pending cases will no longer be able to petition for permanent alimony. A provision is in place making it easier to modify existing agreements, but new changes are not automatically retroactive.  If you are in a position where you are dependent on your spouse, a backup plan is now more important than ever. Sign up below to our mailing list to receive the latest on divorcing in Florida and what it means to you. The following is an excerpt reprinted from The Family Law Section of The Florida Bar newsletter July 2 more
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Having a Parenting Plan is Not Optional
Liliana L. Guarino, P.A. Blog
by cnagro
7M ago
It is a common misconception you can be vague when complying with the parenting plan requirement. If you have minor children you cannot get divorced without a detailed Parenting Plan. It is that simple. I often meet with couples who agree that their marriage has come to an end and want to divorce. They have worked out mutually-agreeable terms including who will have the children and when. But be forewarned if there is not a detailed, written Parenting Plan the divorce request may be denied. A thorough Parenting Plan with major points like a time sharing schedule, holidays and vacations is i more
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Are you hiding your child from time sharing with your ex?
Liliana L. Guarino, P.A. Blog
by cnagro
7M ago
A trend has been observed since the Coronavirus pandemic altered our lives. It seems that some parents are keeping children from their ex in the name of safety. If you are one of them here is a word of advice. According to the Courts, if you are allowed to go out to buy food you have to respect the time sharing arrangement / agreement. Failure to do so could result in being held in contempt. Court orders could be issued. Litigation could follow. It could possibly affect your agreement and future time sharing rights! We are all living in a new reality. Hopefully things will get better soon more
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Like it or not, mandatory disclosures are required for divorcing.
Liliana L. Guarino, P.A. Blog
by cnagro
7M ago
As part of the divorce, there is a requirement to exchange financial information. This is called a Mandatory Disclosure. It includes financial affidavits and a list of supporting financial documents. How much one makes, how much they spend, a list of assets, financial liabilities and more. Basically everything that has numbers must be included. Even if you do not work or feel you do not have any assets it is a MANDATORY step. Most people cringe at that thought of this step. Here’s why it is for your own protection. If your spouse files a financial affidavit stating that they have no savings more
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What you should know before hiring a certified mediator for your divorce.
Liliana L. Guarino, P.A. Blog
by cnagro
7M ago
Looking to divorce in the most cost-effective way possible? A mediator is often less expense than a divorce attorney – even if the mediator is also a divorce attorney! Why? Because a mediator acts as a neutral facilitator, while the parties do most of the work! A mediation can be accomplished in as little as 2 1-hour sessions if both parties are amicable. But most take more time, 4 hours or more. Even at that, mediation still costs less than a conventional divorce. Zoom meetings are a way to speed up the process while staying safe. The Mediator’s job ends when the parties have an agreement more
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Does your situation meet Florida’s legal definition for domestic violence?
Liliana L. Guarino, P.A. Blog
by cnagro
7M ago
Divorce is hard on many levels. The emotional upheaval is real. It can bring out the worst in humanity. Being screamed at, insults and other verbal and emotional abuse is bad, there is no debate. But according to the legal definition of domestic violence it may not meet the standard for obtaining an injunction. Before you claim domestic violence ask yourself if you are experiencing any of the following: Are you the victim of threats or physical abuse? Have there been attempts to harm you or another family member or pet? Has your spouse threatened to conceal, kidnap or harm your children? H more
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