Understanding High Asset Divorce Laws: What You Need to Know
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The McKinney Law Group
2d ago
Divorce is rarely a simple process, but when significant assets are involved, the complexity increases exponentially. High asset divorces, which typically involve substantial financial resources, business interests, properties, and other valuable assets, require a nuanced understanding of the law to ensure a fair and equitable distribution. For those navigating a high asset divorce, the guidance of an experienced Tampa divorce attorney is invaluable. This blog post will delve into the key aspects of high asset divorce laws and what you need to know to protect your interests. Defining High Asse ..read more
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Preserving Wealth and Assets: Prenups for High-Net-Worth Individuals with an Asheville Prenup Attorney
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The McKinney Law Group
2d ago
High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) often have complex financial portfolios, including investments, real estate, businesses, and valuable assets. When these individuals enter into marriage, protecting their wealth and assets becomes a paramount concern. In Asheville, working with an experienced prenup attorney is crucial for HNWIs to craft comprehensive prenuptial agreements that safeguard their financial interests and provide clarity in the event of divorce or separation. The Importance of Prenups for High-Net-Worth Individuals HNWIs face unique challenges when it comes to marital finances. Wi ..read more
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Sobriety and Single Parenthood: Balancing Sobriety, Parenting, and Dating After Divorce
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The McKinney Law Group
2d ago
Life as a single parent is often a delicate balancing act, especially when coupled with the challenges of maintaining sobriety and re-entering the dating world after a divorce. For single parents in recovery, the journey can be even more complex, demanding a unique set of strategies and a robust support system to navigate successfully. This post explores the multifaceted challenges faced by single parents in recovery and offers practical advice on managing parenting responsibilities, dating, and maintaining sobriety simultaneously. We’ll also delve into the importance of self-care and the crit ..read more
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Postnuptial Agreements and Retirement Planning in Florida: A Guide by a Tampa Divorce Lawyer
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The McKinney Law Group
1w ago
Retirement planning is a critical aspect of financial stability, and for many couples, it’s an essential part of their future together. However, life can bring unexpected changes, and having a postnuptial agreement can provide an extra layer of protection and clarity regarding retirement assets. As a Tampa divorce lawyer, I’ve seen firsthand how a well-structured postnuptial agreement can safeguard retirement plans and help couples navigate financial uncertainties. This blog will explore how postnuptial agreements can impact retirement planning and why consulting a Tampa divorce lawyer is cruc ..read more
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Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The Mckinney Law Group
2w ago
At this very moment, thousands of divorced parents in Florida are inflicting serious damage on the relationship between their ex-spouses and their children without even knowing they are doing so. Florida family court judges routinely sign temporary orders, and permanent injunctions, which prohibit one spouse from berating the other spouse in the presence of the children or denying visitation without a court order. But these items, and others like them, are some of the most obvious manifestations of parental alienation syndrome (PAS). As a leading child custody law firm Tampa, FL trusts, our la ..read more
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Through a Child’s Eyes: Helping Your Child Through Custody
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The Mckinney Law Group
2w ago
A divorce is hard enough on both spouses involved, but it is also incredibly difficult for the child. With their world being rocked by the separation of their parents, it is so easy for a child to be overwhelmed with emotions and have many questions. If you are in the midst of a divorce and are dealing with a child custody lawyer in Tampa, FL, there are some things that you should think about from your child’s perspective.  Fear The unknown, while scary for many adults, can also be scary for a little one who is watching their parents separate. It can be scary for a child to suddenly have ..read more
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Better Understanding of What Custody Entails
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The Mckinney Law Group
2w ago
A child custody lawyer can help you understand what physical and legal custody involves. For example, you and your spouse may want to have an equal say in matters concerning your child’s education, religion, and health care, and generally, the court favors this arrangement. However, if you think your spouse is incapable of making decisions that benefit your child, a child custody lawyer in Tampa, FL, can help you obtain full legal custody.   Florida courts may also grant joint physical custody to parents who live close together to allow the child to share living time with both parent ..read more
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Negotiating Child Custody Matters Concerning Holiday Times
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The Mckinney Law Group
2w ago
A Tampa FL child custody lawyer knows that one of the most potentially contentious challenges that co-parents face on a regular basis is the process of navigating holidays. Holidays are often emotional times of year, so it is particularly important that co-parents remain proactive about predictable sources of tension related to holidays, birthdays and other special occasions. It is often helpful to both clearly address expectations related to the holidays in one’s child custody agreement and to remain flexible when possible as holiday challenges evolve over time. It may be wise to seek modific ..read more
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Developing a Parenting Plan
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The Mckinney Law Group
2w ago
The court may require each parent to submit a parenting plan. This must revolve around the best interests of the child and should be agreed upon by both parents. It is up to the court to decide whether or not it is acceptable. If it is not, the court may create the plan for the parents. A lawyer may help you and your ex spouse to create a mutually agreeable plan that suits everyone involved and decreases the chance of the court getting too involved. Crafting a Workable Parenting Plan If you and your spouse can work together side by side, our team can help you to craft your parenting plan along ..read more
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Different Types of Child Custody in Florida
The Mckinney Law Group Blog
by The Mckinney Law Group
2w ago
If you are involved in a child custody case in Florida, your child custody attorney Tampa FL clients recommend will likely explain to you the different types of custody that Florida family courts decide on. These include: Physical Custody Physical custody refers to which parent’s home the child will physically live. Depending on the specific circumstances of the case, a child may primarily live with one parent or – if the parents live close to each other – the court may decide the child will spend equal amounts of time at both homes. The school district that the home where the child will spend ..read more
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