What to do if you find out your spouse is having an affair
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
23h ago
Here at Lund Bennett Law, our advice would be to approach the situation with caution and to consider all aspects, both personal and legal, before taking any steps. Here are some recommendations on how to proceed if you find out your spouse is having an affair: Reflect on Your Feelings and Goals: Before taking any action, it’s important to clarify your own feelings and what you ultimately want. Do you wish to salvage the marriage, or do you feel it’s beyond repair? Understanding your own emotions and objectives can help guide your actions moving forward. Seek Professional Support: It can be be ..read more
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What happens to my family home when you get divorced?
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
1w ago
When a couple decides to divorce, the fate of the family home becomes a significant aspect of the settlement process. Several factors influence what happens to the family home, including legal regulations, financial considerations, and the preferences and circumstances of the divorcing couple. Ownership and Legal Rights: The first step in determining the fate of the family home is to establish ownership and legal rights. If the home is jointly owned by both spouses, as is often the case in marriages, decisions regarding the property must be made jointly or through legal proceedings. In some i ..read more
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Did the COVID-19 pandemic influence divorce?
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
1M ago
There was evidence to suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic had indeed influenced divorce rates in the UK, although the data was not entirely conclusive at that time. During the pandemic, lockdowns and restrictions imposed to control the spread of the virus led to significant changes in daily routines, increased stress levels, financial strain, and strained relationships for many couples. Reports indicated that some couples faced heightened challenges during the pandemic, leading to increased tensions and, in some cases, a breakdown in their relationships. Factors such as spending more time toget ..read more
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When you should consider contacting a divorce lawyer
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
2M ago
As an expert in family law, we can provide guidance on when individuals should consider contacting a divorce lawyer for assistance. While every situation is unique, there are several common scenarios in which seeking legal counsel is advisable: Contemplating Divorce: If you are considering divorce or separation from your spouse, consulting with a divorce lawyer can provide valuable insight into your rights, obligations, and options. A lawyer can help you understand the legal implications of divorce, including issues related to property division, child custody, and financial support. Complex F ..read more
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Dealing with divorce
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
2M ago
Dealing with divorce is undoubtedly one of the most challenging experiences individuals may face in their lives. As an expert in this field, I understand the complexities involved and offer guidance on navigating this difficult process with resilience and grace. Acknowledge Your Feelings: It’s crucial to allow yourself to feel a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, grief, and even relief. Acknowledge these feelings without judgment, understanding that they are a natural part of the healing process. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a strong support network of friends, family member ..read more
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What questions to ask your divorce solicitor
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
3M ago
When consulting with a divorce solicitor, it’s essential to gather relevant information and address key concerns to make informed decisions. Here are some questions you may consider asking your divorce solicitor: Experience and Qualifications: How long have you been practicing family law? What is your experience in handling divorce cases? Are you a specialist in family law or a general practitioner? Case Assessment: Based on the information I’ve provided, how do you assess my case? What are the strengths and weaknesses of my case? Legal Process: What is the divorce process in my jurisd ..read more
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Fall in love with Valentine’s after divorce
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
3M ago
Valentine’s Day Options Buy Yourself Flowers Flowers can brighten up even the worst moods and add a little color to your day, so stop by the local flower shop and pick out a bouquet of your favorites. Put them in your kitchen or on the dining room table as a reminder that you are totally going to own Valentine’s Day! Call Your Best Friend No one can make you feel better like your very best friend in the world. Ask her for a little time on Valentine’s Day, and of course she’ll say yes. Your best friend will remind you of how awesome you are. Go Out For Drinks with Single Co-Workers Let it be kn ..read more
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Navigating Parenthood: Raising Children with Additional Needs Amidst Divorce
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
4M ago
Raising children is a monumental task, and when it involves the added complexities of caring for a child with additional needs while navigating the challenges of divorce, the journey becomes even more intricate. In this blog, we’ll explore the unique aspects of parenting children with additional needs during a divorce, shedding light on the emotional, practical, and legal dimensions of this delicate balance. Understanding the Dynamics: Parenting a child with additional needs requires a heightened level of sensitivity and adaptability. When divorce enters the equation, it’s crucial to recognis ..read more
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Divorce Trends
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
4M ago
Divorce trends can vary based on cultural, societal, and individual factors. While there isn’t a specific “most common” time for people to divorce universally, certain patterns and trends have been observed: Post-Holiday Periods: Some studies suggest that divorce filings often spike after the holiday season. Couples may delay divorce during holidays to avoid disrupting family traditions or to provide a sense of stability for children. As a result, divorce rates may see an increase in January. End of Summer: Similar to the post-holiday period, the end of summer vacation is another time when div ..read more
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Talking to teenagers about separating
Lund Bennett Blog
by Lund Bennett
5M ago
Even without dealing with their parents’ separation, teenagers have to cope with a lot. The teenage years are a time of great change – in friendships and feelings and, of course, hormones. So there’s a lot going on in their lives already! Meanwhile, heavy demands are often being made in school, college or university. It can be useful to remember this when you talk to your teenager. Their reaction to your separation (or other things happening at a similar time) may be surprising or challenging. Try not to be disheartened if it’s not a positive experience. Many teenagers find it hard to express ..read more
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