Who is St. Thomas More?
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
1d ago
When you think of St. Thomas More, your mind probably goes to Utopia, King Henry XIII, or one of the many renditions of A Man for All Seasons.  And while each of these do capture a part of the character of St. Thomas More, we want to give you a deeper sense of the man behind the brilliant writing, statesmanship, and story.  St. Thomas More was a devoted husband and father.  When his first wife, Jane Colt, passed away, he was left with four young children to care for.  Soon after Jane’s death, he married Alice Middleton and adopted her daughter as well.  More’s letter ..read more
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7 Inspirational Quotes from St. Josemaria
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Aixa Gomez
1w ago
No matter what our lives look like, we could all use a little inspiration from time to time.   Whether you’re looking for encouragement in your work, family life, relationships, or faith, St. Josemaria Escriva has boundless wisdom to share. Because his mission was to offer inspiration to people and help them to sanctify their ordinary lives, St. Josemaria's message has something for everyone.    Here are 7 inspirational quotes from St. Josemaria to help you live a holier, happier life!   "Do everything for Love. Thus there will be no little things: everything will be big ..read more
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Saint Quotes about the Paraclete
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
3w ago
This past Sunday, we celebrated the feast of Pentecost, the commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus. But who is the Holy Spirit really? We know that the Holy Spirit is one of the three divine persons of the Holy Trinity, but it can be difficult to grasp how the Holy Spirit works within our lives and within our faith. As shared by Catholic Answers, “Scripture refers to the Holy Spirit as a Paraclete (Greek parakletos; see John 14:26; cf. 15:26, 16:7–8). This term, often translated as “Comforter,” “Counselor,” or “Advocate,” refers to a person who is called to ..read more
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Book Excerpt: "Three to Get Married" by Fulton J. Sheen
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
1M ago
  Love has three causes: goodness, knowledge and similarity. It is possible for man to mistake what is good for him, but it is impossible for him not to desire goodness. The prodigal son was right in being hungry: he was wrong in living on husks. Man is right in trying to fill up his life, his mind, his body, his house with what is good; he may be wrong perhaps in what he chooses as a good. But without the desire for goodness, there would be no love, whether it be love of country, love of friend, or love of spouse. Through love every heart seeks to acquire a perfection or a good which it ..read more
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8 Quotes From St. Josemaria to Inflame Your Love For the Blessed Sacrament
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
1M ago
The Eucharist is one of the most beautiful aspects of our faith, but sometimes we can lose sight of how important it really is.  Whether you’ve been going through the motions at Mass or you’re struggling with Catholic teaching on the Eucharist, we want to help you fall back in love with the Blessed Sacrament.   Ignite your love for the Blessed Sacrament with these 8 quotes from St. Josemaria Escriva! “There He is: King of Kings and Lord of Lords, hidden in the bread. To this extreme has he humbled himself for love of you.” “The humility of Jesus: in Bethlehem, in Nazareth, on ..read more
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Springtime Sacraments: Celebrating First Communions
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
1M ago
Spring is here, and that means it is officially First Communion season! If you think back to your own First Holy Communion, you probably remember feeling excited, and maybe a little bit nervous, to receive our Lord in the Eucharist for the very first time.  You probably got all dressed up in a suit or white dress, participated in the sacrament, and went home to celebrate with friends and family.  But why do we make such a big deal out of First Communion?  In short, the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic faith, and the day someone receives the Blessed Sacrament ..read more
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Motherly Love: Lessons from Mary for Today's Mothers
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
1M ago
To all the moms reading this– thank you for all that you do.  From the whole Scepter team, we wish you a very happy Mother’s Day! With the great gift of motherhood comes sacrifice and service.  Motherhood is filled with highs and lows, joys and sorrows, triumphs and defeats.  This Mother’s Day, we want to encourage all mothers to look to Mary, the mother of Jesus and our mother, for inspiration and guidance as they live out this beautiful and important vocation each and every day! Lessons from Mary for today’s mothers: Accept the gift of motherhood with an open heart. Becom ..read more
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Mary's Month: Honoring Our Mother in May
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
1M ago
It’s one of our favorite months here at Scepter: May, the Month of Mary! This May, we want to emphasize the role of Mary not only as the mother of Jesus, but as our mother as well.  A true mother, Mary is someone we can turn to in our best and worst moments.  She loves each one of us as her own children and acts as our intercessor and advocate.  St. Therese of Lisieux once said, “I do not tremble when I see my weakness, for the treasures of a mother belong also to her child, and I am thy child, O dear Mother Mary.”   In the same way that we honor our own mother, gran ..read more
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Renewal and Rebirth: Embracing the Easter Season In Your Spiritual Reading
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
1M ago
Happy Easter! It is truly a time for praising God, rejoicing in the Resurrection, and embracing the beautiful Mysteries of our faith.  St. Pope John Paul II said in 2000, “Yes, Christ is truly risen, and we are witnesses of this. We proclaim this witness to the world, so that the joy which is ours will reach countless other hearts, kindling in them the light of the hope which does not disappoint.” We are offered, in Jesus’ Resurrection, new life and healing.  He endures his Passion and Death on the Cross to free us from the bonds of sin.  His sacrifice is the ultimate sign of ..read more
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Spiritual Reading on the Go - Get bite-sized spiritual reading with the Scepter Podcast
Scepter Publishers Blog
by Scepter Publishers
2M ago
Looking to nourish your spiritual life through insightful reading but struggling to carve out dedicated time for it?   We’ve got you covered!    Introducing "Spiritual Reading with Scepter Publishers" Podcast – your convenient source of spiritual reading on the go! Dive into bite-sized excerpts from our favorite Scepter titles, thoughtfully selected to inspire growth, reflection, and learning wherever life takes you.   If finding uninterrupted reading time is a challenge or if you prefer learning through listening, our podcast is the perfect fit. Each episode features ..read more
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