Leveraging the Power of Requests for Admissions in Florida Family Law Cases
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
7M ago
In the complex arena of Florida family law, the strategic use of Requests for Admissions remains an underexploited advantage. These legal tools, essential during the discovery phase, compel the confirmation or denial of critical facts, thus shaping the case's trajectory by establishing indisputable truths. Their power not only lies in verifying facts but also in enhancing efficiency, reducing litigation costs, and potentially gaining leverage in negotiations. Despite these benefits, many attorneys overlook Requests for Admissions due to misconceptions or a preference for traditional methods. T ..read more
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The Ultimate Peacemaker: How Parenting Coordinators Transform Outcomes in High-Conflict Divorces
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
7M ago
This insightful post delves into the transformative role of Parenting Coordinators (PCs) in the realm of high-conflict divorces in Florida. As neutral, skilled professionals, PCs guide disputing parents through the complexities of decision-making, focusing primarily on the children's best interests. Beyond immediate resolutions, they help forge lasting co-parenting strategies, crucial for the emotional well-being of the children involved. The post underscores the necessity of PCs in mitigating stress, curtailing legal expenses, and fostering a harmonious post-divorce environment. It acts as a ..read more
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Understanding International Divorce: Asset Division and Alimony Claims in Florida
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
7M ago
This article delves into the complexities of handling international divorce matters, particularly focusing on how Florida's legal system deals with foreign divorce decrees, asset division, and alimony. It explains that while Florida generally recognizes foreign divorce rulings under the doctrine of "comity," this acknowledgment hinges on several criteria, including proper jurisdiction and adherence to public policy. The piece further highlights that post-divorce asset claims in Florida are usually honored as per the foreign decree, with certain exceptions for assets located within the state or ..read more
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Understanding Florida Statute §61.13 and its Relevance to Time-Sharing Arrangements
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
7M ago
Explore the intricacies of Florida Statute §61.13, a pivotal law determining time-sharing arrangements for minor children in Florida. This post delves deep into the statute's core principles, factors the court considers, relevant case laws, and its broader implications in child custody disputes. Whether you're a parent seeking clarity or a professional navigating the family law landscape, our comprehensive guide offers valuable insights to ensure the best outcomes for your family ..read more
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What is Included in a Florida Uncontested Divorce?
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
8M ago
An uncontested divorce in Florida is typically a simpler and less contentious process compared to a contested divorce. In an uncontested divorce, both spouses agree on the key issues, which can help streamline the legal proceedings. Here's what is generally included in an uncontested divorce in F ..read more
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Basics of Florida Family Law
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
8M ago
Florida family law encompasses a wide range of legal issues related to family relationships, including divorce, child custody, child support, alimony, adoption, and more. Here are some of the basics of family law in Florida: 1. **Divorce (Dissolution of Marriage):**   - Florida is a no-fault div ..read more
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The New Florida Alimony Law: A Comprehensive Overview
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
8M ago
Florida has always been in the spotlight when it comes to alimony, with its evolving laws mirroring shifts in societal values and economic realities. The recent changes to Florida's alimony law mark a significant departure from previous regulations, aiming to modernize the way spousal support is ..read more
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What is service of process in a Florida divorce?
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
8M ago
Service of process is the procedure by which a party to a lawsuit provides the other party or parties with legal notice of the action and an opportunity to respond. In Florida, service of process in family law cases is governed by the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure and the Florida Rules of ..read more
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Filing for Bankruptcy During a Divorce: What You Need to Know
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
8M ago
In general, you can file for bankruptcy during a divorce in Florida. However, there are several considerations and implications to be aware of: 1. Simplifying Asset and Debt Division: If you file for bankruptcy before your divorce is finalized, it may simplify the division of assets and debts in ..read more
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Determining Home Ownership After Divorce in Florida
Florida Divorce Law Group Blog
8M ago
Divorce can be a tumultuous process, and one of the most pressing questions often revolves around the marital home. In Florida, property distribution is governed by the principles of "equitable distribution." Let's explore how this principle applies to the marital home. --- Understanding Equita ..read more
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