Injuries you might see after stepping in a hole at your apartment
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
2w ago
Accidentally stepping in a hole in the lawn at an apartment complex can lead to several types of injuries. These injuries can range from minor to severe, depending on the depth of the hole and the way you fall. Understanding these potential injuries can help you seek the right medical attention. Ankle injuries One common injury from stepping in a hole is a sprained ankle. When your foot twists unnaturally, it can stretch or tear the ligaments around the ankle. Symptoms of a sprained ankle include pain, swelling, bruising and difficulty walking. In more severe cases, the ankle may become unstab more
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What to do if hurt in a hotel due to the owner’s negligence
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
1M ago
Staying at a hotel should be a safe and enjoyable experience, whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure. However, accidents can happen, and sometimes these are due to the negligence of the hotel owners or staff. In Arizona, if you get hurt in a hotel because the owner did not take the necessary steps to ensure a safe environment, you might have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. Understanding what steps to take following an injury can help you manage the situation more effectively and ensure your rights are protected. Document the incident and your injuries As soon as th more
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Can my older parent seek legal recourse for their fall?
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
2M ago
Slipping and falling can be particularly serious for your senior parent. The consequences can be broken bones, difficulty walking or even surprising complications like pneumonia. Such accidents may occur on someone else’s property due to negligence. In that case, your family should understand when your parent can take legal action and against whom. Conditions for legal action For your parent to pursue compensation, there must have been a hazardous condition on the property where the accident happened. This could include torn carpets, wet floors or broken furniture that posed an unnecessary ris more
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Did you hit your head in a slip and fall accident?
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
3M ago
Slip and fall accidents can cause more than just broken bones and bruises. A serious fall, especially a fall where you hit your head, can also lead to different types of traumatic brain injuries. Identifying the signs and symptoms early is essential for treatment and recovery. Headaches One of the most common symptoms of a TBI is headaches that do not go away and may get worse over time. If you find yourself dealing with headaches, either dull and constant pain or intermittent throbbing, after your fall, this could indicate a brain injury. Memory problems Another red flag is if you start havin more
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Why is a broken hip such a serious health problem?
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
4M ago
As people age, their bodies undergo various changes, and unfortunately, one of the most common health concerns among seniors is the risk of a broken hip. The frailty of bones coupled with a decline in muscle mass makes seniors more susceptible to hip fractures. After a slip and fall incident, the consequences of this injury can be far-reaching. Increased mortality risk A broken hip can be a harbinger of increased mortality in seniors. People 65 and older who experience a hip fracture face a significantly higher risk of death in the following months or years. The trauma of the fracture, coupled more
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Common reasons property owners fail to fix broken steps
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
5M ago
Property owners in Arizona sometimes neglect necessary repairs that can pose hazards, such as broken steps. Other common hazards include a lack of handrails, badly lit stairways and uneven sidewalks. Unfortunately, this oversight can lead to accidents and injuries. 1. Lack of financial planning One of the primary reasons property owners fail to address hazards promptly is a lack of financial planning. Repairing broken steps or fixing other potential dangers may require a significant investment. Some property owners might not anticipate these expenses, even though they should, and prioritize ot more
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How to fall to minimize the chance of injury
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
6M ago
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that serious injuries occur in one out of every five falls. While you cannot stop every fall, knowing how to do it safely is a huge benefit. Whether you are navigating icy sidewalks, participating in sports or simply going about your day, being aware of proper falling techniques can make a substantial difference in whether you walk away unscathed or rush to the emergency room. Go limp It may seem difficult to do, but the best way to reduce the chances of a bad injury is to stay relaxed during a fall. Your body cannot absorb the impact of more
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Technology’s impact on premises liability
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
7M ago
Premises liability covers a property owner’s responsibility for accidents and injuries that happen on their property. Technology has made a big difference in this area, changing how property owners understand, handle and reduce liability problems. Surveillance cameras for responsibility Property owners now use surveillance cameras to watch over their property. These cameras not only stop bad activities, but they also reveal who is responsible in premises liability cases. When an accident happens, the video from these cameras can show who caused it, reducing arguments and making the process fas more
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Risks and injuries after a fall
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
8M ago
Falls are a significant public health concern because of their frequency and potential for harm. You could take a major fall and severely injure yourself if you lose your balance, trip over uneven terrain or slip on a wet surface. These injuries can cause physical pain, limited mobility and pricey medical bills. Understanding the risks and the common injuries associated with falls can help you address them when they occur. Falling risks Falls are significantly more likely for older adults, with around a quarter of people over 65 experiencing falls yearly. Numerous factors contribute to the inc more
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Can you sue a hotel if someone breaks into your hotel room?
Jones|Raczkowski PC Blog
by bkabritsor
8M ago
When you stay at a hotel, you expect a certain level of safety and security. Sadly, the Office of Just Programs reports that roughly 2,200 people have their hotel rooms broken into each year in America. In the unfortunate event that someone breaks into your hotel room and assaults you, it is normal to wonder if you have the right to take legal action against the hotel. Understanding your rights and the hotel’s responsibility in such a situation is essential. The hotel’s duty of care In Arizona, hotels have a legal obligation to provide a reasonably safe environment for their guests. This inclu more
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