How Low-Calorie Diets Will Sabotage Your Weight Loss
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Kaitlin Smith
7M ago
Are you stuck in a weight loss rut, feeling like you’re eating next to nothing but not seeing results on the scale? This is a common frustration; you are not alone. In pursuing shedding those extra pounds, some folks mistakenly believe that cutting calories to the bone is the way to go. But guess what? This “eat next to nothing” strategy might be the weight loss equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. It’s time to talk about why eating too few calories can sabotage your weight loss goals. The “Starvation Mode” Paradox So, you’ve decided to cut calories to the bare minimum. That makes sen more
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How to change a habit
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Gwen Holtan
8M ago
Changing habits can be difficult! Whether you’re trying to start something new or kick a habit to the curb, it’s sometimes tough to know where to begin. Let’s use the example of trying to eat healthier. You want to eat healthier because you want to feel better, lose weight, have more energy, or even look better naked!⁣ ⁣ One of the reasons you may be at this point again is because you have been aiming too high! Yes, you try to make drastic changes, very quickly, because you are over it! You want change now. ⁣ ⁣ You might be saying to yourself:⁣ ⁣ “How did I get here again”?⁣ ⁣ “Why is this so more
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Get Your Metabolism Moving
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Jeanette Cole
8M ago
Are you struggling to reach your weight loss goals? It could be due to poor metabolic health. But what exactly is metabolic health? It refers to how well your body processes glucose, the sugar that fuels your body. Poor metabolic health can increase your risk of developing conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and cancer. So, how can you know how metabolically healthy you are? One way is to monitor your blood glucose levels, and that’s where Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) come in. Blood glucose variability and oscillation are two critical m more
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How to Navigate Weddings
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Gwen Holtan
8M ago
Weddings are a blast but can also throw a serious wrench into our nutrition plans if you aren’t careful. First things first. You must decide what kind of experience you are “OK” with having. If you decide you want to let loose by taking a break from your regular eating routine, do it. By all means, put on your best outfit and dancing shoes and enjoy. We aren’t here to judge (unless an unfortunate video of your dance moves ends up on social media). The moral of the story, be “OK” with having fun and be “OK” with the consequences. The proposed rules of engagement are to PLAN AHEAD. FOOD: Track more
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Weekend Warrior: Make your weekend eating look more like your weekdays
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Gwen Holtan
8M ago
Studies show that most people struggle with consistency when dieting. Not having a sustainable plan is one of the driving forces that cause people to quit and give up. ⁣ ⁣ Weekends are notorious for throwing a wrench into even the best-laid plans. Your intentions may be good, but temptation and habits can get in your way. You’re used to brunch with your friends on Sundays or “date night” with your partner on Fridays. This is how you relax, and this is how you’ve always done things. ⁣What to do? Give up on your goals and accept that you’ll never be able to stick with a diet. You can set up more
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Are you Proactive or Reactive?
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Gwen Holtan
8M ago
If you’re anything like us, you always feel busy, and your “to-do” list is never complete. As entrepreneurs, we’ve learned how important it is to be more proactive and less reactive.  And, we are still learning, and always will be! Being more proactive gives us more power and control over any situation. Being reactive makes us feel powerless, like a victim. Here are some ways we’ve changed our business by becoming more proactive. As you read the list, consider how these tactics could help you on your weight loss journey. Scenario planning. What are some of the things that may go wrong? W more
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Want to feel better?
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Gwen Holtan
8M ago
We’ve learned some tough and valuable lessons about the power of being more proactive.  This doesn’t mean that we are never reactive.  We’re imperfect humans.  It means that we are more likely to succeed if we can be as proactive as possible. Now, it’s your turn to apply the same principles to your weight loss journey and see what can happen. Want to feel better? Start by addressing these “S’s” (if you’re up for a quick read, you don’t want to miss the 3 “H’s” at the end of this blog post, either) ⁣⁣⁣ Starch: Are you surprised to see starches on the list? You know we love carbs more
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Comparison, Confidence, & Consistency
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Gwen Holtan
8M ago
The 3 C’s I have struggled with and continue to work on! ⁣ ⁣ 1️⃣ Comparison – I’ve struggled with this as an athlete and as a business co-owner. I think it’s human nature to want to see how you “stack-up” against others but in my experience comparison doesn’t often lead to positive feelings or outcomes. I’m constantly reminding myself to steer my own ship and stay in my own lane. I have control over my own actions, why worry about what others are doing? ⁣ ⁣ Lesson: trust your instincts and pave your own path, it’s the only one that matters.⁣ ⁣ 2️⃣ Confidence – I think this stems from the compa more
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Cheat or Choice?
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Gwen Holtan
8M ago
Cheat (definition) -​ to deceive or trick.⁣ Choice (definition)  –  Select something as the best of two or more alternatives. ⁣ Which definition sounds better to you? ⁣Cheat or Choice? The answer seems simple when we don’t think about either definition in the context of food. We know that cheating in sports, a relationship, or any type of game is “bad.” Cheating is inappropriate behavior that can be illegal or, at the least, immoral.⁣ When it comes to food, we hear clients, friends, and even strangers, say, “I had a “cheat” meal” or “I cheated on my diet today.”⁣⁣ No wonder dieting i more
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Why Hire a Nutrition Coach?
Beyond the Box Nutrition Blog
by Gwen Holtan
8M ago
Quick. What’s the first thing that popped into your head?⁣ ⁣ -To lose weight/fat⁣ -To be told what to eat⁣ -To get a personalized macronutrient/calorie goal⁣ ⁣ Let’s go a little deeper, shall we? At Beyond the Box Nutrition, we provide more than macros!⁣ Here are two examples of how clients we helped in ways other than the number on the scale. Progress with nutrition is more than just reaching a goal weight. In fact, I would say that the number on the scale should be the least important measure of success. ⁣ One of our female clients came to us wanting to lose weight initially (which she did more
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