4 Benefits of Dental Veneers
Bliss Dental Blog
1M ago
Dental veneers are thin, custom shells that cover the front surfaces of teeth. These dental restorations are often made of porcelain. Many celebrities get dental veneers in order to achieve a stunning smile. Knowing more about these restorations can help you make informed decisions about your treatment. Here are the four main benefits of dental ..read more
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How a Dentist Can Help Alleviate Anxiety Over a Tooth Extraction
Bliss Dental Blog
1M ago
Tooth extraction can be a frightening concept, especially for those who have never had a tooth removed before and are not sure what to expect or those who have had a bad experience with extraction in the past. However, there are various things you and your dentist or oral surgeon can do to help mentally ..read more
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Understanding the Benefits of Dental Bridge
Bliss Dental Blog
2M ago
A dental bridge can replace a missing tooth or a row of missing teeth. This dental restoration can prevent you from experiencing the complications of tooth loss. Knowing this treatment better can help you prepare for your next visit. Here are some dental bridge benefits that you must consider.Teeth have roots that anchor them to ..read more
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Invisalign® vs. Veneers
Bliss Dental Blog
3M ago
Understanding the pros and cons of Invisalign® and veneers is an important first step to deciding which treatment option is right for you. Many are familiar with Invisalign for a straighter smile, but fewer have heard of veneers for orthodontic treatment. This review offers insights into Invisalign and veneers as it relates to correcting teeth ..read more
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What Types of Materials Are Used in Making Dentures?
Bliss Dental Blog
4M ago
A lot of people are curious about what materials are used to make dental dentures. This article will show you the different types of materials that can be used and their benefits, and which material is best for your situation.Dental dentures are used to replace missing teeth that cannot be fixed with a dental bridge ..read more
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Common Signs That You May Need Dental Fillings
Bliss Dental Blog
6M ago
Curious about dental fillings? Read on to learn more about this common dental restoration. The mouth serves as a gateway to our overall health, and the condition of one's teeth can offer insights into various aspects of our well-being. One of the major ways to maintain good oral health is to promptly address dental decay ..read more
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All-on-4® vs. Dental Bridges vs. Traditional Dentures
Bliss Dental Blog
7M ago
Nowadays, people looking to replace missing teeth can choose between options like All-on-4®, bridges and traditional dentures. A few years ago, dentures were the most common option for replacing several missing teeth. This article compares teeth replacement options and why you should choose All-on-4 implant dentures.Dentures have seen significant improvements over the years, especially in ..read more
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Are Cosmetic Dental Services Elective or Essential?
Bliss Dental Blog
8M ago
Your insurance provider might cover cosmetic dental services depending on if they are deemed elective or essential. Most dental insurance providers cover essential treatments that help restore or keep your mouth healthy, but you are typically on your own when it comes to elective treatments that your insurance provider does not deem necessary. Fortunately, many ..read more
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Choose Veneers to Correct Stained Teeth
Bliss Dental Blog
8M ago
If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, veneers may be able to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Veneers, also known as dental porcelain laminates, are thin layers of porcelain that can be placed over your teeth, typically between the outer layer of your tooth and the inner layer of ..read more
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How Tooth-Colored Fillings Are Used in Cosmetic Dental Services
Bliss Dental Blog
8M ago
Cosmetic dental services like tooth-colored fillings can repair and rebuild decayed, damaged, or deformed teeth. Better known as dental bonding, this procedure involves using composites that are color-matched with the patient’s teeth to restore the appearance of their teeth. The composites are a blend of plastics and glass.Here are a few of the ways that ..read more
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