NEW AS OF APRIL 27, 2023
S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
Having pitched SPACE FOR US to over 50 agents and nary a bite, I’m considering, now, pitching to editors of the publishers that are interested in sci-fi, and sci-fi romance. In the meantime, I’m still polishing FORBIDDEN PLAYGROUND and DANCING DRAGONS (with new covers) and packaging them as a series, LEGENDS OF THE GOLDENS, with my WIP, VAMPIRES IN SPACE. VAMPIRES is a little different from the other stories in the series in that both heroine and hero are antiheroes who must climb a substantial character arc to become anywhere near lovable (problem is, after our Golden teen bites her hunky v more
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December 2022 Projects
S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
At present I’m pitching my science fiction romance, SPACE FOR US, to agents looking for SFR. [Blinded by a deafening heartbeat whenever he’s near, a dangerous alien empath can’t read the emotions of an astronaut—a new model android?—tasked with killing her if she misbehaves on the way to her people’s moonbase.] Bringing dark-phase albinos into the mix, once again, the contemporary BROKEN HALLELUJAH is getting its final edit/polish and will soon be pitched this coming spring 2023. [Fire chief and Navy SEAL, dark-skinned Cameron Young suffers from PTSD and his unrequited love of Dr. Alice Uhuru more
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S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
With the pandemic and all, I’ve fallen behind in all the tasks on my writing list. I want to take down FORBIDDEN PLAYGROUND and DANCING DRAGONS from my LEGENDS OF THE GOLDENS SERIES of paranormal romances and post them as webnovels. I’ve decided the best way to take care of my unfinished, unpublished (or to-be-republished) works is to distribute them (dialing down the sexual content) as webnovels to my YA/NA audience and maybe they can help me find my unique audience. Since I need to edit the works and arrange the chapters optimally, I thought this might be the best and most efficient way to d more
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S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
As I come back to writing and publishing my books, I’m tying up loose ends by preparing several stories to be published and republished on my Amazon buy page. Artist and friend, Barbara Marker, has made a cover for BROKEN and will be working on new covers for FORBIDDEN PLAYGROUND and DANCING DRAGONS of the LEGENDS OF THE GOLDENS series of novels (about psychic alien vampires that return to Earth to lay claim to what they believe is their planet). Following is the cover for BROKEN HALLELUJAH, a contemporary romance between a fire chief with PTSD and his volunteer emergency physician (a Tanzania more
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S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
My New Adult SFR (science fiction romance) space opera is nearly all polished and out to agents before the end of this year. It has already won two awards and I’m optimistic that the three years I worked on it will guarantee an enjoyable read for my audience more
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Now That I’m On A Vacation From SFR Writing . . .
S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
My New Adult, SFR, space opera, SPACE FOR US, got a second recommendation by finaling in the New Adult category on RWA’s Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal online chapter’s OTFS (On The Far Side) contest as an unpublished work. Sometimes I get my award-winning cover artist, Fiona Jayde, to work up a cover for me, to inspire and just in case I don’t get picked up by traditional publishers (and have to self-publish). As a finalist, I’m asked to make corrections my judges suggest and write a two-paged, double-spaced synopsis of the MS. Take a look at all the wonderful agents, editors, and autho more
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Taking A Vacation From Writing
S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
My WIP, A Broken Hallelujah (written three Novembers ago for NANOWRIMO), has too many scenes that portend what’s happening in Atlanta and all over the US. I have several other irons in the fire (can’t write that because it’s a cliche, but it’s also true!). I’m thinking of re-educating myself to write screenplays/scripts like I enjoyed reading in my youth (adapting my novels to the theatre audience). To learn a little about A BROKEN HALLELUJAH, view my last post, and for visuals view my Pinterest page: But for now I’m taking a rest more
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A 4 out of 5 review for OPEN SEASON
S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
Madison had always looked up to Greg as a role model and motivator, but she knew her feelings for him transcended those and were more personal than she would want to admit. Greg Gervaisie was the world’s number one tennis player until a limo accident incapacitated him, leaving him on the sidelines. Just like everyone else, he was struck by Madison’s beauty and her determination to rise to the top of her career as a tennis player. However, her nonchalant attitude towards him was a cause for concern. Madison’s father, Armand, would do everything just to pacify his adorable daughter, but her stau more
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S.B.K. Burns Science Fiction Romance: Two Different Worlds and Forbidden Love
by doctorsatori/S.B.K. Burns
8M ago
For non writers, WIPs means WORKS IN PROGRESS. SPACE FOR US is out to beta readers (editors who read for content flow) then it will be out next year, God willing, by a New York publisher. Of course in the event no agent or editor picks up the book, it will be self-published. [MS is back from betas and going through final polish, see self-pub cover below]. short blurb: FLY ME TO THE MOON, but don’t murder me on the way! An astronaut flies an alien captive back to her parents at their moonbase in order to find out how to reanimate all the people she’s put down with her psychic powers. A BROKEN H more
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