Under the Affluence: Mental Health in Affluent Families
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
2w ago
The gleaming facade of wealth often conjures images of a charmed life: sprawling mansions, limitless opportunities, and a seemingly guaranteed path to success. For the children raised in such affluence, however, the reality can be a double-edged sword. While material comforts surround them, these young people can face a unique set of challenges that cast a long shadow on their mental health, relationships, and even their sense of identity. We want to go deeper than the glossy surface, exploring the hidden struggles these children grapple with. We’ll unpack the immense pressure to succeed that ..read more
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Teen Mental Health: Signs Parents Should Be Watching For
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
1M ago
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to shattering stigmas and promoting mental well-being for all. This year let’s turn our focus to our teens. Adolescence is a whirlwind of emotional and social development, a time brimming with both immense potential and unique challenges. During this crucial period, their mental health is more important than ever. We’ve compiled this guide for parents to help navigate the sometimes-murky waters of teen mental health. We’ll explore the signs that might indicate your teen is struggling, helping you identify potential issues before they escal ..read more
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Adolescent Mental Health During Summer Break: Why Summer is the Perfect Time for Treatment
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
1M ago
The end of the school year brings a welcome reprieve from the pressures of academics and schedules. For adolescents, summer break often signifies a time for relaxation, exploration, and social connection. However, the transition from a structured environment to a more open-ended one can also present unforeseen challenges. Disrupted routines, shifts in social dynamics, and increased exposure to social media can exacerbate existing mental health concerns or trigger new ones. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which makes this the perfect time to think about those challenges or to seek treatme ..read more
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Unveiling the Spectrum: A Deeper Look at Autism in April (Part 2)
Galen Hope Blog
by kcircelli@galenmentalhealth.com
1M ago
As we continue our journey through Autism Acceptance Month, let’s shift our focus to how autistic individuals interact with the world around them. This part of the series will delve into two frequently misunderstood autistic behaviors: stimming and masking. Often misinterpreted or judged, these behaviors hold significant meaning within the autistic experience. Stimming, characterized by repetitive movements or vocalizations, is far more than just a quirk.  For many autistic individuals, it serves a crucial purpose in self-regulation, sensory processing, and emotional expression.  Mas ..read more
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Unveiling the Spectrum: A Deeper Look at Autism in April (Part 1)
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
1M ago
April is Autism Acceptance Month, a crucial time to celebrate autistic identities and expand our understanding of the autistic experience. While significant strides have been made in recognizing autism, public portrayals often focus on a limited set of behaviors, creating a skewed and incomplete picture of the vast spectrum. This can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities to support autistic individuals effectively. This month we will offer a 2-part blog series that aims to bridge that gap by venturing beyond the stereotypes and exploring two often-overlooked aspects of autism. In ..read more
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A Troubled Past: The Problematic History of Mental Healthcare for Women
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
1M ago
As we wind down Women’s History Month, we would like to look more closely at the challenges that women have faced when it comes to mental healthcare throughout history. This history is riddled with misconceptions, misdiagnoses, and downright dangerous treatments, and while significant progress has been made, the scars of that troubled past still linger. Gender bias in diagnosis and treatment persists, and the specific challenges women face often go unaddressed. Understanding this problematic history is not just an academic exercise – it’s vital for dismantling these lingering issues and creati ..read more
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Shattering Silence: Famous Women and Mental Health
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
1M ago
In past Women’s History Months, we’ve looked closely at some of the women who shaped mental health and eating disorder treatment and research. This year, we wanted to examine the lives of women who have experienced mental health challenges throughout history. For centuries, mental health challenges have been shrouded in secrecy and shame.  Women, especially those in the public eye, have often faced immense pressure to maintain a facade of perfection.  However, a chorus of powerful voices has risen up, shattering the silence and challenging these expectations. Let’s explore the storie ..read more
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Championing the BIPoC Eating Disorders Conference
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
1M ago
February 26th through March 3rd is Eating Disorders Awareness Week this year. It’s also the tail end of Black History Month, and the transition into Women’s History Month. A while back we had the incredible privilege of sitting down with Dr. Whitney Trotter DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, RDN and Angela Goens MS, RDN, LD, co-founders of the BIPoC Eating Disorders Conference. With the conference now entering its 3rd year, we wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on our conversation with Whitney and Angela, and to discuss their incredible project (which Galen Hope has been proud to sponsor since year ..read more
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Weight Stigma: Discussing and Destigmatizing Weight Stigma, Shame, and Eating Disorders
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
1M ago
Based on the talk, “The Evolution of Shame” given by Dr. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, Board Certified Psychiatrist, Founder and CEO of Galen Hope, at the Emergence Conference 2023. “Weight Stigma is all about the internalization of shame based on social expectations that generally deny biological pre-ordained biology.” ~ Dr, Wendy Oliver-Pyatt Weight Stigma stems from the negative weight bias our society adopts and the fear of being in a higher weight body. Cultural and societal beliefs, exacerbated by media, create strong negative associations with certain body sizes, body types, and other physical att ..read more
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Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness – How to Combat Symptoms This Winter
Galen Hope Blog
by Galen Hope
1M ago
The winter months can be long, cold, and dark. Sometimes, so much so that the weather can cause individuals to develop a form of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). While many individuals may feel the “blah” of the winter blues or challenges related to the holidays, when symptoms are significant enough to impair functioning and persist throughout the season, it may be an indication of something more. It is generally believed that SAD is driven by our bodies’ physio-psychological reactions to less sunlight and longer nights, however we don’t know the exact cause as it has been ..read more
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