Summer Sleuthing: 7 Cozy Mysteries to Beat the Heat!
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
2w ago
Hello there! Writing from my office reading chair while trying to find some peace and quiet after putting the boys down for their naps. As they get older, their naps become shorter and shorter. I have no idea what I'm going to do once they no longer need naps. Any suggestions? This morning we packed up the family and went to our town's Rooster Day Parade. It was so much fun! See some of the images below. You can bet that it will be added to a future cozy mystery! Even though it was 10 o'clock in the morning, whew was it HOT ! The high today is 87 degrees! Ew! Since it is feeling so much l more
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Procrastinating Creativity Unpacking My Thoughts: Chaos in My Brain
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
2w ago
Hey there! Today's blog is all about the chaotic mess in my brain. Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by all the things you want to do that you just freeze and get nothing done? Yep, that’s me right now. So, what’s bouncing around in my head? Glad you asked! Let’s break it down, and I’d LOVE ♥️ your feedback on where I should channel my creative energy. YouTube Channel Consistency? What’s that? My YouTube posting has been all over the place lately, and my stats are feeling it. I mean, who doesn't love seeing those red down arrows instead of green up ones? Why the inconsistency? Well, t more
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Unraveling the Mystery of Graded in Red: A Thrilling Cozy Mystery Novella on Wattpad
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
6M ago
Hello, my cozy friends! Are you ready to embark on a quirky and captivating adventure through the pages of a small-town drama? Get ready to immerse yourself in Graded in Red, my upcoming cozy mystery novella that's sure to keep you hooked from start to finish. Click on the cover or here to read! Meet Maggie Turee, the spirited protagonist whose life takes an unexpected turn, leading her back to the cozy yet intriguing town of Broken Arrow. Packed with humor, drama, and the warm essence of a close-knit community, this tale is one you won't want to miss. From the familiar comfort of Murphy’s pu more
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2023 Cozy Escape Awards
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
7M ago
Hey there, fellow bookworms and cozy mystery enthusiasts! Hold onto your teacups because I've got a delightful tale to share with you. ☕ So, this year, I had the absolute JOY of meeting Spencer and TJ in the charming town of Ashland! It was like stepping into the pages of a cozy mystery novel, I tell you. Meeting friends you've known online for years in person? It's like discovering a hidden library filled with all your favorite books. And just a while back, TJ reached out to me about something near and dear to our cozy-loving hearts—the Cozy Escape Awards! Remember that fabulous event I host more
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From Golden Girls to Murder Mysteries: The Rise of Older Female Protagonists
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
8M ago
In recent years, there has been a growing trend of older female protagonists in popular media, from television shows to novels and films. Characters like the Golden Girls and Jessica Fletcher from Murder, She Wrote have captured audiences' hearts and become beloved cultural icons. I know I have binge-watched these series over and over again. So why do people love older female protagonists? Firstly, older female protagonists challenge ageism and sexist stereotypes. Traditionally, women have been portrayed in media as either young and beautiful or as supporting characters to male leads. Media cr more
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Autumn Reads: Hits, Misses, and Spooky Anthologies
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
8M ago
Hey, folks, can you believe we're smack dab in the middle of September? It's the season of BER – SeptemBER, OctoBER, and NovemBER, and you know what that means – plenty of reading material to keep us cozy through the colder months. So, here's the lowdown on what's been happening in my bookish world. I recently dropped a video about my autumn TBR, and if you missed it, check it out here: But, here's the deal: I've already crossed a few off that list, and I've got some updated thoughts to share. First up, we've got "The Seven Year Slip" by Ashley Poston. This one's the second Poston book I've more
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CozWeek: A Delightfully Cozy Readathon Adventure!
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
8M ago
,WATCH NOW Welcome, bookworms, to the enchanting world of CozWeek! Get ready to snuggle up with your favorite blanket, brew a steaming cup of tea, and embark on a week-long journey filled with cozy mysteries and magical tales. CozWeek, the brainchild of yours truly to celebrate my birthday on July 6th, is a week-long readathon (July 1st-7th) that promises to whisk you away into a world of warmth, charm, and delightful whodunits. So, grab your TBR pile and prepare for a truly cozy experience! Oh, but wait, there's more! As part of the CozWeek experience, I've prepared some whimsical additions more
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Summer Sizzles: A Wild Writing Ride and Epic Adventures Await!
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
8M ago
Oh my goodness gracious, fabulous readers! It's been an eternity since I last filled you in on my whirlwind of adventures. I've been zipping through the pages of my brand-new book, eagerly awaiting feedback from my BETA readers on Death on Deck. The response has been positively fantastic, filled with constructive gems that will help me perfect my feisty leading ladies. I'm practically bursting with excitement to start querying agents and bringing my story to the world! But hold on to your hats because today's blog post is all about my sizzling summer plans. Drumroll, please! Mark your calendar more
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Whodunit and What's Next: An Update on My Cozy Mystery Writing Journey
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
8M ago
So, the first book in The Cruising Crew series, "Death on Deck," is out in the world, and my beta readers are currently sinking their teeth into it. I'm officially finished writing my cozy mystery! This part of the writing process is like sending your little paper baby out into the wild and crossing your fingers that it'll be treated well. And, of course, I want all the feedback I can get to make it the best story ever! "Death on Deck" is all about Lisa-May and her group of retired pals taking a luxe cruise. But when a smug passenger gets strangled by a towel animal, these gals have to ride t more
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Why Agatha Christie Isn't a Cozy Mystery Author (And That's Okay!)
Courtagonist Blog
by courtagonist
8M ago
Agatha Christie, the queen of mystery, may be an icon in the genre, but let's face it - she's not exactly cozy. While her novels may be beloved by many, they don't quite fit the mold of a typical cozy mystery. Let's take a closer look and see why. For starters, cozy mysteries are all about small towns and quaint settings, like the local tea shop or bookstore. But where does Christie take us? To Egypt, the Middle East, and the Caribbean. That's right; she's more of a globetrotter than a cozy homebody. And let's not forget about her detectives, Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. Cozy sleuths are of more
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