Effective Resilience Strategies for Men in Recovery: Personal Stories and Practical Tips
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by Markie Bryant
4d ago
Building resilience is a crucial aspect of addiction recovery. It’s about finding the strength within yourself to face challenges head-on. This article explores effective strategies and personal stories that demonstrate how men in recovery can build resilience. From creating supportive communities to practicing self-care, these insights aim to provide practical tips and inspiration for those on their recovery journey. Key Takeaways Building resilience involves facing difficulties head-on and learning from them. Creating a supportive community is vital for emotional support and accountability ..read more
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The Role of Family in Recovery
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by Arthur Mogilevski
9M ago
Ethnicity and cultural issues are something that we need to be very competent with because that’s going to be different for everybody and families are different for everybody. “If you want to find out everything about yourself, find out everything about your parents, your grandparents, find out the kind of cars they liked, what kind of food they liked, all of that.” -Alice Walker, The Temple Of My Familiar The connection back to our parents and grandparents for us and working with families is slow steady progress. Education for families: They didn’t cause the illness They can’t control it T ..read more
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Why You Should Go to Inpatient Heroin Rehab
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by vrcaguadulce
9M ago
Heroin is a potent and highly addictive drug. Period. Full stop. If a loved one is hooked on heroin, there’s a good chance that outpatient simply may not be enough to overcome the pull of the drug. Every situation is unique but heroin falls into that infamous class of drugs known as opioids that have been tearing people and families apart for over 2 decades now. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lay it out plainly: Nearly 841,000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose Overdose deaths involving opioids, including prescription opioids, heroin, and synthetic opioids ..read more
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Addiction Treatment: Then, Now and Tomorrow
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by Arthur Mogilevski
9M ago
Addiction Treatment 30 Years Ago The state of Addiction Treatment in the past was very limited, mainly because there were not as many drugs available on the street. Here is a snapshot of what addiction treatment was like 30 years ago: Very few treatment programs No competition between programs No 12-step based programs No adolescent treatment care Locked down for mental health issues Very, very few interventionists Adolescent Addiction Today Social media has exposed the whole society in a way that nobody can keep a secret now. Some adolescents are literally dying on social media lately. The ..read more
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Candy Finnigan from A&E’s Intervention
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by Arthur Mogilevski
9M ago
Hello everyone and welcome to the GOT mental health podcast. I am your co-host Rachel Kove. I’m the owner of Transformational Solutions, a life coaching business that specializes in addiction, trauma and self-destructive behaviors. I’m an author, podcast host, group facilitator, speaker and co-creator of the online eight-week self-development course, Divisions Program. I’m your co-host Arthur Mogilevsky, a business entrepreneur, dad, animal activist and owner of AM Healthcare, California’s leading dual diagnosis and mental health treatment center, focusing on comprehensive and immersive tre ..read more
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What Is Motivational Enhancement Therapy?
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by vrcaguadulce
9M ago
Change takes effort and work. It doesn’t happen overnight and it’s not necessarily linear with plenty of ups and downs along the way. Because of this and other factors, it can be difficult for people to stay motivated and to see the treatment through. While the goal of any therapeutic effort is to produce a change in a person, if a person isn’t motivated it can become a profoundly difficult and sometimes even fruitless endeavor. That’s where something like motivational enhancement therapy (MET) can be a gamechanger. But what is motivational enhancement therapy? What Is Motivational Enhancement ..read more
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Understanding Family Recovery
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by Arthur Mogilevski
9M ago
Hello everyone and welcome to the GOT Mental Health podcast. I am your co-host Rachel Cove. I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur, author, artist, mother and Certified Recovery coach. I’m your co-host Arthur Mogalevsky, entrepreneur, girl dad, animal activist and owner of AM Healthcare, a premier substance abuse and mental health treatment program. With the collective experience of 21 years working in the mental health field we are excited to bring to you a safe and fun place to talk all things mental health. We will be interviewing experts, thought leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals in ..read more
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How to Safely Detox From Benzos
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by vrcaguadulce
9M ago
Making the conscious decision to get clean and actively working towards kicking benzos is already a huge mental hurdle to clear and deserves applause. It’s the first in a series of hurdles with the next big one being detox. The entire process of recovery is a lot of work, no bones about it, but the rewards are so worth the effort. Having control over your life again rather than being directed by benzos is priceless. What Are Benzos? Benzos, or benzodiazepines, fall into a class of drugs called sedatives. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adds they’re “a class of medicines approved to tre ..read more
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The Best Books on Codependency and Addiction
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by vrcaguadulce
9M ago
Codependency is when there is a relationship in which one partner has extreme physical or emotional needs, and the other partner dedicates themselves to fulfilling those needs. A lot of the time, addiction and codependency are experienced simultaneously, and it can make it that much more difficult to recover.  What Is Codependency and Addiction? It is common for those struggling with addictions to become codependent with certain relationships. Depending on the situation, many people tend to lean on one another that much more closely during vulnerable moments. Codependency and addiction c ..read more
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Finding an Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Near Me
Valley Recovery Center Blog
by vrcaguadulce
9M ago
The first step to recovery is to admit that you have a substance abuse problem and to accept help. A lot of the time when you are the person with the addiction, it can be hard to see things clearly. Therefore, it can be difficult to evaluate or diagnose yourself properly. Rehab centers stress the importance of undergoing a drug and alcohol evaluation at the start of treatment as a means of diagnosing patients accurately and offering the right help. Signs and Symptoms of Addiction Addiction is a disease categorized by the compulsive overconsumption of a harmful substance despite knowing the ne ..read more
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