Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth
Havasu Dentistry Blog
2w ago
Achieve a whiter smile, even with sensitive teeth. Havasu Dentistry offers professional in-office teeth whitening and tailored dental care ..read more
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Natural Remedies for Healthy Gums
Havasu Dentistry Blog
2M ago
Discover natural remedies for healthy gums with Havasu Dentistry. A balanced diet, green tea, and oil pulling can support oral health.‍ So do not hesitate to schedule your appointment now ..read more
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Healthy Foods for a Bright Smile on Easter
Havasu Dentistry Blog
2M ago
Enjoy a bright smile this Easter! Learn how crunchy fruits, dairy, and dark chocolate can promote oral health ..read more
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The Connection Between Oral Health and Heart Disease
Havasu Dentistry Blog
4M ago
Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for overall well-being. Neglecting it can increase the risk of gum disease, leading to heart disease ..read more
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The Connection Between Oral Health and Diabetes
Havasu Dentistry Blog
9M ago
Diabetes can increase the risk of oral health problems, including gum disease, tooth decay, and infections. At Havasu Dentistry, we provide tips on maintaining good oral health with diabetes, including controlling your blood sugar levels, brushing and flossing regularly, visiting your dentist regularly, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding smoking and tobacco use ..read more
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What Causes Dental Phobia?
Havasu Dentistry Blog
9M ago
Do you tend to feel anxious or fearful whenever you have to go to the dental office? This is actually incredibly common. Studies find that more than 50% of Americans suffer from at least some level of dental anxiety or fear. For some, dental phobia is a serious issue that leaves people terrified, even if they know that their fears aren’t rational. Fortunately, with modern dental technology, there is a solution for those who are dealing with this issue. Continue reading to learn more about the cause of dental phobia in Lake Havasu City and what you can do to combat it ..read more
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4 Benefits of Laser Gum Recontouring
Havasu Dentistry Blog
9M ago
Teeth whitening treatments can lift stubborn stains, dental bonding can conceal small chips, and metal-free restorations can restore the look and function of damaged teeth, but what if you are struggling with a “gummy” smile? That’s where laser gum recontouring comes in! This state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry solution can provide you with a beautiful, balanced smile, and the perks don’t stop there! Keep reading to learn four additional benefits of laser gum recontouring ..read more
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8 of the Strangest Dental Emergencies Ever Heard of
Havasu Dentistry Blog
9M ago
When it comes to your dental health, sudden changes typically aren’t welcomed. That’s because they usually represent a dental emergency in Havasu. While a toothache or chipped tooth may seem like the end of the world at the moment it happens, things could be far worse. As you continue reading, learn about 8 strange dental emergencies you’ll be glad you’ve never experienced ..read more
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Think You Have a Cavity Between Your Teeth? Here’s How to Know for Sure!
Havasu Dentistry Blog
9M ago
Did you know that over 90% of the American population has had at least one cavity? Tooth decay usually occurs when you’ve neglected your brushing and flossing routine. When a cavity develops on the outside of your tooth, it’s often easy to tell. But, sometimes cavities can be rather sneaky and develop between the teeth, making them almost impossible to spot on your own. So how can you tell if you’re experiencing decay in between two teeth? Read to learn the answer as well as some pro tips for prevention ..read more
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5 Ways to Stop Grinding Your Teeth
Havasu Dentistry Blog
9M ago
When you wake up, do you have soreness and pain around your facial muscles? Do your teeth hurt after a night’s sleep? If the answer to these questions is a yes, you may be grinding your teeth in sleep. But no need to worry; you are not alone. According to the Sleep Foundation, teeth grinding or bruxism affects up to 50% of children and around 15% of adolescents in the US alone. If left untreated, bruxism can seriously affect one’s oral and physical health. But the good news is that bruxism is treatable. In this article, Dr. Kurtz from Havasu Dentistry offers five tips that can help you st ..read more
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